Story Of Jack | Khan & stuff

Yep… :partying_face:

That’s what I like about mediation, that even if you got a hectic life, it gives you the opposite with just some minor effort into it. Not everyone can do as I did and Jolo out from society for like three years and just be by myself :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: But when you sit with yourself quietly and just observe how mind moves, you gain so much wisdom and insight.

A good way to rediscover your true self is to actually be with yourself… who would have thought :thinking: :laughing:

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Yeah, that’s next level what you did, but yeah just taking time off to mediate can so wonders.

But I bet sometimes you need extreme gestures to get started. I will one day get a house in the woods that I go to like Bill Gates and spend 2 weeks every year in being alone and meditate and stuff. Like the superman cave!

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Haha jepp the true heroe’s journey :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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R E C O N - I’m in the depth of the fog. Last night was rough and woke up feeling like I completed a challenging trial. But nope it’s not over yet.

Mainly manifest as confusion and obsession with subs and perfection. But the end just a distraction. I shall accept the recon doing its thing, growth is inevitable, and focus on doing my thing. Striving, 10 minutes at a time. :sweat_smile:

Good Angel: Washout is close, keep going. Ignore the pull of subliminals, you can’t make a decision in the fog! There is no perfect stack!
Bad Angel: Research, don’t stop until you have figured out the perfect sub.

Results = Action * RightSubStackPercentile + Time;

Trust. The. Process.
Embrace. The. Fog.

On another note, did a metta meditation yesterdays and practiced the 6Rs.

One of my goals next year is to become a tech lead / lead-developer.


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What I mean by that formula is that right sub or perfect sub, even if it’s 100% perfect it’s not as important as action and time. Especially when all subs can in one way or another benefit almost any goal.

I’m starting Khan and KB in January.
I also used to practice the metta from Dhamma Sukha a decade ago but dropped off in favour of other practices. Also picked up a lot of trauma in that time.

I’m picking up with the Forgiveness Meditation they teach… alongside Khan and KB… I think next year is going to see a lot of transformation!

Sorry to hijack your journal, KingEsh. I’m really enjoying what I have read so far. Seems we’re all on the path of having balls of steel, and a heart of gold. :grin:


I’ve tried the forgiveness for a week I think, but I had by that time done a lot of healing through subliminals such as Love Bomb and Dragon Reborn. But forgiveness is a very potent tool. Have fun with the double Khan, going to be a crazy ride :blush:


Its all good man, make me feel popular 🥸

Yeah, I can’t deny that the highest purpose for me is consciousness or whatever you wanna call it, spiritual. I’m trying to go all out form/physical world for a few years though so I am trying to figure out matching subs and Khan is one of them. But at some point I’m sure I’ll go full untethered hermit mode.

Did the guided Metta meditation on Dhamma Sukha site and the recon almost fully disappeared. Definitely going to continue with this. Alongside my pranic/energetic release work.


Excellent! Yeah the 6R’s is like the antidote to stress and panic stuff. In the beginning the guided is good as you learn, but I strongly recommend going solo after a while, and also listen to the instructions and follow them precisely as it’s very common to start inventing new stuff thinking it’s better… I mean who is this Buddha guy anyways… surely we know how to do it better :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I was fortunate enough that one of my best friends had the chance to care for Sister Khema who was Bhante Vimalaramsi’s colleague in running retreats and such over the last 2 decades. Both her and Vimalaramsi passed away earlier this year actually sadly :pray: But as my friend cared for her through cancer treatment he learned a lot from her, and also taught me to the the mediation the right way, and that’s why I had such a fast progress :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s a sad yet cool story. But also awesome that you got that knowledge passed on to you.

Alright, so the 6Rs? Alright I’ll see if I can find resources, but basically do the metta meditation, and if something distracts use the 6Rs? Also you mean the instructions of the guided or 6R?

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Oh I realized I only linked the instructions how to 6R :upside_down_face: Here’s a guided meditation and the one I meant above…

Try it and see if you like it, as you practice you scale the 6R’s really quickly, but in the beginning it takes time to remember and to actually do it. But that’s true for all things…

Also you can try and add something like Alchemist or RoM to your practice. I did when I started Alchemist St3 which helped a lot.


Nice, yeah that’s the one I did earlier today.

I was thinking of RoM. But I don’t have room for it currently. 🥲 might switch out NR for it, for a month or two, we’ll see.

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Haha the stack is always full… :joy:

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It’s insane man. I don’t know how Saint can stick to 1 or two subs. :nerd_face: and you only using one sub now right?

I was going for a career spurt and semi-wealth spurt 2024, so perhaps I can dive into more spirituality until new year.

R E C :thinking: N

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Hehe YEP 1 sub right? No hehe… But Khan is the main one as I’m gearing up for the NWE coming in November and I wanted a full run through of Khan first… Been toying a bit with the new SSX.

I mean… for me I’ve come to realize that waking up is the most important thing for me atleast, and then some growing up (Khan hehe) and cleaning up on the way. Then just to have as much fun as possible on the way. I had a big awakening moment from 2020 and onwards, and quite frankly… nothing compares to the kind of joy and happiness that comes from awakening :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But that’s just me, but IMO don’t sleep on anything, just keep pushing on all fronts…

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That’s inspirational man. Yeah, waking up is one of my highest purpose I’m sure of. Aren’t you afraid you’ll be to untethered? Like go all mystic and live in the mountains too early?

