Support Ticket Questions & Answers

New questions I had for support just got answered. I believe asked these over the weekend and just got the response so support is doing great!


  • Rebirth, I’m currently using this program but want to suggest it to a friend. I’m just wondering if they could use this without anything else in a stack and if it would be just as healing alone. I see this recommended on the forums but mostly to be used in a stack.

  • Would it be okay for my friend to buy without having to use a stack and would they achieve the same results that way? They’re going through a difficult time both personally and financially so I don’t want to suggest a stack to them, but this sub is great (however I don’t know whether that’s because I’m just using a stack with it).


  • Yes, it’s fine on it’s own. He will notice results and will probably even come back to purchase more for his goals ! :wink: We appreciate your recommendations and wish him the best of luck!

QUESTION: - I thought this would be helpful for people to see

  • In regards to my stack, is it too heavy?

I currently use two customs: Heartsong, WANTED & Khan + 17 modules & Stark, Renaissance Man, Power Can Corrupt + 17 Modules & Alchemist Stage 1 & Rebirth/R.I.C.H (I alternate the Ultimas by week to have a mini wash out)


  • Your stack looks great to me! Not too heavy.

QUESTION: (Saint just answered this in the Certified List of Headsets Thread)

  • The list of certified headsets came out yesterday. I’m currently using my AirPod Pros which were on the list. It speaks about Transparency Mode for safety in regards to being able to hear around you, but would I be able to use Noise Cancelling with ALL subs such as my custom/mains and Ultimas? I was under the impression that for Ultimas you have to use the transparency mode for the full effects.


  • Yes, You can listen using both modes, it’s just a matter of preference.


  • I’m currently using Alchemist Stage 1, would Alchemist be a better choice overall for manifestation/visualisation and everything else included over Minds Eye? I think I have a bit of recon as I want to use Sage Immortal/Minds Eye for manifestation/visualisation purposes (I’ll eventually make a custom of the three for that when I’ve finished Alchemist) but is Alchemist the better choice over the two for those purposes? I want to be a master manifestor which is my goal and something I’m currently working on.


  • Well, Alchemist is a great choice, but it’s a 4 stage product. So I feel it works better, just overtime. You will notice results the first stage, and it gets better and better as you move along to the final stage. This process can take up to 4 months of listening. Minds Eye is also a great title, it’s targeted to a specific goal and can manifest quicker results. It’s all a matter of preference. Think of it this way, let’s compare Alchemist to a 4 year college degree and Minds Eye to a quick trade certificate. So again, It’s all a matter of your personal goals. If your goal is to master something, I would stick with a 4 stage title.


  • I’m looking at using Ultimas I can use every now and then such as Dreams, as I’m trying to learn to Lucid Dream, APX, etc. Can I use these every now and then including my booster or do I need to take my booster out and replace them with these when I use them?


  • You can use them every now and then and include your booster. If you feel it’s too strong you can always replace them when you want.


  • This sounds stupid but I’m assuming my stack is very energy intensive (I’m looking at you WANTED and Khan), do I just need to eat more? Would this have an affect on weight gain? (I already hit the gym, and do cardio via dance and don’t want to gain weight again). Is there any data on this? Is there anything I can do in regards to energy levels besides eating healthier/more?


  • Yes, eating helps. You’re feeding your body the energy it needs to process the subs. It’s important to eat, however, if you’re trying to keep an eye on weight, be sure to keep an eye on what you eat also. Find a list of low calorie or lowfat snacks you can feed on throughout the day without packing on the extra weight. If you exercise regularly this really shouldn’t be to much of a concern. Oh, and remember to stay hydrated!

wow if thats not too heavy then i think rules have changed in some way,

the 4 core rule doesnt imply unless it is within one custom?

Technically I’m doing 3 mains and an ultima as a booster so I’m within the core rules.

Both my customs include 3 cores, not 4.

you said ur using wanted, and heartsong, stark, khan,Rm and pcc and alchemist and rebirth and rich

thats 9 cores

A custom, I believe, counts as one main as they’re linked together and easier to use than if I was using the singular title.

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The rules did NOT change. He’s running a lot of cores across two customs, which will slow down results, but if he wants to experiment with that, he can. If he tried to build this as one single custom, we would potentially reject the order.


Can you explain why the number of cores seems to be more important than the length of the scripting of cores?

Why is Khan St4, Emperor Fitness St4, Alchemist St4 in one custom still in the recommended area,

but a custom consisting of Ascension, Mogul, Limitless, Wanted, Inner Circle not (I think the cores are much lighter)?

Just curious because I would imagine there to be just a limit of scripting and you could mix and match how many cores you like just until that limit is reached.


so lets say if i have 7 cores spread out between 2 customs thats fine?

great to hear :smiley:

I don’t want to go pure wealth or pure alpha with subs
I need both

but the recommendation is to stack stuff that’s topically related/focused for best results.

my ultima booster every day could be R.I.C.H. for sure…but for majors, could I get away with:

  1. BILLionaire V3
  2. Wanted
  3. Primal Seduction

Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes that build looks great for your goals


Thanks for posting man!

