Support Ticket Questions & Answers

Very helpful post @Luther24 :pray: Been following your Emperor jouney on the forum and the changes you have made, just the way you conduct yourself even through words, is just amazing, inspiring stuff :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s true also. There’s a legit need for information when building a solid plan. Two poles of one situation.

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This is the custom I am planning. It is probably the most dense I have run yet though I did Khan/Stark/PCC + 2 others simultaneously with success. If it doesn’t work, I will just rebuild it.

  1. Emperor
  2. Primal
  3. Wanted
  4. Sage Immortal
  5. Dragon Tongue
  6. Chosen of Venus
  7. True Social Ultima Core
  8. Transcendental Connection
  9. Organization Perfected
  10. A/SPS: Eyesight
  11. Science Adept
  12. Limit Destroyer
  13. Machine: Action
  14. Wayfinder
  15. The Lines
  16. Alpha of Alpha
  17. Fusion Optimized
  18. Furious Ascent
  19. Faith Unyielding
  20. Omnidimensional

Though, I am wondering, would this really be any less dense when I would instead transfer the Wanted Core into four modules like here?

Alternative version:

  1. Emperor
  2. Primal
  3. Sage Immortal
  4. Dragon Tongue
  5. Seducer‘s Gaze
  6. Chosen of Venus
  7. True Social Ultima Core
  8. Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
  9. Physicality Shifter – Sexiness
  10. Transcendental Connection
  11. Science Adept
  12. Limit Destroyer
  13. Machine: Action
  14. Wayfinder
  15. The Lines
  16. Temptation
  17. Alpha of Alpha
  18. Fusion Optimized
  19. Furious Ascent
  20. Omnidimensional


I would like to create an Ultima Custom like this

  1. Mogul Core

  2. R.I.C.H Ultima Core

  3. Financial Success Reality Shifter

  4. Positive Being Attractor – Wealth

  5. The Way of ROI

  6. Wealth Limit Destroyer

Would this also be okay to listen to as a Booster?


Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, Your build looks fine. We recommend a max of 3 cores in your build, so you’re good. Here is a link with more information at and yes you can also use it as a booster. Here is a link with more information on using boosters.



Would using Auric Overdriver in a Q Custom Subliminal improve the auras in another Q Custom Subliminal? For example, I wish to use Auric Overdriver in a Spirituality-focused Custom that has no Aura modules but wish to use it to enhance my Virtue Series: Hope aura in another Custom.


Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes! The Auric Overdriver will enhance any auric modules and components of a subliminal. You should have great success with it combined with Virtue Series: Hope.



I’m having trouble differentiating between these three modules. Would it be possible to have a comparison between these three so it’s easier to understand the differences?

  1. Energetic Development XI

  2. The Architect

  3. Metamorphosis


Thanks for reaching out to us. I see where it can be a bit confusing. The simplest way to put it is, Energetic Development is based on an overall energy, like spiritual and psychological. The Architect is based on the overall energy of the body and Metamorphosis the mind.



How would the module Love Without Attachment help me if I am in a long-term relationship with someone and would it be suitable for a monogamous relationship?


Thanks for reaching out to us. Love without attachment is fine if you’re in a monogamous relationship. It helps by allowing the listener to love without fear. Sometimes we can become so depressed or down if our partners are not responding the way we expect, or if we break up, sometimes it’s hard to move on. Love without attachment allows the listener to not feel let down if things aren’t working out as planned and will keep the listener focused their self, mental and emotional health goals.


**My question : "
ive been running QL Stage 1 for about 1 month and 20 days right now,

ive noticed little results in that time. Not the results i was aiming for, Like fixing my memory issues and some help on my nervous system and other stuff, like with helping with my focus and help me being present more

nothing of that i noticed so much

My question here :thinking:
Should i go for another month of this Stage after i finish 2 months of it, so it would be 3 months of this stage in total ? since results wasn’t so clear or lets say not what i wanted to manifest, or didnt manifest yet ? cuz maybe Qv2 Takes more time to manifest maybe ?

if anyone tried QLST1 did you see results after 2 months?
also what do you think of going for 3 months for this stage :thinking:

also i would have to mention my Stack
its: Limit Destroyer Ultima + Emperor + QLST1 im using the the 1:1 Routine

Answer from support:

Thanks for reaching out to us. Small gains from stage 1 is completely normal. With stage 1 you are basically creating a foundation preparing yourself for stage 2. After about one month of listening you’re ready for stage 2. Your current stack looks great. Move on to stage 2, and after a month move on to stage 3, then 4. After you complete all of the stages you should notice the changes you’re looking for. Also I notice you mentioned you’re interested in improving your memory and nervous system. If I may recommend some modules, check out APS: Head and/or SPS: Nervous System and let us know what you think.

Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out again if you have any other questions.




The other day I reached out to support to find out what the best modules and cores would be for someone wanting to run for political office.

Question: If someone was going to run for political office what cores and modules would you recommend for a custom?

I’m assuming Emperor: House of Medici and Power Can Corrupt would be a good choice for the cores. Please let me know what you guys think would work best.


Thanks for reaching out to us. For someone interested in running for political office, Yes Emperor: House of Medici and PCC a great choices for cores. I would even include modules such as: Lifeblood Fable, Leader of Men, Natural Winner, and Informaticon.

These are just some of the modules I would include in a custom subliminal for political growth. Focus on titles that improve your social, status and productivity skills, that should help boost you along the way of your next adventure.


i might include these too or atleast consider them torchbearer, code of loyalty, call of honor, transcendental connection

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Those are all good choices, especially Torchbearer. I was thinking about doing Gloryseeker for the fame aspect.


Stark might also work well to do that whole political aspect bc it has inner circle and some PCC scripting
Plus it also has the fame scripting in it as well

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Here is what I have so far. I’ll keep PPC and IC, but could go either way for the first core.

Political Custom
  1. Emperor: House of Medici Q Core or StarkQ Core
  2. Power Can Corrupt Q Core
  3. Inner Circle Q Core
  4. Mastermind
  5. Leader of Men
  6. Lifeblood Fable
  7. Informaticon
  8. Transcendental Connection
  9. Emperor’s Voice
  10. Dragon Tongue
  11. Torchbearer
  12. Lion IV
  13. Manipulus
  14. Gloryseeker
  15. Dynasty
  16. Natural Winner
  17. Carpe Diem Ascended
  18. Tyrant
  19. Productivity Unleashed
  20. DEUS

I added in Torchbearer. That was a good call.


Why not Stark, PCC, and HoM… leave IC out lol
Other stuff looks good on first look

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Do you think that Stark and HoM would be too dense? That would be my main concern with having both of them in there.

I would think about adding sacred words in there. If you’re going to be writing for yourself.

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I keep going back and forth between True Sell and Sacred Words.

It’s a tough choice. I would go true sell. Most political people have other people write for them

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Deus vs Omnidimensional

I asked Customer service the following:

Can you explain the differences between these two modules?

How would they affect subs that have a physical shifting focus Vs subs that work on skills? Can you illustrate by example?

Also, what would these modules do combined Vs separate?


Thank you for posting this!

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