Summit | Mountains of Wealth (Custom R.I.C.H., Emperor, EOG)

Recon is a sly fox. My lack of focus, lack of motivation, and lack of energy during the day wasn’t solely due to my lack of sleep.

I know this because when I went to train for a couple hours this evening, those symptoms all but disappeared.

There’s something here my mind is trying to grasp about the significance of this realization, but I’m too damn tired.

To be continued…

Processing day #2 this week.

No signs of overload or recon so far this morning. Woke up refreshed and energetic around 6:30am.

Jumped straight into learning mode and read more about the nuances of developing an offer for a targeted audience. It primed my brain and got my wheels spinning with some ideas.

(Maybe early signs of the Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy module activating here.)

The actions I’ll take towards my wealth-related goals for the rest of this week are…

  • researching a niche that’s caught my interest recently
  • creating a new offer for a niche I currently do business with
  • reaching out to potential agency / freelance partners to handle fulfillment so I can focus on client acquisition

I decided to schedule my (harder) workouts on processing / rest days to hopefully mitigate any recon that might show up. We’ll see if it works out.

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Go slow now to go fast later

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Continuing from my last post about recon…

Today, the first half of the day was good. I spent time learning, working out, and creating the first draft of my tracking sheet. All things directly related to my goals.

Well, when it came down to taking concrete action towards my business goals like making strategic decisions and some calls (instead of only preparing and learning), somehow almost two hours went by where I got distracted by other things and information.

That’s when I noticed the growing pressure in my head. It wasn’t a headache as much as a feeling of heaviness. It got really uncomfortable before it finally commanded my full attention.

It dawned on me that it felt a lot like the pressure in my head yesterday before training. So I figured it might be recon again.

I tried the exercise in the support article regarding recon and asked myself what I was feeling.

My answer surprised and kind of scared me. But, the very act of putting it down on paper and following it up with answers to a few rounds of asking “why?” slowly but surely relieved some of the pressure in my head.

I came to the conclusion today that recon, for me, is tightly correlated to the quality of my actions (and whether or not I face the fears that come up).

So my working hypothesis is: if I don’t want to experience recon in the extreme, I need to take actions congruent with the goals I’ve set.

Case in point: when I taught class tonight, there were absolutely no signs of recon. No pressure, no lethargy, no ambivalence. I was energized and ready to go.

Will test it going forward and see if it holds up.


I suspect that EOG is causing most of your recon issues.

Nudges from Emperor and Rich tend to be more immediate / near-term pivots. Nothing needs to be forever, just has to seem like a useful idea right now.

Gold tends to be a lot more strategic / long-term. It challenges you to make decisions and create clarity about your wealth vision. A lot of those thoughts are ideas for the future, not always actionable.

That is why it is best to stack EOG when one has a business (or two) foundationally ready for big time growth. Until then, Emperor based stacks are better.


But still one can run EoG without owning any business as long as one is devoted to building their wealth:

I’ll be using EoG St1 to get rid of my blockages relate to money and then I’ll be running Mogul.

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I’m inclined to agree with you on this. More so because of how it made me feel to read.

My initial reaction to your statement was to get defensive and reply with something to the effect that “I do have a business,” and “I want the long-term, strategic growth.”

Instead, I stepped away, did some freewriting, and explored the idea you presented and looked at the business foundations I’m attempting to build upon. That process uncovered some fear, some limiting negative beliefs, and a fractured foundation.

It helped me get a little clearer with my wealth vision, and with how I can restructure the foundation of my existing business to accelerate its growth into something that won’t drain me to do. Shifting from daily operator wearing all the hats to owner, over the next couple months.

I suspect that The Commander core in my custom ultima, and my penchant for overthinking things, also plays a significant role with recon, especially when I avoid making the strategic decisions and implementing.

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I’ve felt this part of Ecstasy of Freedom doing its work already. The number of wealth generating ideas that are coming up has definitely increased. It’s the picking one idea and taking massive action on it that’s been the source of my struggle for the past couple years.

Fears and limited thinking and whatnot. Probably because there hasn’t been an idea that I’ve believed strongly enough in. :thinking:


It may be related to FOMO but not necessarily. Just pick one idea you deem best at the moment and follow it for some time, see how it goes. Remember there’s no failures, there are only tries and massive learning experiences ahead. Many people fail because they cannot decide upon any idea for a long time and then they just give up on themselves or waste a lot of time doing nothing towards any idea. EoG St1 should help you avoid those scenarios.

