Stark | Limitless Executive | Seductress ~ Turning the page ❤️

AFAIK that will be her very first ever loop of LE.


Oh ya give LE time before microloops

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I haven’t heard about micro looping

Nothing to worry about yet.

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Now I know … but yes… it’s not time yet with LE.

I wouldn’t even do it with Stark either.

Maybe seductress.

But I’ll sit that one out this cycle!

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Day 4 ~ Rest Day

Noticing a bit of anger coming up to heal…

I am so grateful for that!

Had a pow wow with my 12 year old son this morning. He brought up a lot for me to acknowledge forgive and truly heal. I was using tough love with him. He began to cry which I am glad to see because he is releasing and not keeping it inside.

My toddler is the angel and calmness amongst the storms that happen between my son and I.

What a blessing she is.

Yesterday after listening to LE for the first time ever, I became highly productive.

I connected with multiple people sharing a photo that lists the benefits of doing a session with me. I combine healing modalities and coaching together with my clients. I was on a roll!

I got a new client and another is interested too.

Before bed someone else signed up for 3 sessions with me!

I do see the intensity of this stack I have chosen but I will get through it victoriously! :muscle:

To add:

I was angry earlier because my son interrupted my yoga flow. I was so in the flow with the intensity of it that I didn’t want to be bothered.

At least it opened the doors for some healing to take place for us both.

I am even more motivated to step it up a notch or two as a mom. In being the best example I can be for my children.

My son is almost 13 and all.

To add again:

I woke up with more baby hair growth where I had some loss before from COVID. Like super fast growth!

I am assuming Seductress has physical shifting in it or maybe it’s from an accumulation of all the subs I have committed to over time and the lifestyle changes with self care and all that.

Not complaining at all!


Day 5 ~ Stark & Seductress (5 minutes each)

I was dreaming of business and getting clients last night. Productive dream!

I found myself writing an amazing post on my socials for attracting possible clients just now. I am seeing more of what I believe is my calling.

I feel more confident that everything is falling into place for me.

I’ve been getting more male attention than usual.

I had a man offer to pay me to watch me sleep yesterday. :joy::thinking:

I love this stack.

I also micro looped Paragon last night as an experiment.

I find myself cleaning a lot more, wanting an even more spotless & tidy home! One mess cleaned, another to follow thanks to kids! :joy: it feels so satisfying looking at shiny hardwood that smells good too.

I’m gonna manifest them to be just as clean as me! :thinking:


Day 8 ~
I stayed true to my schedule for the week with no extra listening on the weekend.

I have decided to experiment with listening to all 3 titles for 5 minutes each - Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

After listening this morning, I became a little sad and cried for a bit.

Having my morning coffee before I do yoga. It feels good to switch things up and go at my morning differently than usual.

I was reading the update of what is to come with SC and started feeling some recon. Noticing where all the lingo and various language/terms of the technology and processes of creating subs boggles my mind. Noticing how all the advanced users speak and just how everyone is engaging in general.

Am I okay with where I am at with my sub journey?
Do I want to eventually be considered an advanced user who gets special testing privileges?
Will I always need subs?
Can I be successful with keeping it simple with my sub usage?

I enjoy listening to a 3-sub stack with occasional experimenting according to my goals and how I am feeling.

I don’t however want to feel a dependency or that I will always need more in order to reach greater heights as a successful businesswoman.

I have been having super vivid dreams but feeling more rested during the day.

Noticing how I have less energy for relationship building and more for taking care of myself and my goals.

I have put sexual intimacy and romantic partnership aside over the past couple weeks to bringing my focus back within. I do desire to be married and in a power couple/family dynamic, but I won’t settle or get distracted from crushing my goals!

Thinking a lot about where I want to take my business goals in the long term. Where I want to put my energy mostly and what will eventually fade out.


Day 10 ~
Listening day - Combined all 3 subs in a 15-minute loop 1 time.

Yesterday I had a headache all day, but it is that time of the month for me.

I wanted to cry but for whatever reason seemed to be holding it in until the end of the day. The crying wasn’t as much as the day before. I felt like I wanted to make myself burst into tears with no success though!

I have been thinking a lot about what I want to mostly focus on with business and where I don’t want to put my energy. A lot of people have been reaching out to me since starting this stack. I feel like that may have been overwhelming my energy a bit, but I made sure to ground myself. I was okay leaving messages alone until the next day. I remember when that would bother me.

