Season 2: NFTW (which one are you?) [11.11.23]

I guess I got some New Forgiveness experience pre-sults…


LB is still usable as an attraction sub, isnt it? @SaintSovereign

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Oh yes.


@SaintSovereign what do you think the result of this combo would be?

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There’s no telling for sure, but most likely, A LOT of romantic encounters, tons of creativity and drive. The energy that KB helps you generate will express as a love aura. It’d be pretty potent and get a lot of attention.


The NEW Love Bomb is now available (with full copy):

NOTE: The “Stacks Well With” on this page has been manually updated to reflect interesting and helpful stacks. It’s not the ONLY four titles that this stacks well with, just some that some wouldn’t think to try, but may be fun.


I thought LB was only aura based? Is it healing now?


Yeah, healing aimed at clearing out all that stands in the way to unbounded and unconditional love (self-love as well).


I had some healing on the OG version but this new version hits real quick. It was a very nice healing process though. It wasn’t rough recon for me or anything, it was actually very pleasant

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Self-love is very healing (even in the “old” Love Bomb) but with the New Forgiveness Experience in the NEW Love Bomb, it is even more healing.


3 min loop yesterday followed by a 10s microloop within 2 hours of the first loops

Went and took care of a lot of personal life things I was avoiding, mainly doctor’s appointments - booked appointments for… concussion, family doctor, physiotherapy, and I booked a haircut and made sure I had my dentist appointment saved in my calendar.

Reached out to a few people I was avoiding.

Most of all, was OVERFLOWING with a sense of love… “for my partner”… and it was the most intense, nourishing, joyful, addictive even, feeling ever.

Then I realized that the love I was feeling wasn’t actually for my partner. It was love and happiness with myself, melding with love for her, to be an incredibly powerful experience.

I realized the reason why I thought it was love for my partner was that the feelings and thoughts and sensations were so intense, so pleasurable, sooo loving, I simply didn’t believe in a world where it was possible to love myself that much (so it MUST be love for her, I thought.)

It actually made me understand codependency a lot more. With less wisdom, I would have become addicted to that feeling of love when I get when I was around her, and be addicted to her, from mistakenly thinking she was the source of my love and joy, not myself



Renaissance Man: VIBES (Ultimate Music Producer). This is the sub we made for ourselves to produce music and art.


that is the sub I ve been dreaming…I assume it also help with music instrument and singing ?I am a singer…hope it suits my need…and what will be the ETA ? :smiley:


This would be helpful to make and master the making of meditation music, sounds?


Is it only for music or can we use it for other sound-related creative works?


Where is the “Stacks Well With” located. Can I get a link please?

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Go all the way down to the end of the sales page. You will find it after the Pro Tips section.

Oh I see. I was looking in the wrong place. I followed the link above to the forum article. I see it now on the sales page.

Thanks @Lion. :smiley:

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@Lion Oh I see all of the subs have the Stacks Well With feature. Nice discovery.

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Can you add the Love Bomb to the list at the top now @SaintSovereign ? To celebrate the progress :champagne:

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