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[ Start of Week 5 ]

Start of third month of Emperor.
Start of third month of Inner Circle (inconsistent first month).
Start of second month of R.I.C.H. core (2nd week of Custom R.I.C.H. Ultima).
Finished 30 days of exposure to EOG St1. Starting EOG St2 exposure today for the next 30 days.

Sticking to 1:1 listening schedule with stack:

1x R.I.C.H. Commander Ultima
1x Emperor
1x Ecstasy of Life (EOG St2)
1x Inner Circle

This post is just to mark the start of the week / month of exposure. Will update on the good, bad, and the ugly of last week later.

I thought I was going to have a more in-depth update of the last five days, but I don’t.

It was recon city (with the exception of the last two days), and I think a lot of it had to do with the custom ultima I added at the beginning of last week.

There are a lot of modules in it that’re working on weak areas of my belief system:

  • breaking a hard wealth ceiling I haven’t been able to crack (Wealth Limit Destroyer)
  • boosting the belief that I win regardless of outcome; that my success is inevitable (Natural Winner)
  • and probably the most confrontational is the module to improve my decision making without the overthinking (The Commander core)

Overthinking has been part of my process for as long as I can remember. The idea, the need, to “get it right” comes from a deep place of insecurity and fear. And it comes through in different ways.

It’s not all bad though. Some strategies require deep thinking. It’s a sign of deeply caring. And it led me to some academic / business achievements that I’m proud of, BUT… It’s the learning to NOT do it for everything and when enough is enough that I’ve been missing. And as a result, I’ve moved too slowly to try / test things (idea flow isn’t the problem).

So, I’m guessing The Commander core rocked that boat until it capsized. Leaving me in a state of not wanting to go out anywhere, watching too many movies over the weekend, and sleeping a lot.

That’s it for this post, and the recon recap.

Next post, I’ll share the weird way I got feedback today that The Commander and Natural Winner are already shifting my perceptions and the perceptions of others in a positive way.


Are you still applying the wisdom of Simon’s great post every day? :sunglasses:


Haha, I guess we are both on vacation in the same location. :wink:

I’m so glad you went with Natural Winner in your Ultima. That is my favorite module in the entire store. You’ll get through this brother, just give it some time.


hahaha…you got me there. I did it all of one day, and thought about it over the next few.

This morning I woke up with a strong urge to figure out what an ideal day would look like for me and apply more structure to my time, so I’ll add “apply the wisdom of Simon’s great post” to the morning line up.

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Thanks. I appreciate the support…and your suggestion of Natural Winner. It’s already had an effect that kind of surprised me to be honest.

But I’ll write about it tomorrow. Tired af.

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So after my trip through recon over the weekend, things started to turn around.

Nothing major like money falling into my lap from “nowhere” (but I’m open to that happening). No, just a few small things, a couple synchronicities, that let me know I was going in the right direction at least in how I was thinking and feeling. A little positive feedback from the environment.

The first and most notable thing happened while shopping for groceries. An older, well-to-do lady who I’d crossed paths with in the produce section ran into me again at the onions and asked, “Excuse me, are you a chef?” The look in her eye was weird. I can’t put my finger on it. It was like “wonder” or something.

Here’s why I think that was significant:

  • because I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary
  • and was wearing workout clothes
  • but the way she perceived me was of having some sort of authority (at least when it came to buying produce :laughing: )

She confirmed my suspicion when I asked her why she thought that…she said, “I don’t know. It was something about the way you were moving around choosing things. It was very deliberate.”

I’m assuming this was an effect of The Commander elevating my “status, power, authority, and charisma” because I’ve been running Emperor for two months now and nobody stopped me while shopping before haha

As small as that moment seemed, it really stuck with me the rest of the day. Made me wonder how I can transfer that same “template of behavior” into other areas and see if I can generate a similar effect.

The Natural Winner module also showed up for me in a positive way.

My proposal got rejected for a big project I put a lot of effort into closing. Before the rejection came, I had the thought, “Even if this doesn’t go through, I’ll be happy because I’ll be free of this.”

