Support Ticket Questions & Answers

Nice reference!

That’s back when Stellan Skarsgard looked like this:


and not like this:



Haha! I remember thinking “they did the professor dirty” when I saw him in the Dune trailer.

Regarding the character he played in Good Will Hunting, when I was younger, I thought he was an arrogant a$$. But when I watched it again as I grew older, I think he was actually genuine in his feelings to improve Will’s life. He played his part to help.


what?they are the same person ? :joy:


Lol yes!


So to sum it up:
Microloop: 30 seconds - 3 minutes

If microloops are recommended, they speak of 30+ seconds.

BUT If more advanced user want to experiemtn with shorter loops, they should also call them microloops.

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@Sungaze This is the answer I got.

Stack rotation with only two subs


Same recommendation as with three subs. 7 days for washout after 5 restdays. So 12 days processing time between the old and the new sub.

When I’m only running two subs, can I drop one at the end of the cycle and add a new one after the 5 rest days? Or would it be recommended to add another 7 days between the old and the new sub? I’m asking because if i’d run only 2 titles, I could add a third one at any time (of course following ZP instructions for 3 titles) and drop one as easily.

Thanks for reaching out to us. When running only two subs and considering dropping one at the end of the cycle to add a new one after the 5 rest days, it is generally recommended to add another 7 days between the old and the new sub. This allows for a smoother transition and gives your mind time to process and adjust to the new subliminal.

By adding an additional 7 days between the subs, you give yourself a buffer period to let any residual effects from the previous subliminal fade away. This can help prevent any potential conflicts or interference between the old and new, ensuring that you can fully benefit from the new subliminal without any lingering effects from the previous one.

Taking this extra time also aligns with the concept of the bloom effect, where your mind needs time to process and integrate the changes brought about. It allows for a more gradual and effective transition, maximizing the potential benefits of the new subliminal.

However, it’s important to note that this recommendation is based on observations and experiences from our community. Each individual may have different preferences and responses. Ultimately, it’s up to your discretion to decide what works best for you and your journey.


just finished my second cycle of KB st4…I went through the previous stage one by one….I could easily differentiate the effects between KB1/2/3 or something else from my stack….but KBst4 is bit different…I can not clearly tell what is there…I know KBst4 includes all previous stages,I assume it has something more …?what will those features be ?besides the effects that listing in the copy‘s objective list ,what else could I expect from the st4 …the objectives that not listing but…most likely will be experienced ? thanks in advance.


Thanks for reaching out to us. KBst4 offers a range of additional features and benefits designed to enhance your personal growth, social influence, and overall success. Here are some of the additional features you can expect:

Complete Independence and Self-Reliance: KBst4 helps you develop true independence, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance. It empowers you to handle any situation that comes your way with confidence and resilience.

Social and Professional Connections: KBst4 focuses on expanding your network and creating powerful strategic connections. It helps you build strong relationships and opportunities in both your personal and professional life.

Lifestyle of Success and Abundance: As you progress through KBst4, your relationships, habits, and environment will begin to reflect a lifestyle of profound success, status, dominion, abundance, and ambition. This alignment ensures that your external circumstances support your vision of success.

**Romantic Abundance:**KBst4 also brings about true romantic abundance such as a deeper impact on women and attraction on a profound level.

Remember, the effects and experiences can vary from person to person, as each individual’s journey is unique. I hope I was able to provide some helpful insights today. Thanks again for contacting us and please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any other questions. We’re always happy to help!



So basically, 5 days is suggested only when keeping the same titles?
Also, in my cas (Kb1+Sanguine to Kb2+LB) is considered a one title change (cause KB is the same even if I’m changing stage) or not? :thinking:

Not. IIRC, you don’t need a washout of 7 days between titles, but if you change stage, then no rotation.
I guess it was mentioned in the multistager support page.

It’s to avoid overload by to much new subliminal input. And I don’t think our brains differentiate between

  1. “O, this is 30 pages of brand-new information I’ve never heard of before” and
  2. “O, this is 30 pages of brand-new information I’ve never heard of before, but it seems related to the stuff I’ve heard the last two months, so it’s not as bad”.

Edit: amendment
From the official Support Hub

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I’m not rotating, I’m going to use Kb2+LB (after kb1 for 4 cycles and sanguine for 2) for at least 2-3 cycles. Then kb3 + (who knows :sweat_smile:)
I don’t think this is rotating… is it?

Rotation is the correct form of switching titles.
Everything else is not recommended.
Dropping one title, 12 days of rest, new title.
Doesn’t matter if you run 2 or 3 titles.

Only rotate one title per cycle.

Multistagers don’t require 7 additional days of washout, but still count as rotation. So drop stage X, 5 days of rest, add stage X+1.

So in your case, the recommendation would be keep KB1 or LB for another cycle, change one with the beginning of the next cycle, and the second one one cycle later.

But that’s “just” recommendation.

Finally it’s up to you. You could also just drop Sanguine at the end of the cycle, begin the next cycle with KB2 and after 10ish days add in LB.
That way you have time to adopt to the new stage and let Sanguine bloom before you add LB to the mix.

Just keep in mind, anything strayfrom recommendations is experimental.


i would disagree with 2. The point of the 12 day rotation is to have a maximum of 3 subs processing in the background. if you only have 2 processing and want to switch 1 title out, you don’t have to adhere to the 12 day rule, since you only have 2 subs processing + 1 new sub.

further discussion on the topic is here:

I can only tell you what support answered.

And they said: it doesn’t matter if you run 2 or 3 subs. Rotating one title means 12 days with one less sub than you add the new sub.

For me, authority ranking is

  1. Saint and Fire
  2. Support
  3. Moderator and Embassadors
  4. Other experienced users in their field of expertise
  5. The forum in General.

Neither Fire nor Saint did say anything about this particular question in this thread, so the answer from support is the official guideline.

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interesting, so it has changed then. i’ll follow the new one.

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They described New Khan stage 4 not Khan Black. This is what you can find on New Khan sales page description of stage 4.

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really?I got this straight from the support team @SaintSovereign @Fire …this information is correct or incorrect ? :upside_down_face:

going through that response…a lot of things do make sense to me…if Khan black st4 has all those features ,I wouldn’t be surprised…khan and khan black share a lot of commons…at least in the realm of sexuality…with the extra pump in that area…someone could potentially achieve all those objectives seems really reasonable to me…anyway…I guess only the producers could verify it …. :upside_down_face:

Definitely Khan st4


@AnswerGroup @Fire @SaintSovereign

Could you clear this up? Is this true for KB4 aswell, or did support mix it up with Khan4?

Don’t want to pressure you. We know you have a lot to do.


Khan Black can cause similar effects to Khan, but not due to direct scripting like in Khan classic.

A consequence of the development of the sexual energy like in Khan Black are those same effects. How can it not?

If you’d like those effects specifically however, it’s best to go for Khan. If you want development of the sexual energy, then Khan Black.