Story Of Jack | Khan & stuff

Played Khan ST2 for 15 minutes today. The recon yesterday disappeared which tells me I’m on the edge balance wise between rest/exposure. We’ll have to see if we want less recon or can handle more recon (processing). We’ll push WB/NR to 3 minutes and see if we want to adjust next cycle.

Started using notion to plan and keep track of habits and goals. Will see how this goes, these productivity apps have a tendency to take up all my time instead of spending that time being actually productive 🥸

Almost done with A New Earth by Tolle. What a great book! One I should read yearly! This one goes to my list of re-readable books. I’m thinking of creating a list of 10-20 books to reread yearly.

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So far so good Notion, keeping track of habits and goals. :v:

Going through some recon, subtle, in the form of thinking about what subliminals to run or switch to.

Cold shower are pog!

Listened to WB/NR for 3 minutes each today. Let’s see what kind is recon we’ll get to experience today! :raised_hands:

Finished A New Earth, what a great book! Also day two with no energy-drinks/coffee. We keep on pushing!

There’s this girl in the food store that is always staring and smiling at me, as if we’re old flings. I don’t remember her, I really don’t know her. But it’s like she’s looking at me across the belt-high aisles, smiling. Yesterday I was there alone, without my S/O and she was staring at me non stop until we were face to face and I we greeted.

So weird. I also get weird vibes from her, like stalker warning. :sweat_smile:

Loving khan so far. Currently in St2 and I can see myself growing in indifference (dgaf), assertiveness, discipline, action taking and overall confidence. I’m running WB/NR too, but I can just feel the Khan emerging in me.

I’ve been curious to run Chosen and RoM too. Chosen is actually my first sub, but I never ran it. Lol people have been saying Khan/Chosen is a good combo.

I also am interested in running toniest Tony Stark and toniest Tony Banner next year. But that means letting go of Khan, and I’m just getting started with Khan.

Toniest Tony Stark - Stack
Stark, Wanted Black & Nouveau R.I.C.H

Toniest Tony Banner - Stack
Wanted Black, Nouveau R.I.C.H & Index Gate: UPX

(I think)

How about Khan Khoding: Khan, Stark, IG: UPX?


Getting triggered is awesome!

According to Tolle, it is an opportunity to grow in presence/consciousness.

Shadow-work: it’s an opportunity to dive deeper and heal your trauma.

People say if you have trouble feeling, spend time with family. Lol

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This is a big insight and so true as it shows us where we are attached. I have that mentality in my meditations too where they call them hindrances, but that the hindrances are your friends… they are your tools…

So when it comes up you instead of being annoyed, you are like COOL that’s awesome! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yeah, its cool. It feels like a reframe, but once you do it a couple of times (realise) you know it’s more than just a positive reframe. It’s awareness and a deep knowing. That’s metta meditation right?

Yes, if I can remember to wake up and observe it, sometimes your run by the trigger and it’s like you wake up from it later. But if I can notice it as it happens, that’s me being conscious.

Easier said, than done. :sweat_smile:

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Yep, I do the TWIM version which is when you see the hindrance come up and you let it be, but instead of trying to push it away by trying to stay on a single point object, you instead let it be and relax the tension and reaffirm your smile… that little relax step has done all the difference to me as it neutralizes instead of trying to just ignore whatever is coming up.

As you said awareness is knowing, and once you see it you have that insight already and can move on to the next one. Step by step I’m starting to see how easy it is with the right tools to reprogram the mind, and then it’s just on auto-pilot :slightly_smiling_face:

I like the whole do less to see more, because if you never quiet the mind, it’s just more of the same thoughts all the time…

Same here, build and make it a habit. It’s like the definition of mindfulness → the first step is always to remember to remember lol.

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Cool, you seem dedicated. I think I have your tips of TWIM in a notebook somewhere to investigate. So instead of getting back to the focus of the concentration (usually breath) you just let go of both the object and the hindrance?

Definitely, so easy to forget. But in working in building up habits like you.

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I do not see declaration of those three variables.

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A coder? :sweat_smile: good catch, I’ll have to fix Rita before we release the code to production.

