Let’s see, what can I report today.
I don’t note down anything which I notice throughout the day, so I just look back over my day to see what has happened. Some things where I was conscious of I can usually just remember right away.
I wrote in earlier posts that I didn’t take a break on the third day, but then after a few loops I did do it anyway. Reconciliation hit me a little bit on the third day, whenever it hits I just take a break. It is might be worthwhile mentioning that I pulled of a 16 hours listening time without break on the second day.
What have a learned from this? There’s literally no reason to keep listening if you’re experiencing reconciliation - your brain is still progressing the script. The days of trying to listen as many hours as you can for increased results are over. The newer programs from subliminal club are so effective that you don’t need more then a few loops, depending on how much the script is in alignment with your life and the action you’re taking. For example someone with bad self-esteem is going to get hit with reconciliation from the ascension script much earlier then someone who has really good self-esteem or self-confidence because the script is in alignment with your internal already.
Balance is key to everything, don’t try to pull through reconciliation by listening more instead just take a break for a little bit and tiredness, brain fog, emotional pain or whatever it is you’re experiencing will fade. If you keep listening you will have some pretty nasty days ahead of you.
I’ll be listening a loop followed up by a break, feeling out every each loop to find my barrier. I hope to achieve with this a balance where I am always affected by the subliminal in a balanced way, so that I never get caught by reconciliation. I’ll probably be getting an increased overal result and I’ll be able to explain what exactly is inside the subliminal with way more detail. When reconciliation hits me, I find it very hard to explain what a subliminal is doing, because it’s not affecting you anymore, instead your subconscious is fighting against it.
This is an insight I received to be shared with the community. I hope anyone the readers of this are aware of how important it is and test it out for themselves. A few loops, two or three at most can already put you in the exact state you need to progress through the scripts, once it starts to fade a little bit you can add a few more loops.
I estimate that I’ll be doing an average of 6 hours a day, which is for the 45 minutes version 8 loops a day.
Having that said, what did I notice today the past two days?
Last two days I woke up in a very very very deep state. I think it is the deep sleep module, I wake up in a deep delta state, then move in a low theta and stay there for about half an hour after waking up till I’m fully awake. Strange, I had this from Quantum Limitless stage 1 as well. Hopefully it fades overtime.
In the morning I always do two rituals, first I cast an LBRP to clear out all negativity from my subtle bodies then I do a Middle Pillar to charge all middle chakra’s and then I cast another LBRP to clear out any astral negativity that has been attracted by the light of the Middle Pillar. After doing these three rituals which take me about and hour to do properly I feel so energized that I taught I didn’t had any reconciliation.
After three loops it hit me. Felt really mentally drained, couldn’t focus. Not that I didn’t get enough sleep, so I wasn’t physically tired, yawning or anything like that. I pretty much never have that because I sleep very well so I noticed it must be the subliminal script from the 16 hours+ the day before. Which it was… later that day is faded.
I did around 8 loops today, an average of 6 hours with many breaks in between which felt really balanced. I was on top of the world the whole day long without noticing any reconciliation coming up. Upcoming days I’ll keep feeling out the loops one by one and overtime increase my listening time.
Emperor Fitness? There must be something in here related to Emperor Fitness, it just cannot be otherwise. Some people are eating less, some are eating more. Is it scripted to have people reach there optimal body weight according to there own subconscious belief of an optimal body. Some would be eating more and some be eating less. I have been eating so much the past few days, it’s insane. Lot’s of meat, lot’s of fruits and vegetables. Healthy food as always - I don’t eat fastfood it makes my sick.
I’ve been pumpin weights like Dwayne Johnson, I’ve been putting in the same effort then I was before but I feel so physically energized. But I’ve been lifting more then usual. An 20% increase in strength, perhaps because I gained some weight which are transmuted into muscles. I’m without a doubt way more muscular then before. Either way it’s Emperor Fitness or it’s just that I put on weight and transmuted it into more muscles. I do have lot’s more physical energy then usual, but I noticed from reading some other journals that other people have been getting these influxes of energy as well.
I’m sorry if this post has been a little bit all over the place, I’ll be writing down much more tomorrow but it had to be quick for today. My fingers are flowing of the keyboard at 100 km/h to put this post together in only a few minutes. Time is the only valuable thing in life, you can never have enough of it. Anything material there is a unlimited supply of, but everyone of us only has a limited supply of time in this life, better make use of it.
Let’s see… anything else? Confidence has increased, I’m the commander of my reality. I notice everyone’s truthful intention in any situation.
Oh and been way more horny then usual. Might just be the few runs of SM that I did before starting Emperor Q but since I’ve started running it and I’ve been getting way more horny every each day which I didn’t exactly notice from running SM. It’s just that I’m interested in meeting with some hot chicks again. In the past few months I’ve been putting a lot of them off, as I didn’t really care to be honest. I’m still texting with that girl I fuck every now and then and she’s so addicted to me, but that mostly puts me off.
This is such a boring journal to read, lol I know. Just putting my insights out there, they are mostly informative. Not laying a lot of my personal life on the table, I’d rather not do that.