Terminus and subliminal use

I’m new to this forum, first day today but I’ve been using subliminal club for a year now. I started with primal and limitless and then I made a custom which I used for a little bit, basically I haven’t been able to stay consistent with my sub use, I use it based on the instructions listed but I noticed I’m quick to switch between subs. I usually go back to the subs I ran, so eventhough I don’t use it 60 days in a row, I go back to the same subs to run them again at least 3 times. I wish I made an account on this forum long time ago because it would’ve saved me so much time because the headache I had to go through not realizing that the urge to switch or getting hit with recon was a normal process and not something that was out of the ordinary. But the one thing I noticed that continues to confuse me and maybe its just me, but I don’t why I’ve noticed that when on my custom write now with terminus, which has stop porn and msaturbation, for so some reason I still end up masturbating and watching porn. I have to add though that I have sex manifestation, dare devil core and gorgeous manifestor, so I’m guessing that could be the thing causing me to have strong sexual urge. Has anyone else experience this, running a sub that’s suppose to manifest sexual encounters but instead just makes you really really horny and have an urge to release that energy looking at naked women and masturbating instead of going out and meeting actual women?

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Welcome to the forum!

Personally I think it is because you are not having sex which is why the strong urges you have due to those romance modules that push you towards releasing in any way possible and hence the release through porn and masturbation.

There might also be a non-focus on being productive in your day to day life. Am only guessing here so I could be wrong. But I would advice you to focus your sexual energy in doing something productive like school, work or business. If your mind isn’t busy, it will be unfocused and hence have lots of time to entertain sexual thought.

Such thoughts aren’t a bad thing. It shows you have a healthy dose of testosterone but you have to learn how to channel it.

I think you should run something like Khan Black to master it. It is helping me a lot and loads of people have said the same thing.

If purchasing another title isn’t possible, I would urge you to continue running the titles you already have (Primal and Limitless) for a longer duration. And only run your Terminus custom if you are ready to go out and date.

And when running the Terminus custom, don’t run it too often. Maybe one loop every 3 to 7 days.

You can also try running it for a shorter time duration. Like starting with 3 minutes of the Terminus custom instead of the full 15 minutes. And slowly increasing the time duration depending on how much reconciliation you are getting or not getting.


Thanks I’ll definitely keep that in mind. I only started using micro loops only recently after opening up a support ticket. Everytime I’ve run the terminus custom I have( 3rd time non consecutively) I’ve been hit with hard recon. Well at least recently when instead of going for 3 mins I decided to do the full 15 mins out of impatience that I wasn’t getting enough results. Lo and behold the next day got hit with hard recon that made me regress back to my old patterns of watching porn and masturbating which is very frustrating to say the least. I get hit with all kinds of recon when running Terminus that appear in so many different forms here’s a short list of them:

  1. feeling like the subs aren’t working and that I must do something else to enhance the results
  2. anxiety
  3. feeling urges to fuck but not willing myself to go out and take the opportunities that come my way
  4. being lazy and not feeling like doing much
  5. not taking action
  6. judgemental thoughts popping up in my head
  7. feeling like everyone is running away from me whether physically or withdrawing from my life (happens every time I run any sub regarding attraction)
  8. self sabotaging
  9. feeling like my brother is running an ultrasonic subliminal when he’s around me from a different company and therefore harming my progress( This only happens when I’m running a sub, when I’m not the thought never comes to mind and when it does, I just shrug it off and that’s it)
  10. And much more…

Though I will say the good thing about terminus is that even when I’m feeling like shit to the core and I feel like shit fr, I still have women who I noticed looking at me in a certain way, standing very close to me, one female coworker I know always initiates physical contact, so the results are undeniable but man the recon is also undeniable man.

I know that action is the best remedy but I was wondering If using vr, like watching an immersive video of a public place or on a date or something would trick the brain. I’ve read countless of studies on how vr has helped many learn skills, overcome fears and anxieties because of its immersive ability to trick the brain to believing what it is experiencing because sometimes because of my job I’m not able to go out like that, but would be interested what others think of this, I’ll link the article where I read the study.

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  1. it’s not magic - you choose whether or not to watch porn and masturbate, and you have this freedom whether you have that module or not.

  2. terminus is hardcore. You’re probably getting recon which is pushing you towards non-action-type activities which is essentially recon


A resolution of a complex issue such as that is not going to appear within 3 listening times, especially if you aren’t taking action yet, and doubly so when there is overload (Terminus + 15 minutes).

Take it slow, don’t overload, start taking action.


