Subs for getting rid of Anxiety?

Hey y’all I’m looking for suggestions for subs that get rid of anxiety and overthinking. That’s the big thing for me right now.

I’ve considered Daredevil, any thoughts?


Run E:BToG or Sanguine
They are like couterparts. EB helped me a lot with this. And by that I mean the shadow work.


Just run a major alpha subliminal whilst taking action towards your goals.

Getting rid of anxiety has to do with owning yourself. Being comfortable with being you, even if others may not like it.



True Social is most definitely your solution to anxiety. It will bring about changes rapidly.

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It isn’t that simple, at all.

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Regarding OP:

I asked Saint about this a while back.

He said Sanguine.


Sanguine is the best option. Other titles that helped me with this are:

  • Sage Immortal
  • Chosen: The Way of Nature

And I also think CHOSEN (the non-nature one lol) is a very good option since it floods your being with positivity.


Just keep running Khan and everything will work out. :wink:


That really depends on what type of anxiety you have and what is causing it.


Could you elaborate on this?

If your anxiety is caused by fear of poverty, run EOG.
If it is caused by family issues rooted in childhood, stack Lineage and LBFH.
If you are pessimistic about life and your ability to find your place or role in the world, Ascension and Chosen From Within could be the right combination.

You need to introspect a bit and find the source of your anxiety. Find the right sub and stick to it for months and you’ll see progress.

The first sub I ran was Ascended Mogul. For 4 or 5 months. It was running it for money related issues. It ended up being the sub that completely erased the years long, almost debilitating anxiety that I had. All the other subs just built in top of that. The funny thing is that I wasn’t running Ascended Mogul for my anxiety but it ended being the sub that fixed it. Looking back, I understand why.

If you have no idea where your anxiety is coming from, stack LBFH and Chosen From Within for 6 months. I’d be shocked if you don’t see a drastic improvement.


@Lion is right
Sanguine is the best option, it covers any type of anxiety.
Edit: I just forgot that the first one who recommended sanguine was myself😂


You could take a more specificized approach to try and resolve your anxiety, such as running Lineage, but as you experienced, a sub can fix anxieties not directly related to it. In the case of @praisetheurdtree, who is currently running Khan (and if I’m not mistaken will soon be adding in Wanted), his current stack will be able to work through all the anxieties he has. Khan and Wanted will manifest anxiety in times of recon, but if you are able to push past that they allow you to reap great benefits.


Either your Anxiety is of a physical or psychological/spiritual nature. So if you wish to absolve yourself of this disharmony you must first ascertain its cause.

If it’s physical you will likely suffer without any situational stressors.

If it’s Spiritual the same holds true. But if it is solely psychological it may be caused by fears, social distress, etc

Obviously, all of these may be to one extent or another affecting you

In most cases prolonged anxiety with it’s root cause in the psychological may deter your physical being and start to change your chemical brain composition, weaken your organs, etc

Knowing this it is always best to take a holistic approach

Many subs have the potential to heal you from psychological issues that may be the cause of your anxiety. But they may also temporarily heighten your anxiety…

In all cases, it is good to be firmly grounded in knowing who you are.

I hope you cure your ailment and find harmony within yourself!


Bro…The recon…I can’t…I can literally get slapped across the face with a direct manifestation and I still have recon lol.

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By the way, Daredevil should be a great choice if your anxiety is mainly social.

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True Social will help beat social anxiety as its actions are rapid.

Sanguine will only help when you are procrasting on a task.

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I don’t understand this sentence.

Sanguine is for all kinds of anxiety, and for maintaining optimism and transmuting negative emotions. It is not just for procrastination.


For example if you have tasks that you want to get done but keep making lame excuses for not completing them sanguine will help smash through those barriers. As i said true social will definitely help this gentleman with social anxiety.

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what helped me get over anxiety was changing my core beliefs

combination of self-worth, self-love, knowing my internal power, being at cause of my reality, and purging fears (more seeing through the illusion of them and understanding what fear really is), healing masculinity (physically, mentally and emotionally)

also working out regularly, eating healthy and I also don’t do any drugs or ingest any stimulants that mess with brain chemicals or hormones (prescription drugs, caffeine, weed, etc)