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Just a basic knowledge, same as general understanding that money is for buying stuff :slight_smile:

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What I have learned is that to try and just have a single focus attention on something while trying to ignore all other thing, is actually suppressing all the things except your object of meditation (the breath in your case.) Because you are not relaxing the tension, so after the meditation, what you ignored and pushed aside will return again.

Nothing wrong with that, but what I’ve found is by relaxing the tension from whatever comes up and gently return to an object of meditation (an example: radiating Metta,) is far better as it does not try to shut something out in whatever is arising… and by continually releasing and relaxing the mind and come back to something good and smiling (creates happy chemicals,) the unwanted thoughts and states stops coming up because your not feeding them them, and instead replacing with other positive states.

I used to loathe mediation and could never sit still, but with this and the smiling it’s just so much fun because you’re constantly in an elevated mood… I managed after only 4 months to sit perfectly still for over 2 hours and go super deep in my mediations.

But in TWIM there is a technique called the 6R’s (2-5 seconds and even quicker when you get good at it, mine is like 1-2 seconds) which I do in the meditation, but that I also can use outside meditation to neutralize stress and tension. Cool thing is when the 6R’s gets habitualized and you do it automatically in stressful situations and such… That’s the point I am getting to now which is super cool and literally a cheat code to have :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It goes somothing like this → I have learned through meditating that when stress is coming up in my mind and creating tension & tightness → I do a quick 6R a couple of times and relaxing that tension and smiling → The stress goes away and I become very present.

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That’s awesome. I’m going to try that. So basically just give attention to whatever is grabbing it and smiling and letting go?

What is 6R?

:dizzy_face: Oh no, don’t give attention to the hindrances, but at the same time don’t try to push it away…

The 6R’s is this :point_down:

  1. Recognize 2. Release 3. Relax 4. Re-smile 5 Return 6. Repeat

Check this site (6R’s) and this video for out for more info, very easy to start doing it wrong. The guy in this video Bhante Vimalaramsi and is the one who rediscovered this technique back from the old Suttas (teachings of the Buddha.) I don’t want to teach someone it as it’s very easy to get wrong… better to go to the source…

There are many roads and they apparently all lead to Rome :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: But for me I immediately knew through my intuition that this is for me, and it works :+1:

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I see, acknowledge, as in label/note like a feather touching something, no tension, no resistance.

Ok thanks, will check it out.

Btw are still running Chosen/Khan? What about that combo do you like the most?

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R E C O N.

I know I’m in recon when I’m heavily obsessing about what subliminals to run. :sweat_smile::v:


Not currently, doing a full run of OG Khan… currently on St2. Chosen is the closet I am as a person, so combining that and just the raw power of Khan works like a charm for me, like soft and hard kinda :grin:

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God, I wish I knew what sub was the most me. 🥸

I like the idea of raw power of khan. Im running it too, im on Stage 2 too. I want some if that hardness :sweat_smile: I had it when I was like 8, but then I don’t know, it disappeared. I remember I was fearless, even aggressive. Now I don’t want aggressive, but I went way too far in the other spectrum.

Get back to journaling brother, not many good ones (aligned with my vibe) out there. :raised_hands:

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Yeah I should journal a bit more on here again, I do it privately but I forget to do it on here all the time. To me Khan is just me being me 100% and not bending or caring what others might think of me because that’s the authentic part of me.

But I got to say that me being 1000% spiritual since really getting into meditation, it gives Khan even more traction, and I realize more and more just how much of the old personality that was soo reactive to things around me, and not knowing I was emitting the frequencies that got me that kind of reality. The spiritual side and development makes sure I can be that strong Khan, but also takes away most of the unhealthy and aggressive parts of my personality, that ultimately was stemming from insecurities and trauma.

But on another note… it’s very confusing as your inner world changes so fast :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Good review, also a factor of attributes I want to cultivate. Being me, unapologetic, assertive, going for what I want, doing what I want.

Now this is all healthy and natural behaviour that get snuffed out from social conditioning, and I guess just being a kid trying to navigate the world and taking in beliefs that helped in some way back then but are limiting now.

So I agree with you, it’s not about being that douche. Just being yourself, free. But sometimes you will perceive as douche for just being a healthy individual with a boundary and opinion.

Anyway good stuff

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