SubClub doesn't work at least for me

I’ve been listening for a while now and pretty much a lengthy time and here I come to claim how dissappointed I am in this site, fully filled with lies and associates to promote those lies…

watch this post and my account get wiped as fast as lightning, you may also notice that this forum has 0 negativity around hmm why is that? precisely it’s all fake…

There is some negativity around as of now :sunglasses:


Ig not for too long since this is getting deleted (by mods soon since they are fake)

You seem to already know what will happen…what subs did u run from here…


Because we are positive people :slight_smile:

I’m sorry that you feel about SC that way and I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for elsewhere.


I agree with @Sub.Zero.

@death, using these particular products is not the most important thing in life. It’s absolutely okay if you don’t want to use them. But the really important priority is that you do find what will help you to get your self and your life to where you want them to be. There are 10,000 resources in this world. Some of them will work excellently for you. Just keep looking.

I hope that you find whatever works best for you.


Sounds like you have some deep subconscious and conscious blockages. Your thoughts shape your reality, your beliefs shape your life. If you believe that you won’t get results, if you feel doubt, you’re placing subconscious blockages which will hinder your results.

The very first question should be; what have you listened to and for how long? Another question; what were your goals?

Hello @Death,

You are free to state your opinion on the forums - no one will ban you or silence your voice for it. We do, however, warn (which this post is doing) and take action against baseless claims and accusations, both against us and our forum members.

Cut it out.

As for solving your problem - this is textbook reconciliation.

You overloaded your mind with 3-4 subliminals, as well as ran an Ultima overnight, while being completely new to subliminals.

You need to understand that less is more. These are not toys that you can play around with carelessly - these are profoundly powerful tools of self-development.

You overload your mind, you go over your subliminal processing limit, and you will start going through emotional states of reconciliation without even realizing it. You cannot panic and go “I have something important tomorrow, let’s listen to an Ultima overnight for 8 hours straight and hope it bails me out without any prior preparation”. That will NOT work. @SaintSovereign warned you of this.

What will work, as @SaintSovereign told you here:

You run BLU each day for two (or even better, more) weeks leading up to the exam, and you study. You will see your learning speed and retention skyrocket. But you still have to take action, and not overload your mind with processing.

Thin out your stack, lower your loops, take rest days, journal, take action - read the manual - and you will see for yourself why our forum has no negativity, why we are so incredibly proud of our community and its members, and why everyone is steadily improving themselves, their lives and having breakthroughs.

If not, we wish you all the best and hope you find what you are looking for elsewhere. Be mindful of the bloom effect when switching over, make sure to take a week of rest.


@death - even I have days where I question whether anything is happening. We all do. But this is textbook reconciliation

Give it one more go, like @Fire adviced. Choose just one title. The simpler ones are better (like Ascension or Ascended Mogul or Limitless). Just choose one and run it like the advice in the newly created manual suggests. 1 or 2 loops a day for 5 days a week. Rest the other 2 days. Journal. Take some small action. It will work. Even more than just taking action. I have been here for more than a year to know


:: Ignores instruction manual
:: Ignores guidance from the subliminal producers
:: Ignores guidance from experienced forum members
:: Runs an incredible amount of powerful titles with little focus on a goal
:: Doesn’t get expected results

“sUbClUb iS fAkE!!!”

It’s always the same thing with these types of posts. People thinking they know more than us about how to use the products, using them incorrectly and then somehow deluding themselves that it’s our fault.

You might think I’m being mean, @death, but I’m about to be as real as one can possibly get, because you need a wake up call.

You are a singular individual in a sea of diverse peoples. Your singular experience does not define consensus reality. Something not working for you does not mean it’s not working for everyone. That being said, let me state that it is the pinnacle of arrogance and self-centeredness to claim that everyone here is faking or imagining their results and that we’re supposedly deleting a massive amount of so called negative reviews just because you aren’t getting the results you think you deserve (but haven’t earned).

I say that because looking at your past posts clearly indicates that you aren’t taking any of the guidance that we’ve given, such as focusing on a goal and taking action toward achieving that goal. Our titles can help you achieve whatever goal you desire, but you still have to walk the path. These mp3s ain’t gonna whisk you down the road in a golden chariot of full of beautiful women. They ain’t gonna make cash fall from the sky. Read the section in the new instruction manual regarding “Pathways to Manifestation.”

I will commend you for taking the step that most people haven’t / won’t, which is identifying that you want more from life and looking for a tool to help you achieve that. Now, it’s time to use that tool properly, become more focused toward a SPECIFIC set of goals and work toward them. For example, in September, I told @Fire that I wanted to leave my day job by March 2021. What’d we do? We sat down, made a custom subliminal to address the issues I had regarding leaving, built a plan and guess what? I achieved that goal four months ahead of schedule.

