SpartanQ, Primal SeductionQ, Aegis + a bit of RegenerationQ

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Nice workout setup. I’m a massive fan of kettlebells, and was thinking of getting a mace.

How do you rate the Band Beast? I was looking at getting one or similar, but I keep thinking I can just make something out of plywood. Worth the cost in your opinion?

Band Beast is worth it for me. I like pulling from the floor and don’t want to build anything. It is very solid. I thought it was a good deal for the quality and what I paid. The Band Beast has more flexibility of use than the high density plastic boards that started out with the release of the X3 band system. Those plastic boards, though, are way more portable than the Band Beast, which I just leave in the same place.

Maces are a favorite tool of mine and are cheap.

I also really like my handles and pins for doing one hand deadlifts.


I feel like I get a bump from Spartan for my exercise motivation and consistency.

I feel like with Primal there is more swagger and less second guessing. It, as much as possible, helps to get one out of his head.

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In my astrological chart I have Sorpio Rising. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, so it becomes the ruler of my ascendant, in essence the planet that represents me in a fundamental way.

I am experimenting with working with this energy and strengthening it, and letting it more freely and fully manifest itsel within me.

It is warrior energy and I’m trying to think of which Subclub titles are most Martian. All the subs are going to be multivalent in the planets they relate to but each should have a fundamental ruling planet.

For example, Spartan would be, in my estimation, the most Mars oriented title as it deals with physical vitality, warrior qualities, and physical development.

I am running Spartan.

Emperor Fitness would seem to be another title built around Mars energy.

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Super-weird dream for which I will provide no details but which relate to themes from PSQ.

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It took me forever to get up this morning. I go into my office every day but no one is around when I get there and no one cares when. It is fucking with my productivity a lot, though probably with few consequences, so that probably feeds into it, too.

I keep working on mental toughness. It seems to be getting better with being regular and pushing myself in my workout, but with work there is a kind of hopelessness about where things are going due to Covid 19. I keep going and doing but my enthusiasm and optimism flags.

I feel like we are in serious trouble and that eats into my ability to keep things going.

Despite all of this, not feeling a lot of physical symptoms of anxiety. Primal, probably. I can still think dark thoughts, they just don’t manifest as much in the body.

I am experiencing the least productive, most procrastination strewn day of my life, possibly. Aargh!

Trying to determine how long I want to keep Aegis in my stack. At the moment I am thinking until the Covid threat dissipates, but that might be a year and a half, though I feel as long as it threatens, I should keep it in the stack.

I have run it since the day it was released, somewhat sporadically, but have recently put it in my main stack.

Aegis nothing wrong with having Aegis on the list till this thing blows over

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Sure, I think it is useful for this, it’s just that it is also either diluting the other titles I have by reducing their listening times, or keeping me from having another sub in my stack.

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Some ideas I was working up in another thread that seemed important.

Extreme and comprehensive healing and/or rolling back the organism to tabula rasa + not creating new trauma, dis-ease or dysfunction from events going forward.

Full physical healing to the extent possible via subliminal influence.

Anxiety Annihilator.
Negative Voice Negator.
Automatic Reframing.
Awareness Shifting.
Seeing the details and the whole and their integration.
Improvisation Mastery.

The ability to hack and change your own operating system to take on whatever point of view that would be most useful in the moment.

It could be interesting to be able to detect the use of NLP/Psychological Manipulation/Brainwashing on oneself, be able to use it for self-betterment and to be able to use it to influence others, ideally in an ethical manner, but not to be limited by those considerations.

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I am awake in the middle of the night again. My subliminal playlist is bubbling away in the background.

Woke up having never heard the alarms from my phone, though it hardly mattered today.

Woke up for a long time during the night and was awake for quite a while. I am thinking that my sleep was better under Emperor than with my newest stack. Weirdness due to continued social distancing may be responsible, though.

Massive procrastination lately. Working to shift that.

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