Some possible approaches to emotional healing

Adding to the discussion, I’m realizing I’m facing a fear of failure in all areas of life (and I’m on DR St.1 right now). I’m considering a custom with DR and Chosen as cores, yet I’m unclear what the root of my fear of failure is. Correction: emotionally I’m unsure, but mentally I felt like I’d failed with my mom growing up. So, self blame is the culprit, and it’s a daily thing.

This strongly links with self-doubt, and I’m picking at it presently doing DR with LB. So, the injury began in the past, but I still use this template on a daily basis. My initial build is below, though I’ve been looking back over modules.

  1. DR1
  2. Chosen
  3. Mosaic
  4. Deus (unsure. I asked support)
  5. Foundation – returning to my focus
  6. Path of Forgiveness – forgiving myself
  7. Ares – purging out guilt and doubt
  8. Courage Reclaimed
  9. Call of Honor
  10. Depths of Love
  11. Chosen of Venus
  12. Growth Through Pain
  13. Iron Frame
  14. Pride Unbroken
  15. Remembrance
  16. Sanguine
  17. Strength of Gentleness
  18. New Beginnings
  19. The Boundary
  20. Eye of The Storm

I’ll likely buy this next weekend, so I’m open to changes still. I also messaged support about 4 days back, still awaiting feedback there.

Lastly: Vortexdive Crucible is very new, and likely very useful. Sounds like it embraces our dark side. I’ve not considered this much, but I know us pushing our wants or needs away often backfires. As in, hard recon. I’ve not seen anyone discussing this module, but I have seen threads concerning our shadow self.

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I would encourage you to post this in the ZP customs thread:

Overall, I think it looks good.


Thank you @RVconsultant for creating this thread and for always looking out for us in our healing journeys. If you only knew how appreciated you are for that :slight_smile:

I did actually glance quickly at Vortexdive Crucible and Eye of the Storm when rummaging through the q-store… The ones I listed in the other thread however was just modules I figured would be generally useful for ‘manifestation’.

And I get the idea of carefully considering whether adding more “past healing” modules will help create forward momentum, or slow you down. Indeed modules geared towards presence in the now and the removal of the negative would be the better choice - if needed to included at all that is.

Aaand I can only echo this. I personally found DRst1-2 to be especially destabilizing and well, the very purpose of those after all is to dig up past crap so that one can properly deal with them in the now - so it’s no wonder it’s destabilizing. Especially if it addresses things that we have suppressed consciously or unconsciously for a very long time.

Well worth to consider, and I am glad you guys brought this up!

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How did it destabilize you?

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Mmh except for the periodically induced heavy recon… I suppose I would describe it as “feeling as if I got better and got worse at the same time”. Some times I felt great, only to be followed the day after with feeling really down, self-critical, crestfallen and exhausted. And sometimes both at the same time?

Ah… I suppose incredible mood swings was the term I was looking for :grinning:

Well, healing the past is a thing many of us naturally want, even if we don’t understand it consciously, because that would help us come back to our TRUE self.

To who we once were before traumas happened, indoctrination happened, etc.

Healing traumas therefore reveals your real self. Whereas running a sub that builds a personality might build one that just doesn’t vibe with you.

Which is why I like ZP so much because it virtually guides you to who you are and how to get there.

And maybe healing all the bullshit might reveal a Primal man underneath. Then all you need is just go deeper into that and add skills to it.

As much as healing destabilizes (and it does, especially due to impulsive actions from feeling like crap), it is a somewhat necessary foundation for SOME.
Not everyone had the same traumas. Lesser ones can potentially ignored. But if you experiences abuse, for example, your true self might be covered under a lot of pain. Until you tackle that, your energy will never be free to create the life you want.


Stacking Regen with CFW was def a mistake lol

I was SO MAD I made a stupid decision. I am not exactly regretting it because it worked out fine, revealed other things to me, but in the moment it made things worse.

So, if healing, see it as a long run. Go easy on it.


That makes sense. Thank you for going into more detail.


What kind of way is dr? Can you describe it more vividly?

//Thank you for teaching various ways of healing.

How long did you run regeneration + cfw? How was it.

This is what I’ll be going into in about 11 days. Been on cfw solo so far.

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I think DR involves all three of the modalities I proposed.


Tagging @Leandros to make sure you see this thread.

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Now let me see

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OK here is my take on Healing.

Decide if you want/need it

If yes, then make room and time for it
Big room and long time

If you create a custom then do it solo

No DR st1 + Wanted or whatever

Be serious, be hardcore and be prepared to fight for your life, fight for yourself to unburden your life.

If your halve hearted you will run away from this and hardly return until you have too.

If you commit then inform your surrounding that you will do that for a longer time and nothing is wrong with me. Tell them I have grown big balls and do something for myself that everyone is afraid of. This will earn you Instand respect

If you create a custom do it this way

Dr+ Sanguine + all healing modules in the store
Dr+ the Elixir + :point_up_2:
Dr + Rebirth + :point_up_2:

Put Sanguine+Lovebomb in your stack as well, you will need it for balance.

You will be forged in a fire like nothing else
If you withstand this trial then afterwards the rest seems like peanuts

4 months is to less, the real shit crawls 3-5 months later to the surface. But be relaxed about it,Dragon Reborn will install in you power to handle what comes, it will make you a Warrior from the inside to the point where you will smile when you discover dirt in yourself, you smile because you know: ahhhhh let’s roll up my sleeves and pull the fucker out of me

You will gain confidence like nobody else
You will be quiet inside after that





So I will share what I have been doing to help with the emotional healing on my subliminal journey. It all finally clicked when I started Ascension and Primal and now I am using Emperor and Primal Seduction. The first stack was internal power/healing, seduction etc. The latter same thing but in a broader sense.

