Subliminal Industry in a nutshell

marry early Christmas everyone



Now that everything is resolved, I’m going back to looking forward to Subliminal Club drops.

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Exactly what I thought. My dad is a train enthusiast and I remember as a kid running around looking at these old steam locomotives, wonderful pieces of engineering… ahh memories :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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And many SC drops under the tree :slight_smile:

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This gif needs a 3rd person to come into frame, with a bazooka. With the caption NSE. Lol.


Physically shapeshifting into mermaids, dragons and animals… is bullshit, and I will treat it like bullshit.

Not believing someone for claiming that and thinking that they’re full of shit, is not “rage and hatred”, nor does it mean I’m “lacking love in my heart”. it’s common sense. Jesus christ man, lol.

Moreover, I’ll be damned if I let that type of stuff be slapped on to Subliminal Club’s name - the gold standard of the subliminal industry. Then have everyone not take subliminals seriously, turning it into a mockery, and denying everyone of all of it’s world-changing value. Value that the world actually needs, and that society needs.

I never learn my lesson with the internet. Only on the internet do I encounter this stuff, never in real life. I can go 1 year in real life and encounter very little nonsense.

Look at this extreme generalization, completely ignoring the context and subject matter.

You know what, I apologize to you, and everyone else (twice now, lol). I don’t mean to create negativity…

I’m taking a long break from the forum.

Enjoy Subliminal Club’s drops, enjoy NSE, enjoy your results. Happy holidays.

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Do let us know what is unclear about the Campfire Policy. If there is good feedback on it, am sure Saint, Fire, and team will look into it.


I completely understand you and the fact you have wildly different perspectives than I.

But I also appreciate this company very much and wish this forum to be an inspiring place for anyone interested in the technology, and not a place where we crush and belittle other’s experiences.

I think my biggest problem was that I didn’t even new about the campfire policy thread.
I read the FAQ and thought “that’s rather nebulous”.
Only after RV deleting my post on rapists and adding his comment on the deletion to the camp fire policy thread, I realized that there is such a thread.

I don’t know, if I’ve seen the thread when I joined and ignored it because I never had any trouble with my posts in any other forum, or if I didn’t see it at all.

Before finding the thread it was just as nebulous as FB terms, when they give you a warning without clarifying what wasn’t ok and wich rule you infringed so you could adapt your behaviour.

And after reading at least a part of the thread, it would be beneficial, if there is a summary in the first post.


@Lichtenauer - that’s okay. No harm done. We can’t get everything perfect everytime and there’s been times when even my posts have been edited by RVconsultant for some issues or the other. And similar to what you did, I adapted to it too.

We learn and we move on from there.



In the future, flag the post.


In the future, flag the post.


When there is drama, do not add any questions or comments to it.


Lack of respect, perhaps.

I really don’t think Luther24 has hatred about these things.

In the future, remember to flag the post and stay out of the drama.


I’m not going to go too deeply into this topic, as I see it has mostly been resolved.

I will say the following however…

Subliminal Club has a duty to their customers and the subliminal industry, which has been consistently degraded and corrupted.

We deal in actual, provable change in your daily life.

Sorry, but we aren’t going to condone or talk about things like physical shapeshifting or the other stuff we keep having to shut down. While I am aware some spiritual traditions indeed have this in their repertoire, and a very small number of them can be legit, this is not the place to talk about this.

Especially the way that it was done in that one post @Luther24 talked about. Not the place, and we definitely do not want that post to be the first thing a new user sees.

As said in the Campfire Pollicy:

I’m also going to address this idea I’ve seen popping up more and more, that if one doesn’t actively engage in LoA, manifesting (as per reddit/new age crowd) and similar topics that they are somehow spiritually inferior and filled with hate/rage/insert any other negative emotion.

This can be true, and this can be wrong, so let’s avoid this type of talk. We’ve even received support tickets claiming we don’t know anything and we should rewrite all our subliminals to directly use new age teachings.

For context, my first meeting with such concepts (although they were called differently back then) were as a child, when I used to read the books my mother had in her library filled with a vast array of different spiritual books from all kinds of traditions.

After a life-time of studying these topics, I am way too well-versed in various spiritual traditions (and too perceptive, as the effects of these thoughts can be seen in the lack of results of many followers of such) to consider the tenets of New Age as the sole reason behind the vast majority of phenomena of this reality (not to say I consider it wholly wrong, just highly degraded knowledge plucked from older traditions), nor am I going to be directly putting anything of the sorts in our subliminal technology (we get a ticket about this every now and then).

That would never happen, as our core belief is that of being a neutral ground - one where regardless of our personal spiritual beliefs, the subliminals will never be influenced by them and instead, will help you with your own spirituality (if running a spiritual sub, of course). And regardless of my personal distaste of New Age and similar thought, I would never use that as an excuse to bar someone else’s path.

If you want to practice New Age, go ahead. If you want to practice Christianity, go ahead. If you want to practice Occultism (speaking broadly), go ahead. If you want to do your own thing, go ahead. If you want to not work with spirituality at all, go ahead.

You all have the freedom to choose your own path, and that is at the core of Subliminal Club.

At the same time, let’s not become too fanatical about it and potentially alienate other people over it.

Respect for each other’s paths is paramount - let’s keep to a stable point versus swinging into extremes of each tradition.

Finally, as we’ve said in the Masterclass, treat subliminals as a different aspect of your life - not something you just lump together with spirituality or any other area of life. This will give you the widest opportunity for development and stop you from making the same mistakes as the other places that delve into subliminals (such as Reddit).

And no, we still ain’t making a become a mermaid sub. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


Dammit @Fire !!! I was about to put that on the Roadmap along with “Become A Minotaur” sub! :joy:

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That’s right Become Spiderman is already in the works.


crying emoji meme


We need a chimney mermaid sub. So we can sweep the chimney with our tail

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You think Kundalini is BS?

Here’s a hard to come by document by Itzhak Bentov detailing his theory on the Kundalini process in the body. It even goes right in hand with pranayama (the goal of which is very lengthy, complete breath cessation), one of the ancient yoga practices, as well as the equally ancient shabd/naam yoga on the inner sound:

One of the most fascinating reads ever to me.

Personally, I think Kundalini IS spiritual enlightenment, but of course, it’s my opinion.

There’s a lot of people who delude themselves into thinking they’ve had such awakenings too; and more ridiculously that you can have several…

I got a transcranial magnetic stimulation device for myself to emulate Bentov et al.'s experiments with it, and it’s in fact way stronger than theirs (and of course same frequency) – unfortunately I’ve had no success as of yet. It is probably as @Fire says – there’s no highways to achieving it.

Anyway, it’s a fascinating topic to me; not trying to impose any bellef.

It’s good to see you still here; last I was here it seemed we’d never see you again. :slight_smile:

P.S.: I need to reread his book “Stalking the Wild Pendulum.” I got it in my mid-teens and didn’t understand much; now being many years older, I think I’ll have more use of it.


Well you can have several awakenings in different practices.

I had it in advaita vedanta and TWIM.

Different ways of using your awareness seem to lead to different awakenings which is so extremely intriguing to me. And different religions give different awakenings.

Bhakti give one kind, Karma Yoga another.

This looks like a super interesting read though. Thank you for sharing


I’ve had several awakenings. Mystical experiences. Fire serpents. Dark nights of the soul. Blissful expression. Inner visions. Hearts mystery. Lights way. Forgiveness pray. Peace in mind. Love in the circle of friends.
When you let go of fear the truth will appear. So simple and clear. And when love overflows you can only let go and be swept out to sea.