[STACKED] Raphael's StarkQ Terminus Journal

@Grimm1390 - such a simple idea but really great. It still requires work but since you listed these out for yourself, it’s gonna give our sexual energy some direction to go to a more productive place instead of sinking into old habits.

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How many loops of starkq do you listen to right now?

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@Lion @Grimm1390

Have you guys tried dopamine detoxes? I’ve been doing those one day a week and I believe they also help with no fap since many habits are created by dopamine.

Also this may not work for other people, but what helped me was to actually not count the days. I find it empowers the addiction since it would be on my mind all the time. I try to take a mentality that “this is easy to do,” kind of like a Neville Goddard sort of thing.


For me personally there were times i would think in the past things simliar to " this is easy to do".
This led me to leaving my guard down and then boom i would relapse with alcohol or porn.
There were other times i would get cocky and think along the lines of " i got this" and i would sooner or later relapse and get humbled. For me ive started to accept it wont be easy for me probably for the rest of my life. The main thing is though that i take care of my needs and emotions in healthy ways. I also im learning to embrace my sexuality and not repress it. Through journaling and other things ive learned by me repressing my sexuality its leaking out into porn or fapping to girls on fb. Thats one cause for my addiction.
As for dopamine detox man i would love to try lol but when im working out im using either pre workouts or caffiene pills. I also began vaping again not to long ago.
I guess while we were in the heart of lockddown dopamine detox would have been a good time to do it.
Yea i really dont count days like i used to. I do mark it on my phone calendar though if i relapse, how many times i did today if i did, and what day i started it.
I know im all over the place but i forgot to add im running primal in a stack to help with accepting sexuality


Ah yeah that’s a good point. The most important thing is to just find what works best to you and it looks like you are really on top of that. Best wishes for your success!


I still have my my finger’s :crossed_fingers: that one day sub club comes out with a nofap sublimnal.
But yes theres so many tools and ways to go about this once we find what works for us we just have to keep doing it


I’ll honestly be surprised if there isn’t a module for that in the q store


@kevin77 - in the posts above where I have mentioned the day and number (eg Day 1, Day 2, etc), you can see how many loops i listen to each sub each day. (eg StarkQ x 1 means am listening to one loop of StarkQ).

@Fractal - I have tried to do Dopamine Detoxes many times. I just end up watching too much YouTube lol. At least on the diet front, am dopamine detoxing with doing OMAD+Keto for some months now.

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Day 15 (Part 1):

Overnight playlist:
StarkQ x 1
StarkQ Terminus x 1
Emperor Fitness ST1 x 1
Aegis Initiative Covid 19 x 1

Afternoon playlist:
StarkQ x 1

  • The day started slow like yesterday but thinking of writing a poem eventually led to me writing one. Wasn’t fully satisfied with it since I felt it could have more rhythm but the poem ended quite well and I felt good about that. Posted to my social media and there were some decent reactions to it.

  • A while back when I was running the Experimental EmperorQ, I started writing one short story a day. As much as I love to be a storyteller in the written word, I felt that it was way beyond my current level and it always felt like an uphill task as compared to my natural talent with poetry. So that also confirmed some sort of true purpose for me with regard to poetry-crafting while at the same time having a desire to master storywriting too while I pursue creating my books of verse.

  • When I took a short nap in the afternoon, I had a very interesting dream where one of my poems was sung by a high profile singer in a beautiful tune I didn’t expect) don’t remember the tune anymore). I was pointed to the song by someone else and it was playing on youtube. I could see that my name was credited as the songwriter in the title of the video. I remember feeling a rush of success when dreaming this. I woke up in a pleasant state of mind and felt that things were finally taking a turn for the better as far as my Purpose is concerned.

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Day 15 (Part 2):

  • One interesting thing to note is that am not afraid anymore to have a debate with anyone these days. Even though social media is not really a productive endeavor, I find myself challenging accepted norms on Fb and not being scared to be right or wrong with those whom I am having a discussion with while at the same time being comfortable in my opinion no matter who disagrees with me. Not a long time plan for me to continue using social media as much but an interesting, positive development nevertheless. Previously I always wanted to be politically correct or at least ignore being politically incorrect.

  • Am thinking that someday I would love to integrate Ultimate Artist with my stack to boost my creativity. Not in a hurry to do so since I am quite enjoying my current stack right now but as a long-term plan, it is very much on my mind.

PS: one woman even applauded me for my clarity of mind on a particular social media debate with another woman concerning the topic of skin color. Not only is being disagreeable a sign of Masculinity (Reference to Jordan Peterson) but it is the right way to learn, instead of just accepting everything at face value.


