[STACKED] Digger’s Quantum EmperorQ

Absolutely nothing @Malkuth. The tax liability was for 2016. The extension was for 2019 only.

DAY25(early update)*

Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY20)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Wasn’t able to update again last night because of studying. Somehow, lately I’ve been too much in the zone. Whether or not I am able to solve a particular problem, it still feels like my concentration is so focused on it that I don’t feel time flying by.
So last night, I was finally able to solve a practice problem on my own after 3 nights of trying to solve it. And when I did, I went to my wife to tell her that I’d like to turn in. She was rather surprised since I normally sleep around 2 am lately. Given that, I decided to work on another practice problem. And was so in the zone I only found out it was 2am when my wife came up to tell me to sleep.
Is this what time dilation like?



Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY20)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Anger. An overwhelming sense of anger and frustration is what I felt most of today. It’s hard to explain. Could it be because of my current situation? Could it be because of the shit I have to go through each day? Could it be because I feel lost? I honestly don’t know.

My office projects have been mostly neglected. Even if I try to even start thinking about them, my thoughts get diverted to other non-urgent matters. Maybe because I don’t feel any sense of fulfillment working on them? I mean I have been spending more time on studying and solving those practice problems rather than actually working. And yet the feeling I get when I solve or learn stuff makes me feel good!

But at the back of my mind, it’s all fake! Solving those problems does not put food on the table. Working on my projects do. But I can’t bring myself to do that. I don’t know why.

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Hopefully, it will be offset by a stimulus check.

Yeah. I hope so too.


Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY21)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

A part of me is still mad. Like a dragon lurking in his cave, I feel that my anger is just there. The heat still glows within.

Somehow I think this pandemic is making everyone on edge. Kids have nowhere to go. Although it is said that sunshine and fresh air is encouraged, it is still especially difficult to maintain social distance if the people around you don’t really care. I’ve read in our neighborhood forum and news reports of people simply disregarding this.

One thing I noticed is that my wife has started to cook more and has been trying different recipes. I’m hoping it’s because of AI and QL as I play the ultrasonics at night while also using earphones to play masked for me.

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Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY22)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Nothing much to write about today. Been a lazy Easter Sunday. I miss going out with the family on days like these. I used to complain about going out before. But being cooped up for so long, makes me miss those. Even if they’re unnecessary expenses.

Anger is still there at the back of my mind. Though it feels it calmed down a bit. But like a sleeping dragon, any moment it can wake. I dread that.

Currently running Beast Unleashed. I feel like I need a workout as it’s been a week since I did any exercise.


Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY23)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Tired and sleepy. The whole day I’ve been tired and sleepy. And yet I couldn’t get any rest.

Today was also the “official” start of my kids’ distance learning program. So with multiple webex sessions and online programs my kids have to attend, I feel like I’ve been spreading myself thin. Add in the fact that I also have work and that my wife either does not like thinking or just plain lazy to even try things out on the computer, I’m surprised I’m still able to write this journal right now.

Wanted to work out after this but I’m sooooo sleepy. So maybe I’ll just call it a night right now.

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Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY24)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Last night, wife was literally throwing herself at me, and yet I was not in the mood. Weird! Maybe because I had to wake up early to get my kids ready for their morning meetings with their teachers and classmates? Or maybe because after that, I had to go to the office to get spare laptops so that my kids didn’t have to take turns on my wife’s laptop? (Note, one my projects at the office was to repurpose old and refurbished laptops for our team’s software tests). Given that there are still some working laptops, I decided to “borrow” them for the time being.

Even weirder still was that I woke up at 5:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep. My kids’ “classes” start at 8:30 so I could sleep till 7-7:30 before having to wake them up and prepare them for “school”. But I just couldn’t get back to sleep! Maybe there was a lot going on inside my head? I really don’t know.

After going to the office and getting laptops (I didn’t know which was still usable or not, and I didn’t want to stay there much longer as it gave me the creeps being alone), I went to the grocery store. They were limiting eggs to just 1 carton but milk, oj, facial tissues and handsoap have no limits. I jokingly asked the cashier if it was harder for the chickens to lay eggs than for cows to get milked? That gave off a laugh. And even surprised me because here I was with a mask all serious and stuff and I was joking around like we were friends.

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Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY25)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Been using EmperorQ for a month now. Seen some improvements. Like a drive to learn more. After the setback last January where I failed my certification exam, I honestly didn’t think I would be at least trying to learn (albeit slowly) things I either didn’t know beforehand or better methods and techniques to solve difficult problems there.

Since I’ve been mainly stuck home with the wife and kids, socializing has not even been considered. But I guess this is fine.

I still wish my finances would improve though. Been applying to various jobs but none seem to want me. So I’m stuck at a job I dislike with no career paths I can see.

But I’ll stick this out, at least while the lockdown is in place. I feel that Aegis has been helping keep me sane at the very least. Stuck with kids too young to understand the outside world and a wife who always wants to see the outside world no matter the costs can really test your sanity.

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Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY27)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Horny. I’ve been horny the whole day. Even when I should have been working, I’ve felt my dick stirring in my pants. It’s been hard to concentrate.

Funny thing is, when I go down to take a break from work, my wife is flirting with me.

Even though wife’s been openly flirting, she’s been more productive now. Been cooking more and newer food. She’s been using different recipes. Normally Friday is take out night. But tonight, she opted to cook French Fries! This is the first time she actually cooked fries from fresh potatoes!

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Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY28)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Madness and sadness with a tinge of horniness. Feel like I’ve been thinking of a lot of things lately but don’t know where to begin.
Whole family has been cooped up for far too long. Needed to go to the grocery as we were running low on supplies. Stayed in the car with the kids while my wife went inside the grocery store. Even just taking a car ride made my kids happy.
Part of me is wishing that this is all just a dream. And yet, I know that this is the norm now. Before I would get mad, frustrated and annoyed when the wife suggests we go out. But now, even if I don’t know where to get the money, all I’m thinking is a trip to Disneyland, a trip to Legoland, Universal Studios, or anywhere but here!


Current stack:

  • QL ST2 (DAY29)
  • AI-Covid19
  • EQ

Nothing really much to write about. Been both lazy and productive. Lazy in the sense that I felt tired the whole day. And all I wanted to do was rest. In fact, I slept in till noon today and still felt tired.

Productive because even if I was lazy, I still managed to force myself to work. Been putting of cleaning up out garage/storage area. At least my wife and I were able to sort stuff out. So as soon as the lockdown is removed, I’ll be bringing our donate-able items to goodwill as I felt bad just dumping them in the trash. Speaking of trash, I was also able to cut up the empty boxes filling up space in the garage. Filled up the recycle bin pretty quickly.