SubliminalGuy's Dragon Reborn Journal

Yes, it’s definitely doing its thing.

@Lion, you are worthy of love. Infinitely worthy. Your own, other’s, and your creator’s too. You were born worthy

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Am only able to do so in my mellower moods after starting DR. In moments of irritation, am just wrestling with my emotions. It’s manageable but damn I would love to get back to feeling like an Emperor again. Sigh. But DR will make it all worth it.

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Thank you, brother. I really appreciate it. Bless you

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Listening to my 2nd loop today.

My visit with my coworker was very enjoyable. Very casual, and we had some laughs. Brought food home too. Not what I expected at all @RVconsultant.

The visit with my sister was pleasant mostly. I realized I wanted her to be different while I was there, and I felt powerless to change her. Even speaking up to things I disagreed with was highly discouraged, for she was ready to bark down anyone (me) who obviously thought different. To summarize my experience, I felt disempowered around her simply since she asserts control over anything and everything, and everyone allows her to reign. I have some guilt feelings about my decisions from here on out, but I don’t want to go back and feel demasculated.

Guilt, guilt, and more guilt I feel. This is the same way my mom and ex-wife were. They would talk over anyone just so they could be in control and demasculate men they felt threatened around. Saner women have to exist. I’m tired of being women’s do-boy and “yes man”. Playing the nice guy hurt me and has me NOT wanting more. Just trying to recover now.

I’ll thank Saint and Fire for creating effective tools to teach us how men can live and be themselves fully. I remember going to my sister’s for Christmas dinner in 2018. I was using Ascension, and I feared and imagined an outburst from myself weeks ahead of time. And like so many times on Ascension, those things never even happened. My aura was loud, and I was actually surprised by the good treatment I received.


Hi @subliminalguy, was wondering how DR helped you deal with feeling disempowered. I’ve been thinking about how many of us want lots of personal power through running subliminals and want freedom in many aspects. However, there are many things in society that we as humans should be responsible for and many of us have responsibilities (e.g. family responsibilities) that have been at us whether we like it or not, and that is where we often see the conflict between freedom and responsibility.

I’ve seen this in my family line too. Sometimes, they have good intentions, but carried too far.


Well, this morning when I woke up, I felt the urge to listen to Ascension. DR keeps me in my emotions a lot, and I’m still feeling angry and squelched from last night. I stayed in bed 20 minutes, not making a decision, until I knew I wanted to not sideline DR. I’m listening to DR now, and will loop preQ Ascension on my phone after this. That’s what I started with at SC, and it’s always hit me quickly.

Running away? DR doesn’t motivate me to do that. Before I found SC, running away was a frequent fantasy of mine. It was my last resort, but it moved up in rank the longer nothing changed.

DR is allowing me to appreciate choices and options I do have and have had. And repeating myself again, I can’t change my sister. I can only change myself. Her bitterness and unforgiveness is obvious to me–yet I can only change myself.

I have unforgiveness towards my sister. I can help myself first by distancing myself from her. I will be thinking on my options and successes I had in times past. Presently I’m putting unrealistic pressure on myself and her. My expectations breed resentments.


Here’s some thing I’ve used a number of times:

“I allow you to have your own opinion. Do you think you could extend the same courtesy to me?”


Being aware of such things is good. Most men don’t get it and even feel guilty for speaking up for themselves especially in these times.

Dragon Reborn is making you aware of these things. Feel them and release. And like you said, don’t get side-tracked. You are on the way to Dragonhood. Nothing can stand in your way


I know the sales page for Dragon Reborn states it towards the end but I’m increasingly curious if this is something that is meant to run repeatedly? Meaning run all four stages more than once or twice. Either that or run each stage 60 to 90 days similar to what I’m doing



I was going to tell you the same thing after I read the earlier post where you said you wanted to change her. Luckily I read forward before posting.

The thing is, once you get your own sh*t together, you can affect others. You just have to have such a powerful frame that you “overpower” theirs.

Frame control is everything. Once you know your self worth and you have personal power, then you can change the world around you. Till that, focus on yourself.


That is so true. Getting our own shit together should be everyone’s priority.



@SaintSovereign and @Fire


I was planning on running all 4 stages one right after the other. Once done, keep on running them, all of them.


I was afraid to upset the apple cart when all this went down. I was in that little boy mindset, honestly.

But thank you. My old sponsor used to throw those “obvious” truths out there in a non-pushy way, and I learned to trust his feedback. Thank you.

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Your words are medicine. Thank you :sunny:


I’m seeing some of that now, in smaller circumstances. My old norm with my sister worked against my own values. I’m looking forward to changes.

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DR is shocking me in what it’s doing. I turned on my 2nd loop of DR while heading back to the shop at the end of the day. That was an hour and a half ago. And 30 minutes ago I was heading out to my van to head home. My mind looked for familiar thoughts and beliefs I’ve used when leaving the safe space of work. I had 2 plates of food (a gift from another coworker), and I wondered what I’d do when home:

Eat the good food? Maybe, but I was seeking something familiar.
Eat crap food (coffee and sweets) instead of dinner?
Feel sorry for myself while listening to subs?
Write here–or possibly write nothing–to hold on to old beliefs?

Note: I didn’t REALLY want to do these things. But due to an almost daily habit, my mind was still looking through these as my first choices.

And suddenly, a new belief popped up. Not one I had consciously created. It wasn’t loud, it was just clear what I would do. The thought was something like:

“You’re going to take care of yourself tonight”

I felt it deep and non-emotionally. I should share why this is important to me. Everything I listed as possible choices for tonight are pieces of a foundation of…um…gradual self-destruction. It’s the little things which I’ve held to. The little things which don’t hurt “that much”. The things which when looking back, make me act and believe I’m failing–and believe I’ll possibly fail trying to get “better”… The things which make a life of happiness and hope…hard as hell. It’s daily self-sabotage. Daily reinforcement of “poor me” beliefs. It’s a life of not being responsible for myself. Fuck.

I’d love to blame, deflect, or scrap this post. What I’ve shared is the truth of how I’m living NOW.
Not 30 years ago.
And every day.

DR did something, and I’m a bit shocked. I’m not used to this.

And BTW, I’m eating turkey, ham, collard greens, and fixins. The other coworker who gave me the food this morning was another black man I work with regularly. Real good people. His home cooking is pretty good :slight_smile:


You are welcome, fellow Sibling-hood member! Dragon on!


I like your creativity with words :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

It has to be Sibling-hood in case there are girls. I know it’s kind of tradition to have a club when in grammar school and put a sign on the door that says “no girls allowed” but that just won’t work because eventually you have to cross out the “no” so it says “girls allowed” because a cool one will want to join, and she’ll be so pleasantly persistent that eventually she gets voted in unanimously. So it can’t be the Brotherhood of the Dragon. So Sibling-hood it is! So Dragon on!