Day 17

Rest day from subs

  • Was wondering about addiction today (PMO is the issue for me). And this thought came to my mind. If we want to give up any addiction, one of the ways we can think about it is what is the most important advantage(s) we get in exchange for giving up our weakness? For example, one person will feel that if he gives up drinking, he feels more healthier and productive. Or another person feels that if he gives up drugs, he can live life to the fullest. When giving up PMO, there are a lot of advantages one can get like more energy, confidence, women attraction, masculinity, deeper voice, etc. But I realized that the benefit which was most important to me was Creativity. I noticed that I was always more creative in my writing whenever I have semen retained for a couple of days. And I can focus on this aspect to motivate me to continue NoFap because personally, this aspect of creativity is attractive to me. So will try this out the next time I feel the urge to watch porn or masturbate which is to focus on my creativity and use my sexual energy to create poetry and any creative art am inspired to make.

  • Was going through my collection of older poems and could see that I have written more than I thought a year or two ago. More pages than expected for the poetry book I would love to get published.

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Cost benefit analysis for pros and cons of pmo sounds like something your describing. Smart recovery has this tool. I keep it on me always to remember since I finished mine just few days ago.
they also have another tool call relapse prevention that I like a lot.

This one is trigger/ relapse prevention

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@Grimm1390 - that’s interesting. Wonder how I did this unconsciously. Was it StarkQ? Will write this as a goal so that my subconcious will pick it up.

Goal: to practice NoFap for 5 months.

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Just in case you’re not already familiar with this, there’s a helpful principle called counter-conditioning (or ‘substituting’).

You know how they always give the example ‘don’t think of a pink elephant’ and of course that’s immediately exactly what you think of because the specific image was introduced to you.

One takeaway from that is that it’s much easier to do something than to ‘not do’ something.

Of course, the best way to get someone to not think of a pink elephant is to say ‘hey, how’s it going?’ or 'hey, check out that car!". In other words, just do something else that’s unrelated to a pink elephant (which includes pretty much everything in the world).

Counter-conditioning involves substituting another preferable activity/behavior (or better, many preferable activities) for the one that is being removed. Finding things that I can do instead of [X]. Ideally, it should be something that at least partly scratches the same itch.

Anyway, counter-conditioning is one of 10 powerful change processes or strategies that have been identified as central in effective personal transformations.


They’re all there.

I’m definitely not suggesting or implying that these processes necessarily make it easy. But in those cases when change does successfully happen, often one or more of these were involved.


Yes, that’s true, @Malkuth. My problem is applying these principles and not that I don’t know them. Too much thinking and very less doing unless the doing is pleasurable. It’s better these days and once in a while it goes wrong. Again, not beating myself about it while at the same time wanting to up my self-discipline more.


Yes, I relate. It’s the same for me.

There’s definitely an art to all of this stuff.

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Day 18:

Overnight playlist:
StarkQ x 1
StarkQ Terminus x 1
Emperor Fitness ST1 x 1
Aegis Initiative Covid 19 x 1

  • Didn’t feel that special today at first but I did notice that the mindset I had picked up the past few days have become the new norm for me. This is why a more confident self seems pretty ordinary now. As if I have been fearless all my life at least with regard to dealing with others and their opinions.

  • Had some feelings of dissatisfaction with the way my life is currently. A bit of reconciliation combined with a mulling over on how to change it. Must admit I felt somewhat impatient with the pace at which life is moving right now.

  • Wasn’t upto writing a poem today so I took an old one and edited it, making it much better.

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Day 19:

Overnight playlist:
StarkQ x 1
Emperor Fitness ST1 x 1
Aegis Initiative Covid 19 x 1

  • Removed the Terminus version of StarkQ for the overnight playlist to just see how it feels with the normal StarkQ alone.

  • Spend some time helping my dad with some work he asked my help for. Half done today. The remaining half tomorrow.

  • Noticed my confidence climbing even higher and coming to the level of easy comfort with different viewpoints. I can also feel that some people are testing my mental strength when they try to piss me off but I feel relaxed, agree with them on some common points while firmly telling them that I think differently about other concepts. Am normally a person who is quick to anger but StarkQ makes me feel cool in a Kingly fashion without being angry with my “subjects” nor wishing they behave a certain way to please me.

  • When doing NoFap, I do tend to feel irritable for a few days while I retain Semen. But this “reconciliation” (lol) is gentle when it comes to dealing with other people’s little power plays. Very Tony Stark-y

Do you feel like 1 loops of regular starkq helps after a loop of starkqT

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