Well, it happened. It didn’t go through. Because budget constraints and whatnot. And they took two weeks to come back with that “no”. But I’d already assumed it was a no by the way they ghosted so hard.

So here’s where Natural Winner shined a light in the dark.

I was completely done. Moved on. Walking away. When an idea hit me that I could leverage a pain point found in discovery to offer a smaller service to others in the market.

So I messaged the prospect with this idea and got an immediate confirmation to hop on a call.

I don’t have any expectations for the meeting because in my mind this is already the win. I took something that I could’ve viewed as a “waste of my time” (which I have done in the past) and I turned it into a hook and potential new stream of revenue.

Not bad for only a week and a half with this module (plus the added effects of EoG St1 probably).


Challenge accepted…

Short story shorter: a young buck squared up with me on the sidewalk, I confronted and resolved it using a JMT.

the detailed version

So I’m walking down to the café, enjoying the weather, looking to grab an affogato, when I notice a couple of young bucks walking shoulder to shoulder taking up the entire sidewalk coming in the opposite direction.

No big. They see me. They see me see them. So I keep on my path figuring the one directly in line with me will move over.

The distance between us steadily decreased. 40 paces. 20 paces. 10 paces left. He stared right at me and stayed the course.

Now the dude in front of me was the taller of the two (and me), and apparently set on walking through me. At about 5 paces between us his friend hopped over onto the grass to create a space.

Now normally, I’m all about fluidity. I’ll dip a shoulder back and slip passed people at the last second if they act like this and don’t budge. I use it for practice.

Not today.

We stopped right in front of each other at about arms distance (closer than I’d get if I’d perceived a threat).

A sneer flashed briefly over his face, so I figured he wanted some kind of fight.

And instantaneously, without premeditation, I said something to him. He got confused but tried to play it cool in reply. I reached out and put my hand on the side of his shoulder while simultaneously saying something else, and like magic he deflated a bit, his feet began to move, and he got out of my way.

I continued walking to the café, and wondered where the hell that came from, and why I didn’t just move. But only for a few minutes before I got back to enjoying my walk…and eventually that affogato.

Now something like that has never happened to me before… probably because I always prefer to slip and move and get on with my life.

But if I had to chalk it up to something, it might be the combo of The Commander and Emperor.

Not that the subs made me aggressive. I felt no aggression actually. Sure, there was a moment of “you’re about to find out how you fucked up,” but it was a flash in the pan before i spoke.

Maybe it’s the subs working on my sense of status. Or maybe internal power. I don’t know. But it was out of the ordinary for me.


That would be Emperor.

I tell my bosses boss what to do at work and he does it as though my telling him has given him permission.

I made a mistake at work and my boss apologies to me.


This weekend was a fun one. No signs of recon or overload. I missed running EOG St2 and IC on Saturday due being out of the apartment all day. But not worried about “missing” any exposure time.

In terms of wealth building, nothing major to report. There are ideas spinning around in my head more often though, so I took on a practice called morning pages this Saturday (without reading the rules on how, but there’s a good book on it apparently). The purpose is to get the ideas out of my head, onto the page(s), and sift through them to find the gold.

It was fascinating and I got deeper than I thought where I linked specific behavior patterns to my current situation with business.

In the health and fitness department, I’ve changed my lifestyle for the better. I meal plan (roughly) and prep lunch and dinner for a few days at a time. I’ve thought about doing that forever but didn’t. I stopped eating out regularly, which is huge. And I’m saying no to a lot of things I’ve loved to indulge in.

I work out hard 3 days per week, block out time to stretch everyday, and am experimenting with low impact HIIT workouts to fill in the gaps. Slow and steady. Side note: I used to loathe the idea of stretching. It bored the hell out of me. But now? I love it. It’s magical. It’s resolved some chronic pain issues. And everyone should do it.

The working out is already showing too and it’s only been three weeks at this point. A couple people I train with have noticed the increase in muscle mass across my back, shoulders, and biceps. And all I’m doing is pull-ups, push-ups, and squats, plus a run before and after.

I expected an increase in size after too many months of not working out, but this seems fast.

All I have to do is apply this kind of discipline and structure to my business endeavors and success will have no choice but to show up.