I enjoyed morning yoga outside in the sun these past 2 days. I didn’t mind that people were walking by getting their kids off to school.

I find myself thinking a lot about how I am putting my message out to the public for potential clients, if I want to do workshops, online group stuff, website stuff, etc. I worry that I will recon if I am not taking enough action. I know for sure I don’t want to be working 1:1 all day because then I will feel like I am at a job again or maybe I won’t. This is something I am pondering with a lot.

Maybe when it’s something you love, you make your schedule and you choose the clients, then it doesn’t feel like a job as much.

It is my business after all. I am not working for someone else anymore! :smiley:

I thought about the idea of taking some clients in a metaphysical shop maybe once a week but not sure how much they charge and if it would even be worth it or not. This could be a good way of networking and making new connections in the metaphysical scene.

Yesterday I was thinking a lot about how dependent people become on “gurus” and feeling into “cult” vibes in different areas. I find it funny how much I have let that bother me when I don’t really need that to be my problem or put my attention on it. People have free will. Whatever floats people’s boats.

I enjoy being a leader who surrounds herself with like-minded people.

I imagine attracting more people like that.

They say you become like the people you most surround yourself with.

Independent or dependent individual?

I started questioning if I need more coaching/training with my business to help launch it to the next level. I have invested over $20,000 into all of it over the past 2 years.

I would probably benefit from some guidance on the messaging and website piece. My offer and pricing, marketing, etc. I just spent 7 weeks working with a coach but still have some uncertainty.

I will let that flow naturally and keep at doing my thing.

Gotta have faith <3


Here are some lovely quotes by the late Neville Goddard. He was the man <3

“Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.”

“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. The first step in the ‘renewing of the mind’ is desire. You must want to be different [and intend to be] before you can begin to change yourself. Then you must make your future dream a present fact. You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and assume that you are already that person. If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable.”

“The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.”

“If you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it.”

“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.”


Day 11 ~ Rest

Nostalgic feels today when seeing some of my Facebook memories of the beginning of my alcohol free journey and some cool concerts I went to with my ex fiancé.

Noticing this feeling of frustration and sadness on the days I have my beautiful amazing toddler. I wish we were raising her together. Now that I have come so far from who I was 2 years ago when I left him… I am so curious of how different we’d be now.

Feels almost like Groundhog Day when I have her and the same thoughts and feelings happen on loop.

I need to find ways to switch up what we do when I have her to prevent these little funks I get in. She is super smart fun and energetic.

I was so used to working a career full time and go go go to now having all this extra time when I have her.

I am blessed of course but it’s definitely different for me.

I find myself wanting to focus a lot on my music practice.

I find myself wanting to cry but not much comes out. This is different for me because I’m usually someone who cries!

I don’t feel the recon is as heavy as I’ve experienced with other stacks, but it’s a different kind of recon this time around. Feel like a lot is going on internally. Big shifts.

I am managing pretty good though to say the least!

I sat in meditation for almost an hour during toddler nap time.

I did yoga with the sunrise.

Making sure I keep at my self care regimens. :heart:


Day 12 ~ Listening Day

I love how I find exactly what I need to on here with regards to what I am experiencing and why it may be happening.

When I am productive, I feel less recon. When I am getting to what I want to get to without any excuses, the guilt shame and sadness loop subsides. Noticing where I would create setups for upsets to bring about that loop. I was trying to seek that loop all day yesterday, seeking that sadness and crying but it wasn’t as easily attained. I thought, is my heart closed? No! I am breaking crappy patterns of behaviour that kept me stuck.

There is no need for any of that.

Am I running my life or someone else?

This poem came to mind just now for me:

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

The word ‘Invictus’ is Latin word for ‘Invincible’. It means one who is incapable of being won over. Life is one of our biggest teachers who imparts lessons through suffering and challenges.

When I really started to “wake up” to being the cause of my reality… the song “Invincible” by Tool spoke to me very deeply. I would wake up really early and do yoga outside to that song. It helped me to release a lot of blockages, trauma, pain, fear. It feels like I have been clearing lifetimes of trauma from myself and my ancestry line. Whatever it is…

I am here to continue being more victorious and less with the mindset of being defeated or limited.

I am limitless boundless and free! <3


hi :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi new friend :smiley:
Love your name on here! <3

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First time seeing me?

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I believe this is the first time I am seeing you comment on my journal.

