Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 19-32-33 Season 1 Silence! The King Speaks. 5.16.23 - News and Updates - Subliminal Results - Real SubliminalClub Reviews and Testimonials

I’m real excited now! :smiley:

Luther Reconciliation Explanation? Maybe?


this comment cracked me up, lol.

i’ve been lurking and reading too. I’m also excited :grinning:


The excitement is real!

His post on dealing with criticism, quite honestly, changed my life.
Read it out loud to my wife the other night.


I haven’t seen that. Do you have a link?

EOG1 for 12 months straight should fix that.


He ends with a lol, but reading that made so much sense. I’ve been working on strengthening my sense of self since then.


@PizzaShaman I love your user name

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I have been reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. I highly recommend it. It’s begun to teach me a lot about why my life is the way it is now and how it’s been in the past.

“You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”


Still waiting for the recon description

This is from the Subliminal Club support hub.


More and more I think we should have a dedicated recon thread. When anyone’s going through recon they just post their thoughts and get input.

I’ve been on WB for about 2 months now I think? I’ve almost quit that sub like 5 times now lol. Each time my brain was like “this is the right way, trust yourself, maybe you aren’t aligned with the goals, blah blah blah”

Quitting a sub or hopping to another one always seems like a brilliant idea in the moment, some deep introspection, or “smart” thing to do. It just rarely goes that way. I swear it’s gotten even more tricky with ZP because the recon is actually less. I remember back in the Qv2 days (old subclub moment), a whole ass hour of exposure I could not tolerate. Some days I’d finish my loop and immediately just fall into a heavy depression. So it was obvious. With ZP I carry on with things and then my brain’s like “do it, quit the sub it’ll feel better”.


My experience with WB has been completely different. It’s absolutely crushing right now, but my biggest issue is I am craving other girls physically besides just my girlfriend.

I want everything, without compromise. Playing into my natural hedonistic tendencies.

Zero recon, but I hesitate running my loops of WB :rofl:


Lol the power will only grow, it’s inevitable. Personally I would not run this sub with a gf unless she was down with polyamory or something. Seems kind of like torture for yourself

can confirm that specific aspect is a bit torturous but the benefits are worth the suffering. at least for right now.


In the Khan product description, they say:

you will face (sometimes quite hard) reconciliation and you will want to quit or change your sub as a consequence. This is all part of the process. Decide, right at the beginning, that you will finish all 4 stages no matter what, even if you feel that absolutely nothing is changing (a side effect of the reconciliation fog that comes with intense reconciliation).


More on reconciliation:



That definitely should be a standard disclaimer with any more bold titles lol

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As creatures of habit, humans are bound by the laws of inertia. That is to say, often times the longer we’ve held onto a certain way of being, the more likely we are to stay on that trajectory.

Something required to make change that we generally don’t hear enough about is energy. Just as it requires energy to place an object that’s in rest into motion, you’ll need sufficient amounts of energy to break free from the poverty/lack consciousness you’ve had for decades.

Take an inventory on a) where your energy/attention is coming from and b) where it’s going. Small changes like working out here and there, taking walks, cutting out healing work (if it is too draining), or eating cleaner can provide you with more bandwidth when using subliminal titles that bring up resistance. AKA, you’ll be significantly more likely to persist with listening if you and your subconscious have enough fuel to do so.

And at this stage, consider spending less time/energy watching videos and reading books with content that you’re already familiar with. While it feels productive in the moment, you’re actually subtracting from your mental and energetic capacities to take more decisive actionable steps (the ones that will bring financial freedom into your life).

It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you have ADHD or not, nor how many opportunities have come and gone: You can always generate more energy to effectively change your life.


Bro this legitimately just stopped me from swapping out Khan lmao thanks for your wisdom, oh wise Luther.

I realized now it was that sneaky stealth recon :joy:


Saint and Fire are the wise people, I only copied and pasted the product description written by them. That is their recommendation.

This is why more people should follow the recommendations and trust the people in charge of the company whose products they use on a regular basis to improve their lives. Read product descriptions and support hub twice before asking questions.

And also - take action, journal and run subs consistently.