I realized, that there’s something that’s hindering me, from making serious progress in my life. I start something to improve my life, and I can go all in until I notice first results, or understand that this has the power to change my life completely. Then it’s over. I just can’t keep on going/ reading/ whatever.
Like with my sales training. I was amongst the best until I got the first result. Once I had the chance to finally make some little money, I was blocked internally.
And that was the case with so many other modalities I tried, until today.
I want to solve this issue for good.
I’ve run Love Bombs or Ascension consistently since LBs release last March. In summer I switched to Primal for a cycle to then go switch to the more basic Ascension. Then back to Lovebomb and finally to my custom containing both.
All to set a good foundation of selflove, self worth, confidence, self-assurance and self esteem.
Right now, I’m running Khan 1 TB, EoG1 (because of the financial aspect it has nevertheless) and
Ascendet Love, my Ascension and Love Bomb Custom.
20. Way of Understanding
It helped me a lot on working to uncover this issue. Now, it seems like I might have found it, although not the underlying cause or event that caused it.
I’m journaling a lot in a handwritten journal. That helped me uncover this issue the most.
Now my question is, does any of you have an idea how to best support the subs in solving this issue?
How do I take action on this?
One thing that came to mind was Byron Katie’s “The Work”.
@AnswerGroup @Malkuth @Lion @TheEmpress @MechaShaman @SoulFire @ksub @SwagKing @Ravenscout
I’m grateful for any ideas.