Now, we have set other goals and once again, I’ve changed my stack and I’m working toward achieving those goals with singular and dedicated focus. I’m using the tools properly. I’m not blaming anyone else for any failures I have. I am accepting my faults and working to accept them, because I must accept them before I can overcome them.

You haven’t done any of that. You took the first step, but then completely faltered after that. How can you say something “isn’t working” if you aren’t taking any steps? It’s funny, people will say something like, “Quantum Limitless isn’t working,” but they aren’t measuring their progress in any way. No journal. No studying. Nothing to help them see clear progression. There’s a reason why role playing video games have stats and damage indicators and quest logs, etc. How else would you gauge progress? So, how are you gauging your progress? How do you know it’s not working? Is it because you don’t “feel smarter?” What does “feeling smarter” even feel like? Since you don’t know what “feeling smarter” feels like, how do you know you aren’t smarter?

Clearly, you came here to voice a concern, thinking you’d get silenced and banned. Sounds like bravery to me. Is that something you’ve felt empowered enough to do before? Is that a result?

Before trying to trash someone’s business and call them frauds and stuff, how about asking for help? That’s the real reason the forum isn’t flooded with “negative reviews.” There are people here who haven’t gotten the results they wanted, but the culture we’ve cultivated is one of politeness and respect. Rather than exploding and flaming us, they simply ask for help – and that’s exactly what you’re going to going forward, or yes, you’ll be escorted right off this website. Let me make myself clear on that: I don’t really care if you scream “censorship.” As far as I’m concerned, this is private property – you are in the house that SaintSov and @Fire built, and you will abide by house rules or get thrown out. So, please think twice before the next time you touch that keyboard to call one of us “fake,” or another name after everything we do to make quality products for our customers. Think twice before calling any of our customer’s results placebo, or whatever.

People are so used to flaming each other online that it shocks them when it’s not common here. They’re so used to someone being shitty toward them online that they think we’re “deleting negative reviews” because no one’s being shitty. Well, deal with the fact that no one’s going to treat you crap (I may show you tough love, but I ain’t gonna treat you like crap).

Now, do you want help, or do you want a refund?

A note to anyone who isn’t getting results, or you aren’t getting the results you want: STOP BUYING PROGRAMS AND CONTACT US. Don’t buy 5 programs, use them incorrectly and then scream that they aren’t working.


Everyone would start objecting upon what I have to say, but I refuse to shy away from the obvious.

Look at the individual’s username. Then look at his first post, both are congruent. Same underlying theme.

Therapy is what you need, that is, if you really want to help yourself.


Why would there be negative reviews for products that work? @death you’re full of shit


Hello death.

What an unusual username, why did you pick it?

Why have you not supplied details about what subs you have etc?

Oh look, your post is still up and people are responding to it which would be your first mistake.

Your second mistake is to think that this forums full of fake and made up comments. Take some time to consider the range and depth and number of post and different writing styles and then consider how much effort that would take. Then think about the revenue of Subclub itself, (ie take an order number, times it by and average order price will give you a good guesstimate) and you will realise that the effort to fake this would not be worth the rather small profit.


Yeah, I object. Hell, you may be right. But there can be wisdom found in many paths, although some are harder than others. Memento Mori.

I felt defensive at first, then read @Sub.Zero’s response and remembered, this doesn’t hurt me at all. I’ve got enough available to wish this person well. Anyway.

Saint and Fire can handle it.


And? What do you expect if someone is improving their life? This programs are unique and powerful, the only “bad shit” is recon, but that’s basically the process of trying to accept two conflicting ideas.
The negativity you’re looking for doesn’t exist anymore like that when you’re using this kind of products.

'Cause you don’t see results doesn’t mean nobody gets em. Don’t compare yourself with them.
Now, Saint and Fire both answered and offered their help.
Don’t get out of line.

So, it’s either you’re looking for attention, “give the first step towards trying to sabotage SC”, or you’re really struggling with this, but you would have tried to solve that issue maturely and at a different angle.


Seriously, I think something like this needs to be posted somewhere on the shop pages. The main shop and the Q shop.

Just as a precaution for those 1 in maybe 100 people who might do just that. Maybe it will help them pause and think, instead of trying to panic buy solutions to all their concerns during one mega-shopping spree.


I think looking for themes and metaphors can be helpful in understanding patterns in oneself and others. I like that paradigm of searching for patterns @Hurrikane !

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My immediate thought upon reading the first post is that this is either a troll or a competitor :thinking:

However, either way you’ve been given the benefit of doubt and been addressed as an actual individual. I believe that this is the second post of this nature that I have seen around this forum.

"It is the mark of the mind untrained to take its own processes as valid for all men, and its own judgments for absolute truth.”
― Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law

One more thing; if you were not full of hot-air, you would have contacted the support and requested a refund. FFS they offer a 30 days no question asked; and considering the nature of the files being digital, I will take a wild guess and say that you could get to keep them -.-

I shall be using the Johnathan after this reply in your honor. Cheers :beers:

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