Strength without the size.?

I had no idea sunlight, food, and oxygen were so dangerous! :pleading_face:

Kidding, of course.


5/3/1 or 5x5 both go on the same principles

When you work out, so long as you do 1-5 reps of the exercise, you’ll focus on strength, not size. When you get into the 7-12 rep range, you start focusing on size.

So an example workout at the gym focused on strength would be

Day 1

  • Benchpress, 5 reps, 3 sets
  • Squats: 5 reps, 3 sets
  • Shoulder Press: 5 reps, 3 sets
  • Explosive cardio
  • Stretching
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Essential Amino Acids aren’t created In the body, yet you will suffer and possibly die without them


I think it’s a common misconception that when a person works out, they’re going to easily get really huge. This is probably because of all the jacked “natural” lifters on youtube trying to sell the idea that anyone can get as huge as them. They need to make it look as appetizing as possible, so they secretly take PEDs while claiming to their viewers that if they just stick to their programs, they’ll be as huge as them. This is of course all BS but it is very profitable. There are the very rare guys with a genetic lottery that build muscle easier, mainly from larger bones and large muscle bellies, but you can really only trust channels that show their blood tests to show they’re natural.

So all I’m saying is that you most likely don’t need to get worried about becoming too big if you work out naturally. In fact, I would say that you’ll be surprised at how “not massive” you become while increasing your strength! This has been my experience anyways.

Keeping your body fat down is also a good way to throttle the amount of muscle mass that the body can maintain naturally. However, keep in mind that lower body fat will also mean your lifts will be weaker, this is why all the strong man lifters have higher BF.

I’ve also noticed smaller guys out-lifting larger ones, I can be one of them, especially when I was younger. My theory on this is these days, there’s a lot more people on steroids than you think. So they bulk up really quick, but their tendons don’t benefit from the steroids and can’t strengthen as fast as the accelerated muscle growth. Basically, they’re in a bit of a predicament, because if they try to lift the weight that their muscle can actually handle, they’re at a risk of that muscle tearing their tendon from their bones. Not a fun injury to go through. So the solution is to lift lighter but longer since steroids is also great for endurance. There’s an exception for more seasoned lifters that have given their tendons years to strengthen, those guys are huge, cut and strong (The Rock, Arnold etc).

I think you’d like this article:
It has a picture of the author down lower showing him near his max genetic potential, he looks great, but isn’t incredibly massive like the look many fake naturals would lead people to believe is possible.

(I have no issue with people taking PEDs by the way, just don’t like it when they lie about it. I would never take any myself though, I like my heart and liver too much)


Quick google brought me here: FDA In Brief: FDA warns against using SARMs in body-building products | FDA

I don’t know much about this drug but it doesn’t look safe to me.

@pacman I don’t really recommend playing with your hormones, of course, I know a lot of people who did and didn’t had severe sides effect
 But if you are in the category of people who have trouble with their testosterone, you might have even more trouble after shutting you down, even if you do a complete PCT. I had two thrombosis because I played with my hormones after dropping steroids haha

Of course, Sarms comes with some classic sides effect like cholesterol and other problems caused by too much androgen
 But you can try it if you want! :slight_smile: Coming from a guy who tryed : S-4, MK-2866, MK-677, GW-501516, LGD-4033, RAD-140, YK-11

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:slight_smile: you got me there

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SARMs don’t have the decades of research and testing behind it like many popular steroids, you’d be much better off taking testosterone if you want to go down the PED route.

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Ibutamoren and cardarine don’t count as SARMs, no supression of hormones for either. The former can cause issues with cholesterol and blood sugar though.

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Yes, I’ve had problem with blood sugar, now I prefer not taking anything hahaha

@pacman I can talk from experience if it comes down to testosterone. Years ago i was diagnosed as low testosterone by an endocrinologist. The blood test revealed i testosterone was low so I was put on TRT using a product called nebido which i take once every 12 weeks.

If you want to go down the testosterone route go and speak to an endocrinologist first.

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You are correct perhaps i didnt explain myself correctly.