Subs for getting rid of Anxiety?

also in my personal opinion… guys who are addicted to porn tend to have anxiety because their brain is literally fuckt lol and porn is basically a subliminal that programs low selfworth as well as other things like weakening you emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually as well as your masculinity, internal power,

this is why i believe when men get off porn there are many instances where their social anxiety just vanished lol

(ALL MY OPINION, I’m not debating any porn addicts)


Your opinions are always interesting. You’re probably on to something. Porn just isn’t good. It’s hard to reconcile that but it just seems to be the case. It really doesn’t do anything good. I can’t really think of a case in which watching porn is a good idea.

I’ve wrestled with the idea of porn and trying to reconcile it with the Law of Attraction and manifestation and all that jazz, and the best I’ve come up with is that porn manifests more porn. This creates a disconnect because what you really want is to be with real people but what you’re really doing is being alone and watching porn. Hence, the constant cycle of low emotions as a result of porn use.

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I personally feel it wont help him with his anxiety issues but hey will let him decide on his course of action.

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Never sure about this perhaps Luther is onto something.

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Care to explain?

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Bro, you are literally a beginner trying to correct me, and thus creating ignorance as a result.


Hi Saint,

Which product do you recommend to get rid of anxiety (social, futuristic) and remain *physically* and mentally calm in any situation? Legacy, Sanguine, CWON? I am getting one for Xmas.

Sanguine is most likely your best bet. It’s scripted just for that. True Social can also handle anxiety in public spaces, but will also work on sociability. Sanguine is what I’d go with.


What’s your top 3 achievements with subs then :thinking:

Not trying to challenge you or anything, it’s just that you always sound like you’re compensating for an extremely fragile ego, which is fascinating to see just how deep down the rabbit hole of “fantasyland” (or weeb land in your case) can a person fall into.

If you ignore, don’t give a clear answer, or try to avoid the question with an overly egoistic response, then just understand that there’s more truth to my words than your ego would like to accept.


Well that’s just your projection of me, baby boy. So it’s really not my problem, if you want my answer, you will use more a more proper wording.

He once mentioned that he likes to dominate men on his previous account, and seeing as I’m on WANTED right now, it’s understandable he would be attracted :grin:.


Okay everyone, I see what’s going on here.

In the future, please just flag the post and do NOT post responses to them.

Some people are not motivated enough to follow the campfire policy.


I don’t particularly have good emotions towards you which for whatever reasons. But at the moment that is not the point.
I am not going to give you any lecture about you identity. Since the ONLY person who can help you is YOU and only YOU, and you are certainly not receptive to harsh comments and that is okay.
As you know there is energy in everything and when I kinda feel the energy of your texts I see my several months ago self. At that time I was overexposing, changing stacks too often and basically I was on one side and the whole forum was on another side. I don’t want to talk about wether I was right or them, but it was actually my impulsive behavior which made things worse. And I am surprised how tolerant saint was. And now here I am. More respected and more loved, both outside and inside the forum.
This part maybe harsh, but I am sure you will also reach that level and I wish you all the best. As I said THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY IS YOURSELF, and maybe you should learn it the hard way by yourself, because if someone teaches you something and you accept that(for example me in this case) he/she will aquire a certain influence on you. And you probably don’t like that.

I just recommend and hope you take more rest days, I hope you accept it.



It’s been really cool watching you grow on the forums. You have changed a lot in the short time that I’ve been here. :smiley:

P.S. Maybe my dumbass needs to take more rest days too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


To the forum ambassadors in alphabetical order:


Let us remember that there are people who show up just to create chaos:


@Alphamale when I read your above post, there is much compassion, insight, and wisdom within!

Congratulations… and…

What he said.


@praisetheurdtree @RVconsultant
Thank you
It’s very delightful for me. Thanks again.


Nah… in the alphabetical order too? sheesh

RV ain’t playin

@Forum, I’d listen to this man, he means business


It’s worth repeating @Alphamale. When I first got here you were a very different dude. You’re living proof that these things work and that reconciliation can really be a tough thing to deal with. Your progress also shows the power of DOING LESS AND GETTING MORE.

P.S you’ve inspired me to cut my listening time. I’ve been a recon bomb for 8 months :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. I kept justifying it by seeing the results, but I think it’s high time I slow down. Maybe that’s the real answer to my question instead of adding another sub to the stack.


Thank you
I am following the guidelines strictly and also getting some more rest days here and there.
Just keep in mind, the sub’s objective should be aligned with your current situation, because that is when you can take action towards fulfilling the objectives. I wrote a post about it today, I hope it helps.


Lol I like how he’s banned until Dec. 25, that’s hilarious


We will be blessed by his presence/presents on Christmas morning.