Terminus and subliminal use

Is there a major title containing Raikov?

The Revelation of Mind (ROM) has RAIKOV. It is in the objectives on its sales page.

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RoM and Index Gate

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I had a question about running a custom. If you run it every 7 days for 21 days does that mean you have to still do a 5 day washout or would it not matter since you are taking 7 days off? I usually take a washout period of 1 week - 2 weeks per subliminal run just to ensure I’m integrating everything

Also I was wondering, I know there’s the option of microloops of 30 seconds - 3 mins, has anyone tried breaking the micro loops through out the day instead of listening 15 mins straight, you break it down, so you listen to the first 30 seconds then take a 30 min break then go from 31 second mark - 1 min after the 30 min break then take another 30 min break and so forth, would that count as over exposure if you’re not listening from the beginning but from where you left off until you get to the 15 min mark then you stop.

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I asked if I can continue my loop if I get interrupted. The answer was only if it was for less than 15 minutes or it would count as a new loop.
I had continued in the meantime. Next day felt like overexposure.

that’s a question worth to ask from Support Team. If you do so, please, leave the answer in this thread.

Thanks, you saved me a lot of headache.

I had another question that I was hoping to get some insights about from the community. I know that recon can show itself in different forms. I read some where in the forum where someone said that in order for things to get better they must get worse, and I understand that because any change is unpleasant. My only issue is that I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting weird reactions from people when I’m running any seduction sub, its like they are intimidated by me or avoiding me, or so it seems. I know that this can also be recon in trying to trick my brain to stop the sub. Has anyone experienced this with the sub: strangers acting weird around them?

its clearly a shift. Keep running what you are running.
Some people have that experience.
Hell youll even have days where people call you ugly.

I mean… are you going to let that get to you?
You know its doing SOMETHING and what was promised to you in the long run. Trust the process and dont overthink it.

If there is something that you need to change, you will find out with time through these subs.


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I’m glad I’m not the only one to experience that, it gives me more confidence to push forward. I’m actually done with my custom, I’m on my break. I was thinking of either running it again for the fourth time after 2 weeks washout or get dragon reborn to deal with all the limits I’ve unconsciously adopted and just run that for 3 months.

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I had a question for saint, fire, or anyone really, so I have a vision board as my wallpaper with all the things that I wanted to accomplish this year. Underneath each picture I have a question with big letters that say : "What steps am I taking right now to accomplish this (insert Goal i.e taking the steps to start a business with a picture that corresponds with business), Ive also done a variation of this where I write in second person, where I would put my name for ex, “John what steps are you taking to get your business running by 1/19/23” with a picture that relates to business next to the question, I was wondering if this is fine to do or will it conflict with sub use in anyway. I’ve found that every time I open my phone and procrastinate rather than doing my work, I’m reminded with my vision board or vision wallpaper but at the same time if it hinders subliminal use I’ll remove it of course.


Your vision board will have no adverse effect on your sub results. If anything, it will help guide you subconscious to manifest exactly what you want ie what you put on the vision board. Vision boards are nothing more than a form of visualization. I personally don’t use them but I use affirmations, regular visualization, scripting and journaling. You can use whatever tools you feel can keep you focused on your intention.

Just stay away from things like binaural beats and brainwave entrainment which have a direct effect on your brain and we don’t know yet if that can interfere with Sub Club products.


Thanks, I only started using vision boards recently because I struggle with visualization so I ignore it all together. So most recently I decided to go with the vision board as a way to remind me of my goals and actions to take. I even thought about making a vision board on the customs I’m running, I haven’t done it though in fear of getting reconciliation and negative results. I was thinking about for example, copying the pictures of each module I have on my custom, like for dragon core I would use the dragon core picture on my vision board. For the ardent light module I would use the ardent light picture on there and so on and so on, then underneath each module I’d right “what actions/steps am I taking towards achieving this (insert module)” or “What action did I take today in relation to this (insert module)”. Again just an idea that came to mind but didn’t try it. I would need to get an okay on this from saint just to be on the safe side. I figure it would help in taking action more so because you’re constantly reminded everyday to take action.

You might consider changing the question to position of already having achieved the result, of having your vision already realized.
Like: “What steps did I take to accomplish this goal?”
It changes the way you think about it.

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great suggestion. I personally would say “What made me this successful? what did I do to have all this wealth? How did I get here where I am today? (assuming I have it all now and this is just some interview)

I used to think the same until I researched the science behind setting and achieving goals, more specifically by Andrew huberman, he’s a well known neuroscientist, I wish I could post the link on here but it won’t let new users post any links yet. But basically he said, according to studies and research, that visualizing a positive outcome of you already achieving is only good to get you started but not good in the long run, to keep you on your goals. He said that they found it more effective to visualize how bad you will feel if you fail instead. If you search up the science of setting and achieving goals Andrew huberman on YouTube, you’ll see the video. It’s kinda long but it definitely opened my eyes. I would also recommend reading

[Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation]

by Gabriele Oettingen, Karen Saltus, et al.

another researcher/scientist who says the same thing.

plus a lot more studies and articles when you look up the benefits of visualizing a negative outcome for success or visualizing obstacles that may come up and how to plan for them. I always say, why work against your brain when you can work with it.

I call BS on that theory. It is widely known that the subconscious speaks the language of feelings and emotions. Basically, if you want to achieve something, start living in the feeling that you’ve achieved it already. Of course, you need to take appropriate action in the real world but the feeling is what tell your subconscious what you’re looking for. That’s the reason why Neville Goddard said “The Feeling Is The Secret”.

Start visualizing what you don’t want and you’re setting yourself up to manifest just that.


And that’s also the reason why “Feeling is the secret” became an aphorism.

It’s this ancient knowledge.
Jesus said “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” What is basically the same.
And I would bet, that there are similar quotes in other religions texts as well.
Feel it, believe it, know it.

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Imagining situations allows us to train ourselves and to help us predict and react well to situations. Submodel Alpha allows us to do this process rapidly, millions of times in our subconscious – a similar process to how AI is trained, on a much more profound, enormous scale. Using Submodel Alpha, you will be able to be prepared for any situation that you might go through and react in the best possible way - submodel alpha

wouldn’t the submodes alpha do just that if you’re imagining situations to allow to train ourselves and help us predict and react well to situations. I would think this includes all situations, good and bad, isn’t visualizing essentially the same thing? Genuinely curious cause I actually have this in my last task. I ask questions to learn more, I’m here as a learner with an open and skeptic mind of course.

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There is a massive amount of information over the last hundred years or more in psychology, metaphysics and religion that explain why and how imagination creates reality. Quantum physics is the latest scientific field to offer an explanation of how imagination creates reality. If Andrew Huberman wants to stand alone against what has been proven over and over again in multiple scientific fields, good luck to him.
Just don’t play with fire! If you want something, imagine that. If you start imagining situations where your goals fail, you’re just creating the potential conditions for your projects to fail. Pretty much all the religious books and sacred texts says that.

Mind’s Eye is a sub that train your visualization skills , there is a reason why Saint made sure to script it in a way that it won’t help you manifest negative visualizations.