This is my entry and reply from support regarding Divine Diamond.
Good day and happy new year,
Next month I am in Mexico for 3 weeks with my girlfriend. I am seeking to experience mind blowing sex that goes beyond physical pleasure/sensation. Current stack KB4, Khan st4, Primal. Want to stay on KB4 and Khan st4 for 6-12 months while freely rotation 3rd title but don’t mind changing it up for a cycle.
I have 2 stack ideas.
KB4, Khan st4, Divine Diamond. KB4, ROS, regular Diamond.
Question is does ROS/Diamond give similar results to Divine Diamond since the copy of ROS mentions that it would stack exceptionally well with Diamond?
I am also open to suggestions for other stack combo’s all in the name if Science.
Thank you in advance,
Hello Tony,
This is Fire.
Since the goal is beyond physical, meaning more of a spiritual connection, then Divine Diamond is what you want.
Question is does ROS/Diamond give similar results to Divine Diamond since the copy of ROS mentions that it would stack exceptionally well with Diamond?
They would stack well, but the effects would manifest differently. If you want the effects of Divine Diamond, then rather than trying to replicate them with two different programs, just use it directly.
Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist.
Warm regards,
– SC Support