Having fun man, I need to max that. Also a reason I’m running Khan as many people reported that from khan.

Yeah, push it all, but you can’t push all subs at once to aid. I will never stop meditate. I love meditation. But, I might focus subs for certain goals. We’ll see, I always think I have a rock solid plan and then things change.

So you hitting up chicks? How’s the NRE treating you? The NWE is exciting. I wonder what will come, only the potential ZP_v2MAX upgrades are exciting.

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Listened to 07:30 of Khan ST2 today instead of the full loop. My mind got alot to process. :nerd_face:

Cold showers man :ocean:

I’m going to run RoM for a cycle or two, but the question is which one do I switch?

I like the progress and path I’m on now, and afraid to switch it up. I’m like a machine productivity wise. Don’t know which sub is boosting that. But at the same time, I can’t stop thinking of RoM.


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One big draw back is that you loose much of interest in most of society and the things you used to enjoy, but then again you gain soo much, and awakening is not all wowo… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: One thing that it does is that you see how things actually work in your mind, and it helps so much with all the other aspects such as growing and cleaning up.

Another cool thing is that the more present you become, you don’t need all the distractions around you and just being observing beauty becomes ecstatic, like if you have ever been looking at the most beautiful sunset in full awareness… like that but like all the time… :star_struck:

Things change for sure but they change for the better IMO. Like with the TWIM mediation, it’s goal is to see the truth and lessen suffering, and what is behind all that tension and suffering…? That’s where your inner happy child is who used to be in such awe of everything and constantly exploring…

He’s still there, and the best part is now that you can be him with the bonus understanding of how your mind works, so that you’ll never fall into the same rut and misery again of becoming unhappy. Sounds pretty good to me…

Bottom line is that it’s still me, even thought all my old friends and family look at me like I’m crazy, the truth is that I have never been more happy and content in my adult life like I am now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The confusion I’m feeling and have felt lately, that’s just newness, and a habituated mind hates newness… so yeah :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Wow that was a long rantalino… just woke up haha

Like the only thing that makes sense in this life is having fun. And what is the opposite of having fun? To me the winner to that question is taking yourself and life too seriously… but but the mind goes… won’t I be poor and die???

Being lighthearted is not about neglecting your health and throwing away your life, do the things that needs to be done to be healthy and to survive, but do it while you smile and don’t be so hard on yourself and have fun while doing it instead… easier said than done when you are in a ditch… but then again, subliminals from SC :grinning: :heart_eyes:

Meditation is like the one thing I wish I had been introduced to as a kid… but you know how it goes in Sweden… oh no meditation is like religion and stuff, we can’t have that!

How can sitting still and just observing what is going on in your mind, be anything to do with an organized religion and fixed worships of gods and such?? Soo funny, it’s just inner science, and that’s why I like Buddhism. It’s just inner science to understand why I am suffering so much, and then neutralize it and bring back that inner child again :innocent: Haha long rantalino again, still not fully awake… more coffee…

Not really in a place still where I see people daily, but I have noticed while out that it feels more organic, the attraction I mean. Also when I talk I feel a lot more fluidity in all kind of interactions with all types of people. So the new stuff in these subs is sure exciting…

Have you tried it?

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Thanks for sharing, I’ll sit down and read and reply properly. :metal:🪷

To answer the last question, no.

Yeah, that’s nice to hear. I’m afraid I guess and I’ve heard once the first step is initiated you can’t go back. I don’t know if I’m ready or that is what’sI want. :grinning: so family hates it? I have a tiny family now, so that’s a factor to.

Beautiful :heart_eyes:

Yeah, people don’t know I guess. Fear is the unknown. Like me hearing going all in.

Nope, but I’m running WB. I’m in a LTE and have a young family, but I’m running it mainly for the attractiveness and also, hate to admit, validation I guess. :rofl:

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It’s not that they hate it, just that old not understanding what I’m doing. But I understand that your life situation is a bit different than mine. Just take things as they come when you are ready for them. But also take it holistically, advance on all fronts at the same time, I just went bananas on waking up but did not have a stable enough ground to stand on, so that the rug underneath that was pulled made me trip.

In that sense Khan I think is a great choice, and in all honestly I started TB at the same time as I was thrown into my awakening back in 2020, and that one helped me a lot. But also I did not have a partner or family so I knew I could be a little bit crazy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You could also see it like this, that if you grow and develop yourself in waking up, growing, and cleaning up, just imagine how much of an inspiration you will be to your child growing up :blush:

Also lastly, by lessening your suffering through meditation does not lead to you automatically becoming a monk in the Himalayas :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: What it will lead to is you becoming more healed as a human being, and thus you will take better care of yourself, those around you, and the world that we are living in.

That’s something I have noticed myself that I have become more sweet so to say. I don’t step on ants on purpose and I take better care of the environment, and I do pick up that litter just lying next to the trash can. A human being that is in harmony also lives in harmony, and the world need more of that in this day and age of a lot of turmoil in society.

:joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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