Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

Honestly these virtues deserve their own titles/modules lol

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As of now those virtues are explored in my present moment life.

How are my decisions, my needs and thoughts seen through the lense of my values, or at least trying to specify them.

My first thing I realised is how harsh I was on myself expecting to succeed in everything from day 1. Or really fast.

I would never expect that from anyone else. Learning, or success is a step by step process. Everything in life is a process.

A man needs to understand his limitations, but also his worth.

Anyway, this title is making me think in the background about what I am about.


I had this too, when I was learning a new skill I beat myself down hard, almost impulsively for not being able to do it right immediately (I had unrealistic expectations of myself). Then as a week passed I noticed a huge improvement and positive feelings began to prosper.

This gives me the impression that if you master one craft or skill, you have become wise from the understanding and experience you gained from that journey, and with it comes solace and patience when learning something new that was not there before, such as no longer beating yourself down for not being as good as someone else in a skill, when you can simply acknowledge you are a beginner, and that to the extend you focus and apply yourself the mastery will come, over time.

And to enjoy the journey of learning ANYTHING, from start to finish without the turmoil an apprentice to any craft has. When a master has the wisdom he carries with him that makes the journeyā€¦ quiteā€¦ different.


Yeah, honestly itā€™s hard.

For example for me when performing means working 10hrs straigth with intense focus.

Good workout means Iā€™m shaking intensely and I canā€™t move proprely for an hour after my workout because my nervous system is fucked.

Good cardio means if you get close to passing out, or at least see dark, or flashy dots. If you vomit itā€™s good :+1:

Good sex means hours of intensity on and off so we keep the fun.

Truth is, I have to use pills and stimulants to do that. And when I do that it makes it harder to work the next day and so onā€¦

Iā€™ve been on and off these past years regarding seeing how Iā€™m treating myself hahaha

Have to take a step back, balancing recovery with performing.

Funny thing : I was having trouble making gains at the gym without steroids. When I stopped pushing all my sets and workout to the max and took it more relax, I was able to increase my strength and break plateaus I was at for years :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Well, it seems you are on the right track, all change begins with an awareness of what you like to change, and the desire to change it, if you now put in the effort to gradually alter yourself with focused intent, then over time it will become a natural part of who you are.

I learned today, that beyond the subconscious programming we hold in our mind, the body actually undergoes a mutual change within the nervous system and in your genetics, so your body will also be primed over a long time to direct you in the ways that have become ingrained in you, of course, this always and constantly changing but some neural connections are so strong and firm that we almost have a gravitational pull to them, and naturally going back to them such as is the case with long-term habits or inclinations.

It is up to you though, everyoneā€™s philosophy of life is different, but if you notice that these extremes are not serving you, then you can easily make the choice to change and adapt.


Is the microloop official guideline only for ZPV2 max or also for the standard ZPV2. I am a bit confused. @AnswerGroup

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Microloops work for all ZP builds


Saint has shared there will be updated guide soon

Also Saint has mentioned when updating zp titles though not all about microloop

So itā€™s best for you to apply microloops to all now.

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How to tell which ones are max and which are not? :sweat_smile:

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To my knowledge, every STKS title is ZPv2 Max

At the current moment, 2023.09.18, WB & HO are the only zpv2 MAX. The others are not and will be updated to MAX.

Updated: All titles from WB onwards are MAx. Thanks @Palpatine to remind about RNTW. Completely forget bout it

RotNW is Max AFAIK

Every STKS title is ZP v2 MAX, including RotNW.


I have lost count as to how many times I have seen you answer this very same question. :joy:


If you wanna know which titles are ZP v2 MAX, go to the first post of this same thread. You get a nice list.


Thanks, Lion. Completely forgot about that.

(Turns out Iā€™m running a couple of them.)


@Malkuth - Happy to help, bro :pray:


STKS ZP v2 MAX counter: 47 :+1:


What do you mean? :thinking:

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@SaintSovereign any new updates on the New Wealth Experience that your allowed to share?

Super excited for this one :blush: