Strength without the size.?

So im thinking about hitting up the gym again but i only want to focus on strength and fat loss. My current size is what is proportionate to me and would like to keep my weight while developing my strength.

Im sure this is is possible since i have known and seen guys that are skinny with insane amounts of strength its just an area to me thats new since before i would bulk and the strength would come but i have never trained for just strength and no size. How do i accomplish this.?

Can you guys point me in the right direction whether through youtube,books,programs that worked for you,etc…

@Yazooneh @Azriel

I tagged you guys because from what i have gathered you guys have experience in the gym life.

If theres other people that could offer assistance and i didnt tag i would greatly appreciate it!


I think this book could you help achieve exactly what you want.


Bruce Lee fits this definition and hence martial arts could be your best bet to get strength without having to bulk up.

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Eat at maintenance and don’t go up in weights; maybe switch to body-weight training instead

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Im looking to increase my bench,deadlift,squat to a high level while only wanting to weigh 165 lbs. Bodyweight excercises wont quite get me there lol


When i was on sarms i got stronger without really getting bigger so im looking to accomplish something like that but with a solid training program


Is sarms safe?

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Hop on a program like SS 5x5, and do not add in any accessory work until you reach:

100kg/225lbs bench
140kg/315lbs squat
180kg/405lbs deadlift

Add in wanted to keep you looking fit and consciously guide it to increase your strength by strengthening your muscle fibers (yes it works that way too, I lifted as much as I did on RAD 140 with just Wanted), while also having the intentions of keeping your body lean and fit, instead of having it bulk up.

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They actually can, but you need a lot of patience.

To increase your bench, you could train to achieve a planche.

To increase your squats, you could train to do yourself to do wallsits for extended periods of time (talking 5-10 mins)

To increase your deadlifts, you could train to hit 50 wide pull ups.

All of those would end up increasing the 3 big lifts, but it will take a really long time (even with subs) to reach those powerlifting goals with body weight exercises.

I would say this;

If you researched enough, and then a bit more, on the different kinds of AAS, especially Test, then you’ll see that steroids are much better, healthier and safer.

Sarms are still considered somewhat new, so there could be risks.
I myself used them twice, but honestly subs are enough, and then I’d probably do a cycle in the future IF it was necessary, which I honestly doubt.

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I think the best way are subs. For the last two months, I gained 5kg of almost everything muscle because I still see some abs. Just wanted to say that subs are definitely safer than steroids, AAS, sarms, and whatever. Or maybe it is just FST-7 program and increasing consumption of protein :).

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Random videos here and there but in reality I just started training more intense

What I mean is the results of my spartan ef journey is me ultimately training harder and I can’t think of one certain diet or ideology that stuck around for too long

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Also that goal is a bit meh, cuz size and strength kinda go hand in hand but what I’d suggest is lifting light, and lifting heavy, and pushing your muscles and you should be on the right path towards whatever it is you want, unsure if you wanna be skinny while lifting cars but

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Well you couldn’t be more happy because strenght does not equal volume of muscle or weight.
The only thing that get better while following a strict strenght program is your neuro-muscular response WICH is only about your nerve conduction, of course only a said amount of muscle can produce a said amount of strength but most of the time it’ll take a really long period (years if you already have some muscular mass on you) before maxing out your current mass of muscular fiber, especially if you just started strength.

So yeah you can definitly do what you’re expecting, just always train with or under the 5 rep range, focus on a maximum of 3 exercices you want to get strong at each session, don’t overdo it and do some cycle where you alternate a bit those exercice with some other to not plateau

If you want some spice later on the road after a few months you can choose to train your “Power” so to increase your speed with heavy weight. It’ll help you be more efficient for the same max weight and very shortly after make you some Kg or lbs gains on the bar or whatever

Keep it simple just make sure you got some Spot Buddy
Don’t let your ego destroy your health by using bad forms, if you can’t that’s okay it always better to be able to make the lift 2-3 month later than you expect with ease than creating injury or destroying your back for your futur self.

Good work mate !


Couple of books I can point you to…

Power to the People Professional: How to Add 100s of Pounds to Your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
by Pavel Tsatsouline
(not to be confused with “Power to the People”, which was about Deadlift & Military Press)

Deceptive Strength: Becoming Strong While Staying Small
by Logan Christopher

I may write a longer nerdy post later.

:nerd_face: :muscle:t2:


Check out the book Body By Science, that approach will be a good match for what you’re looking for.

Yup. Was going to recommend Pavel Tsatsouline. Simon already did.

Check out the videos of Frank Medrano.


Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program. It’s all over the internet for free.

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The above suggestions are all fantastic.

The big thing for strength without size in my opinion are

  1. Obviously diet
  2. Add rate of force production/ speed/ dynamic days in addition to max effort/ 1-3 RM days. You can look these up from elitefts, westside barbell, Joe Defranco etc.

Anything that is not naturally created by your body is dangerous. SARMS is one of them.