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I submitted a support ticket but currently there is no login link to accounts on the main site

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Great thread, Brandon! Extremely useful.

I have to say that I am loving the support. No more theorizing and pulling our hairs, the answers are but few days away.

The topic in question is about some modules’ effect on writing novels and screenplays


here’s one of mine;


I have 2 questions regarding Sage Immortal;

1- does Sage Immortal have any scripting for healing? Is it considered a healing sub as well?


2- does Sage Immortal contain any type of scripting regarding aura perception and feeling? Like for example being able to perceive love, lust, anger, fear, joy, or anything else a person would be feeling just by looking at them?


Yes, Sage Immortal does have healing and yes you will notice aura perception and feeling also. Remember to focus on your goals and journal your progress for future study! Thank you for reaching out to us! Please feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions. Always happy to help! :blush:


@Phoermes - I guess social modules like Story Teller and Dragon Tongue does transfer into writing after all.

I did consider that to be intuitive but at the same time I was doubtful. Glad that you could confirm it.


I’m pretty exhausted – @Fire and I have been working nonstop since about 6a EST (anyone notice the new tweaks to the site design) and it’s midnight now, so excuse me if I’m a bit incoherent.

You seem to be obsessed with finding ways to skirt recommendations or run more than you’re ready to handle. It’s one thing to optimize your stack, it’s another to seek out “loopholes” in order to skirt recommendations… If you want to buy two customs with 7 cores across them as a beginner, go ahead – we won’t stop you. Remember, there’s no refunds on customs and you’ll probably regret doing that.

This is not a recommended custom for most people, and @Brandon didn’t specify whether he was using the ST4 cores (or maybe he did and I missed it). If his custom does include ALL ST4s, this is technically within the recommendations, but I personally wouldn’t use this due to the density of those scripts.

The recommendations we give are not “hard” rules per se because we can’t account for EVERY available combination. We’re hoping that people would engage in a bit of common sense and not put the ST4 of four multistages and then loudly proclaim that it’s “technically within the recommendations.” Yes, technically it is. But it’s NOT a good custom, and since there’s no refunds on customs, the only person who gets hurt in this situation is the user.

Remember, we define “density” as the breadth of the module’s focus + the difficulty of achieving the target goal. Something like Inner Circle, even if the script is longer, is less dense because with most people, achieving the target goal is much much easier. Plus, IC has a very narrow focus, so it doesn’t consume a lot of mental resources to process. Mind’s Eye is another good example of a title / core with light density. It has a surprisingly long script (at least the Qv2 version), but it doesn’t cause a lot of reconciliation and the target goal is pretty easy to achieve. Emperor HoM, however, is VERY broad and covers a lot of ground, so we consider that HIGH density. When building a custom with something like HoM, you DEFINITELY don’t want to go over 4 cores. In fact, I’d recommend sticking with 1-2, then filling it with modules geared toward achieving HoM’s goals.

In the example @friday mentioned, the inclusion of WANTED throws the balance off. Ascension, Mogul, Limitless and IC all go together quite well, but throwing WANTED in the mix will increase the density a lot, because now you’re spinning the custom off into a completely different direction. The sub will still work, but it’ll take MUCH longer. You’d do better to create a custom with Ascension, Mogul, Limitless and IC, with modules that support that, and possibly run Wanted by itself at a lesser frequency (like every other listening day, as opposed to every listening day).

This probably isn’t making too much sense, and I think @Fire and I need to create a guide to help everyone build better customs / stacks and understand what subliminal density is. That being said, even “kitchensink” customs can work, they just take longer to work, so don’t run out and throw away the expensive customs you’ve built (this is not permission to run and build ridiculous customs and complain about them). The concept of density is really for the “min/maxer” crowd and it’ll be an advanced guide.

I’m going to sleep, ya’ll, rofl. I’ll elaborate more on this when I don’t have to struggle to write a coherent sentence.


i was just curios, i have no intentions of screwing around, im asking to grasp more knowledge

honestly i think its stupid to find loopholes and ask questions in a certian way like lawyergames to find an excuse to rurn more or to skirt, thats not me im asking for my future customs just to know in the future and i could bookmark the answer, no intention into playing around.

What i meant is one custom having 3 cores or 2 cores

And the other custom having 4 cores

Not 7 cores in each custom, that will be mad

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Thanks for the great post.Gave me alot to think about for custom construction and confirmed a few things i was suspecting about perceived density


:smiley: Remember what day and time it was when you first read this sentence. :rofl:



I shall remember.

This time.




You guys are doing a great job, I saw it last night and I think it looks awesome. Great work guys.

My bad, the only ST4 core I’m using is Khan. However it’s getting dropped soon as I’m reorganising my customs.

This would be incredible. I personally find customs amazing to make however I also need to ensure they’re as focused as possible which is something I’m working on now so a future guide/reference point would be fantastic and think it would aid the community massively.

I think it was @SubliminalUser who suggested maybe a quiz type of thing to suggest which cores could go together with what modules. I know that would take a huge while, especially with modules constantly coming in however it’s still a great idea. (If it wasn’t SubliminalUser I apologise, but I believe it was…)

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