I have seen you around here though!

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Well I don’t visit the major journals side as often, as I mainly try to answer questions in the questions section, or observe the customs section (I’m a Customs connoisseur, I must say :stuck_out_tongue:), but since yours popped up and I’m an avid enjoyer of Stark, I decided to drop by and saw my name here haha.

If you got any questions, especially about Stark, then feel free to ask anytime, I’ve been on stark since January, and only had like a month or 2 where I was away from it, so I know a thing or 2 that could help :grin:

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Day 16 ~ Rest Day

This cycle is flying by!!!

I started a body contouring package yesterday which will go on for the next 8 weeks. This was something I had been scoping out for a couple years but since this stack felt the nudge to finally do it.

I am focusing on my low abdomen and then my butt and thighs next.

I eat well, do yoga and body movement daily and take pretty darn good care of myself. The extra pooch has been the toughest area to eliminate. I believe this journey will be highly successful for that!

I’ve been attracting new connections as potential clients.

Feeling some feels about this transition in my life while giving myself grace and more loving care while moving through the various emotions and thoughts.

I’m not stuck anymore.

I’ve noticed my demeanour and presence has been shifting with my in person clients. I am more playful friendly and add some humour. I am connecting deeper with more relating happening.

Managing to have clients come back on the regular.

Noticing where I get worried about running out of clients or money but nipping that in the butt!

I’ve been receiving a lot of compliments on my butt and hearing “have you been working out more lately?”


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What have been your greatest successes since using Stark?

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Day 21 ~ Rest and final day of this cycle

Honestly feel like this cycle flew by!

Upon reviewing the objectives of Seductress I have noticed where some shifts have been happening for me…

I was complimented on the following:

  • My voice and how it sounds different ~ soft and crisp.
  • Glowing radiant clear skin ~ I have been sticking to my daily skin care routine diligently
  • Looking tighter and more fit ~ sticking to my daily yoga and sensual dancing :dancer:
  • Fuller looking hair ~ sticking to my hair care routine diligently

I have noticed I am starting to feel a lot better about my hair and physical appearance. I imagine looking in a mirror with great satisfaction of what is reflected back to me. If I happen to not like it I revise the experience to be what I want instead.

Persistence and dedication!

I am also noticing I shift from anxious fearful mode and more into a state of powerful confident & faithful much quicker!

I had a very sexual dream of a male friend last night. He came for a healing session with me over a week ago. I was disappointed at how short he actually is. Maybe if we spent more time together I wouldn’t be bothered by the height. I am only 5’3” myself. He is very flirty with me but he admits to being a flirty person in general. He hasn’t expressed any interest in dating or further exploration. It’s all surface flirting to me.

I have been extremely sexually aroused but don’t want just anyone. I am also questioning what I really want for an ideal partner.

The guy I manifested back in July after 2 loops of LBFH has become somewhat of a bother to me. He is highly sexually attracted to me yet here I am turning him down. I keep talking with and spending time with him but haven’t had sex in a month.

I am also noticing persuasive language happening with him and others which has become heightened over this cycle experience.

I feel like I sniff out bullshit and manipulation so quickly. Also seeing where I have and still do it myself.

Not sure if this is recon or not, but I am noticing where I want to listen to other main titles in an explorative manner. (Feeling much less recon from shorter listening loops with weekends off listening.)

I have microlooped paragon once and listened to a full loop today.

I tried microlooping LBFH experimental on Friday but didn’t feel anything so I tried 3 minutes.

Shortly after listening, I felt heightened senses. I didn’t want to engage in conversation for a little while. I was okay though. My reason for listening to it was that I wanted to feel more love for my brothers and sisters of the world. I’ve been working through A Course in Miracles workbook & felt that it fits perfectly with the content I was reading.

I dove deeper into Holy vs Special Relationships.

I noticed the desire to microloop Ultimate Artist, but haven’t yet. I am playing the keyboard much more. (Which usually isn’t my main instrument of choice.) I can’t help myself though!

I did a live today on IG playing around on the keys.

I have also been getting on Facebook more live and feeling more confidence with my expression and presence.

I feel like Heart Song might be a good sub to explore but wondering if Seductress is enough for the goal of finding and establishing a powerful romantic relationship.

Open to suggestions going forward with what stack to go with.

Business building and expansion, creative expression as an artist (music, writing), romantic power couple and healthy balanced family dynamics.