When I started these stacks I only welcome the healing I dont focus entirely on the healing. Basically what I am doing is allowing my internal power and confidence to grow and strengthen and that gives me the power to face my past, my insecurities, trauma etc. What I do when any of those thoughts come to the forefront I focus on it but I separate the emotion and think about it in a logical sense rather than focus on the pain. With the new found power I utilize my new and improved perception and see why this event makes me feel the way it does. I will admit what I did wrong, how I could have went about it, understood why the person did what they did, forgive them or myself, not forgive them at all, then I use that to see how I can be better for the future. Most of the time its yielded really good results for me and has also healed the emotional aspect or started to slowly heal the pain of said event/memory.

Also as stated above I dont go looking for healing I only expect it and welcome it. For example with Primal Seduction I got that because it helps with being an alpha and makes me more comfortable in my skin, social situations and obviously the ladies, but it has a good amount of healing in all those areas. I struggled with flirting and all that jazz my whole life but I didnt focus on the ladies department at first. I allowed the Subs to guide my healing and one of the first things that I healed from was just how I viewed myself and shifted to a more positive outlook. Then it was me starting to be happy and accepting myself and enjoying my own company. During those two aspects of healing I started to become more comfortable with women and started initiating conversation with them, started getting more looks/smiles. Now recently I have done some smaller healing in the dating/flirting world and its giving me even more results. So I getting the results that I originally bought the Subs for but since I am following what the subs a doing with me I have gotten even more results and healing that I wasnt even looking for, which is better because it has a compound affect imo.

I will put it like this. Lets say you want to heal from this specific event but for some reason another event keeps coming to the forefront that you think you have healed from and now its annoying you because its not what you want so in a way you’re clashing with the subs trying to help in the aspect of healing. Which is something I did do in the beginning when I joined SubClub a few months ago. Now instead I let the Subs bring what it brings to the forefront. IMO think of it as a way of the Subs saying “I/We know you want to heal from this event but you arent ready (strong enough) to handle this one just yet, BUT you are ready (strong enough) to handle this SMALLER event!” Which will make you stronger much faster because even smaller healing grants you internal power, wisdom, emotional control etc, yes it wont be as much but it will all add up. Baby steps are still steps forward, I would rather take 20 baby steps in the span of 3 months vs 5 normal/large steps in the span of 4 or 5 months.

This is just my take on how I go about healing hopefully this method might possibly help someone out.

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Okay this is a separate post cause my other post was a damn novel. So I always struggled with self esteem, acceptance, love, respect which affected my life and dating life. I also struggled with the ladies thinking they didnt want me, would never love me blah blah blah.

This is goin to sound corny as fuck but I have started doing something once or twice a month that has literally helped me in all of those regards. Also tbh I thought about posting this a few days ago, decided not to post it, then I saw this soooo I am taking it as my sign to post it.

I started taking myself out on dates, and I solidify it in my mind that it is a DATE, even though its with myself. Now I have always been a loner that enjoyed his own company as yall could probably tell, so I did a lot things on my own anyways plus I do enjoy my alone time. When I started to work on myself love and all that, the second I started calling them dates it changed everything. When I started doing that I literally pretended I was going on an actual date with someone, but with myself.

Doing this, on those days/nights I would dress really nicely or appropriate for the activity, such as goin to a park, goin to movies, taking my self out to dinner, out for drinks or whatever else but I looked presentable for a date. That allowed me to put more time into my looks, since then I have changed my hair style, got a skin care routine, I shave my beard now rather than trim it and soon investing into more clothes. Its also helping me with my diet, and motivating me to workout more. On a date you would compliment the person you’re taking out so on that day I compliment the shit out of myself, even if its exaggerated and that has helped me love myself and accept myself more. Maybe you would get the person a gift, so get yourself a gift. It makes me get creative too and makes me go with the flow or try new things, I have found other interests because of this which is making learn more about myself and will bring more to the table in the future.

All this as happened simply because I go about me doing my own thing from time to time as a date. Its helped cultivate a much more positive relationship with myself, its helped me learn to love myself but also respect myself even more because I am starting to realize my worth, and also learn to love my own company to the point where while it would be nice to have a lady friend or a relationship, no matter how lonely I can get from time to time I know that I can make myself happy, also it killed the desperation to finding a GF too.

Like I said at first it sounds corny as shit but this really helped me out with my outlook of my own self, and the effects are also positively affecting my everyday life. Of course a shoutout to SubClub because these products has really started to change me for the better. Hopefully this too can help someone out. Also I apologize if these posts a lil hard to follow, I am tired as hell but as soon as I saw the post I had to dump all this


Good idea, I’m definitely a loner also. This is something I will have to make myself do in the future. It can’t hurt.

Thanks for sharing man


Yeah no problem, and absolutely dude give it a shot if it doesnt really do anything for at least you took a few self care and love days!


This has been my experience on Dragon Reborn so far.

I don’t actively look for things coming up to work through. I proceed with my day, which is why I stack it with other subs. At some point, maybe a dream, maybe a thought pops up and I am like, “Oh yeah this happened” or “Oh I did this in the past” then I laugh about it, accept it’s the past and move on.

Letting the energy go.


Good to know that this way of going about it works for others as well, and oddly enough I haven’t had that many kind of dreams that people report getting, except during the beginning of my SubClub journey. I also haven’t ran a healing stack yet. One day in the future I will