Solving Self-Worth Issues

I realized, that there’s something that’s hindering me, from making serious progress in my life. I start something to improve my life, and I can go all in until I notice first results, or understand that this has the power to change my life completely. Then it’s over. I just can’t keep on going/ reading/ whatever.
Like with my sales training. I was amongst the best until I got the first result. Once I had the chance to finally make some little money, I was blocked internally.
And that was the case with so many other modalities I tried, until today.

I want to solve this issue for good.

I’ve run Love Bombs or Ascension consistently since LBs release last March. In summer I switched to Primal for a cycle to then go switch to the more basic Ascension. Then back to Lovebomb and finally to my custom containing both.

All to set a good foundation of selflove, self worth, confidence, self-assurance and self esteem.

Right now, I’m running Khan 1 TB, EoG1 (because of the financial aspect it has nevertheless) and

Ascendet Love, my Ascension and Love Bomb Custom.

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20. Way of Understanding

It helped me a lot on working to uncover this issue. Now, it seems like I might have found it, although not the underlying cause or event that caused it.

I’m journaling a lot in a handwritten journal. That helped me uncover this issue the most.

Now my question is, does any of you have an idea how to best support the subs in solving this issue?
How do I take action on this?

One thing that came to mind was Byron Katie’s “The Work”.

@AnswerGroup @Malkuth @Lion @TheEmpress @MechaShaman @SoulFire @ksub @SwagKing @Ravenscout

I’m grateful for any ideas.


One thing I want to point out. Self worth blocks can be a limiting belief themselves. I don’t know where it started but it rooted itself in the self development field and I find it damaging. Now I’m not saying developing self worth is problematic, I think it can be when it’s supplied as the reason something can’t get done.

From what you wrote here, it doesn’t sound like self worth issues. It sounds like a fear of something. Abandoning something while it’s good or on the up is a way to sort of dip out before you face potential challenges. This is self preservation, which I prefer over the term self sabotage. Something in you probably thinks there’s a horrible end result if you don’t continue to succeed, encounter difficulty, or keep getting better.


Have you read Existential Kink?


I started here in 2022 with not much foundation and jumped into Khan. Consistency is really key. I noticed Khan was a lot different in the long-run than I expected until I had a breakthrough and the right action, and improved my body. It wasn’t by the pursuit of aesthetics that the confidence and self-worth skyrocketed to Godzilla levels.

I stopped training for aesthetics and said :fu:t5: wanting to look nice for people. I’m focusing on power, strength, and explosiveness. Functional strengths and attributes. Then the aesthetics came as a byproduct and I noticed I started to feel the Khan mentality as both my strength and muscles grew, naturally and progressively. No amount of cheats or shortcuts are going to build that lasting confidence, which is why I gave up the chase for aesthetics and the maxxings in 2024 and went for the hard shit, the boring shit, the work.

So, it may be that you have to find that one thing. With consistency, you may get a breakthrough.

I see potential with a Khan ST2 + Genesis stack also. I have a cycle planned with that one, but it could be 2026 before I even run it.


If you feel comfortable with something that purifies, you may also try something like Phoenix. A lot of my methodology I don’t really share anymore is opening wounds actively and pouring salt into them to get through the pain and come out with new levels of enlightenment; with great awareness, and without causing disruption to other people or my life. It’s a feat, but it’s for the speed. I like swift change.

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A few times. I even translated it to German, at least the most important chapters, so my fiancee can enjoy it as well. Translating made me understand it even more thoroughly.
I created a guided meditation for men (since all I found were for women).

But as with all that could greatly change my life, I’ve dropped it.

Perhaps I should restart this practice.

Khan 2 actually came to mind after reading your answer. If it is really missing self-worth, than perhaps adding something (self-worth) instead of destroying trauma or negative beliefs might be the most rewarding approach.
So instead of spending my life on TB until the issue is solved, moving forward to Total Reprogramming might be advisable.

I’ve run Phoenix in November and December. I didn’t feel anything from it. But I guess it worked somehow in the shadows.

That’s the angle I’ve used for the last two years with not much to show for.

Might be of course. But we’ve looked at anything that came to mind. And as I said, we tried this angle for years. We solved most of this issues. All kinds of consequences and the fears that came with it are cleared. Nothing left. I can’t find any negative consequence of being successful that I fear anymore.

Try to simplify

Get off on what you don’t want every single time!

That’s pretty much what a limiting belief is. @Skadoosh mentioned this once I think. I might butcher it lol. But he said the true limiting beliefs are the ones you don’t see and operate from them.

When you have a very deep limiting belief you’re not gonna be able to clear it in isolation. So maybe you need to really go past the point you’re hitting a wall at to start to uncover more.

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Not pinged but gonna throw in my 2 cents.

LBFH + EoG1 used to give me an amazing sense of self esteem.