I forgot to mention in the prior post that I was reusing the same modules: sex manifestation, gorgeous manifestation, index gate and daredevil core in 2 of my other customs, so basically I have probably accumulated 90+ days of using those same modules but, nonetheless I’ll definitely take action. I have no other choice. I guess I overthink things too much when it comes to taking action.

I read a book called Alter Ego by Todd Herman on how you can create an alter ego like Beyonce, the late great Kobe Bryant (RIP) and many more, to overcome life strong challenges in ways that there “regular self” would not be able to manage. Would utilizing an alter ego be effective in conjunction with using subliminal club when hit with strong recon?

There is a module called RAIKOV that helps in “learning, modeling and using the positive qualities, knowledge and skills of people who are at the top of the game”. Do you have that in your custom?

Regardless, I wouldn’t recommend adopting a whole alter ego since that could mean changing who you are. But you could adopt some skills from those who are experts in their fields.

For example, reading about Casanova and how he seduced women.

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I don’t have RAIKOV in my custom, I didn’t even know it existed till now but will definitely check it out. I created my last custom a while back an I don’t think I saw that in the store but, I’ll definitely add it to my next one for sure. Maybe next month or two months from now.

So the amazing part about it is you don’t have to change who you are at all. I thought that at first but it’s more like having a secret weapon you can call on in times where it’s necessary. In fact, in the book, it says your alter ego is meant for your field of play, that can be on the court, on the field, in meetings, interviews, wherever you need an extra push. So basically modeling after the people you look up to, so like a Casanova you would study him kind of like how actors study their subjects, adopt their mannerisms, how they approach certain situations like talking with women. So instead of talking with women like how you would, instead you talk to women how Casanova would. I know that’s a long winded explanation and I’m doing the book a disservice because I’m missing a lot of important information. I would highly recommend reading the book or at least the book summary. I’m not affiliated with the author or the book, but its an amazing book for sure.


Is there a major title containing Raikov?

The Revelation of Mind (ROM) has RAIKOV. It is in the objectives on its sales page.

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RoM and Index Gate

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I had a question about running a custom. If you run it every 7 days for 21 days does that mean you have to still do a 5 day washout or would it not matter since you are taking 7 days off? I usually take a washout period of 1 week - 2 weeks per subliminal run just to ensure I’m integrating everything

Also I was wondering, I know there’s the option of microloops of 30 seconds - 3 mins, has anyone tried breaking the micro loops through out the day instead of listening 15 mins straight, you break it down, so you listen to the first 30 seconds then take a 30 min break then go from 31 second mark - 1 min after the 30 min break then take another 30 min break and so forth, would that count as over exposure if you’re not listening from the beginning but from where you left off until you get to the 15 min mark then you stop.

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I asked if I can continue my loop if I get interrupted. The answer was only if it was for less than 15 minutes or it would count as a new loop.
I had continued in the meantime. Next day felt like overexposure.

that’s a question worth to ask from Support Team. If you do so, please, leave the answer in this thread.

Thanks, you saved me a lot of headache.

I had another question that I was hoping to get some insights about from the community. I know that recon can show itself in different forms. I read some where in the forum where someone said that in order for things to get better they must get worse, and I understand that because any change is unpleasant. My only issue is that I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting weird reactions from people when I’m running any seduction sub, its like they are intimidated by me or avoiding me, or so it seems. I know that this can also be recon in trying to trick my brain to stop the sub. Has anyone experienced this with the sub: strangers acting weird around them?

its clearly a shift. Keep running what you are running.
Some people have that experience.
Hell youll even have days where people call you ugly.

I mean… are you going to let that get to you?
You know its doing SOMETHING and what was promised to you in the long run. Trust the process and dont overthink it.

If there is something that you need to change, you will find out with time through these subs.


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I’m glad I’m not the only one to experience that, it gives me more confidence to push forward. I’m actually done with my custom, I’m on my break. I was thinking of either running it again for the fourth time after 2 weeks washout or get dragon reborn to deal with all the limits I’ve unconsciously adopted and just run that for 3 months.

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I had a question for saint, fire, or anyone really, so I have a vision board as my wallpaper with all the things that I wanted to accomplish this year. Underneath each picture I have a question with big letters that say : "What steps am I taking right now to accomplish this (insert Goal i.e taking the steps to start a business with a picture that corresponds with business), Ive also done a variation of this where I write in second person, where I would put my name for ex, “John what steps are you taking to get your business running by 1/19/23” with a picture that relates to business next to the question, I was wondering if this is fine to do or will it conflict with sub use in anyway. I’ve found that every time I open my phone and procrastinate rather than doing my work, I’m reminded with my vision board or vision wallpaper but at the same time if it hinders subliminal use I’ll remove it of course.