Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]

I hope there will be a new wealth main store title which not only focuses on making money but also help the user to build a true meaningful career ….probably with some spiritual elements in it …a black line title ?


you mean something like EoG black?

I dont know…maybe start it as a single stage….cus the black line usually really heavy ….

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That would be awesome.

that way just makes making money so much more fun…and often times ,when people start their the spiritual journey ,they might end up neglecting the material world/subjects…and that just makes it so unbalanced…I dont like those type of state….sure ,at the beginning,it might shift the focus a bit towards the inner world,but ,one point,the external has to align with the internal….a wealth title that has a spiritual elements will really help balancing out the equation….


From the revelation of spirit thread

I chimed in my idea too about the next possible black wealth sub in that thread. i would love some kind of combination of a wealth sub & that.

But after some digging, i realised the sub that i want already exists, it’s the ultimate artist sub. rofl

Maybe something similar to the ultimate artist but more broad with intensified wealth scripting and a bit of spirituality.


the renaissance man black then….

I still think something like mogul black will be more appropriate.

It’s a wealth sub but it shifts our focus to the journey of how money is being generated (a meaningful career) instead of the money itself. Less of a cognitive enhancement sub like UA.

It also won’t be perceived as an upgrade to mogul or another sub since it tackles the same thing but just from a different point of view, like what’s written in the RoS sales page above.


Check out Renaissance Man as well!

ah… the “UA but more broad” is RM rofl
i’m going to dig more around the forum about them.

my sub queue after DR grows :sob:

Is it not something like Genesis or ROM or ROS stacked with Mogul?

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yep, that’s spot on.

i don’t know about genesis or ROM though

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Whenever I see a new post in this thread… I think maybe another counter


What are you waiting for anyhow?

I’m good. I’m just trying to put together customs.
But I love new things.

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Shiny objects syndrome lol

We have no idea what SC is cooking for us but it’s going to be mind-blowing for sure, given what WB and the new LD are doing to me and many others.

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You been running Limit Destroyer? How has that been?!

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I’m glad DR:LD swayed me away from my commitment to my stack, that sub is so good

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Revelation of Gold.

But - I have this crazy idea. What would happen if one were to pair RICH and RoS… with Asenscion Chamber and Void of Creation… maxxing that cosmic % Goldfind?

Idk… might be fun.