The Khan stages 1-3 didn´t really (consistently at least), after running them over a year I was nowhere near what I´d like to feel as a baseline, it was still busy cracking down bs programming/insecurities. However once I had my first loop of st4 everyhing suddenly “clicked”, came together and I felt fucking incredible. Think of walking through the storm to suddenly becoming the storm on St4.

So I´d suggest to run with St4 for a while + LB/LBFH

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The thing is, I’m not sure male sexuality works that way. First I translated an English mediation, simply replacing female with male terms. But it felt so strange. Perhaps it’s just a me thing. But I could also imagine that it’s a general difference between sexes.

But perhaps it could work with joy as well as pleasure.

That’s a very fair point. We can only work with what we know about.
But I’ve learned a few techniques to communicate with parts of the subconscious mind that usually stay hidden. So I have a behavioral pattern I don’t like, so I go in a kind of trance and ask the part that causes this pattern to show itself. Then I am often able to solve this issues. Without knowing about them before.

But with my issue, it didn’t help. So it might be that there is something hidden even deeper.

Or it might be that I’m just missing something. Like a skill. The skill of self-worth that I need to learn.

I considered running each stage for one cycle than restart the whole Khan again, perhaps a bit more on stage 4.
And Lovebomb is accompanying me since its release, and now in the form of my custom it will stay for quite some time.

You recommend that book a lot. I haven’t finished it yet myself

I believe that some of the concepts are very useful. Maybe it’s more useful for females though.

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Perhaps you could explain the term of “Getting off”. When I read it, I thought it meant something like having an orgasm.
But is this even the right direction?
Or is it rather trying to enjoy the sensation?

Orgasms are vastly different for men and women. Especially in the standard version.
Without proper training (meaning you still ejaculate) this is a quite limiting factor for men.
Only once you’re able to have a “dry” orgams, you can have multiple.

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I wasn’t being critical. It was just an observation. I enjoyed what I read of the book so far I just think the title is a bit misleading. It’s basically a book about shadow work. Not sure entirely what that has to do with existentialism but ok

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It’s about embracing and finding pleasure in the hidden, shadowy parts of yourself that are subconsciously drawn to negative or unwanted experiences.

By fully acknowledging, accepting, and even “enjoying” these shadow desires, you release resistance and shift your relationship with those experiences. Bringing unconscious patterns into your awareness allows you to break free from them and create space for what you truly want.

Orgasms are a powerful release of energy. When combined with intention and acceptance, they can deepen the process of integrating shadow desires. I’ve experienced this firsthand.

For women, orgasming during this practice can feel more expansive and emotional, helping to release stored tension and transform the energetic charge behind the desire. For men, it’s more focused on channeling the physical release into conscious awareness and redirecting the energy to dissolve resistance.

Finding physical pleasure while focusing on something you “don’t want” can dissolve the emotional charge and resistance tied to it, helping you neutralize its grip and change your perspective.


It ties into existentialism by encouraging you to embrace all parts of your human experience, even the uncomfortable and shadowy parts we usually resist. Existentialism is all about confronting life’s uncertainties, taking responsibility for your choices, and finding meaning in a chaotic world.

This book does something similar by showing how accepting and even enjoying your hidden desires or patterns, especially the ones creating unwanted experiences, can help you shift your reality. It is about bringing awareness to what has been buried and using that to take back your power, which feels very aligned with the existentialist idea of owning your truth and transforming through it.

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Typically, a kink refers to deriving pleasure from something seemingly unpleasant within a sexual context, such as being beaten, suffocated, or degraded. Existential Kink extends this concept to the fundamental aspects of existence itself. Essential existential processes often reveal a similarly “kinky” dimension—for instance, the fear of being humiliated by a superior, or the dread accompanying the arrival of an unexpected bill you’re unsure how to pay.

In essence, it invites us to embrace the paradoxical enjoyment hidden within life’s discomforts, unveiling the profound interplay between resistance and desire that shapes our experience of reality.


Yeah I’m also dealing with similar issues so I can’t really help at the moment.

I’m trying to breath it all to harmony, 2 days ago I started this simple heart coherence breathing and it’s helping realign myself deeply and uncover, through the breath and centering of the heart, parts within the body where energy is stuck on a physical and emotional level.


I tried to find but couldn’t, lol but check your pm I try to explain emotion side of limiting beliefs

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Allow me to get through, but as I was reading the first post, I thought about AoH. Maybe it would be good for the situation.

It has been a very good experience for me.

Even living with my father, which was one of the most painful things in my life after my mother’s death, is becoming something good and valuable.

Furthermore, with it I feel that my “inner guide” is always on.

It’s as if I always knew what was really going to be good for me, which paths I really want to take. I don’t know, it came into my mind… It might be good for you, if you feel the calling.