Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer

I run it within 6 hours after recon hit me.

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that’s interesting, i’m definitely going to try this out next time. thankyou for the tip!


Found this in my account downloads in place of old Limit Destroyer.
Awesome gift.
Thank you @SaintSovereign @Fire


I am doing that. I ran DR St 1 yesterday and took a nap later in the day. I had the weirdest dream . Definitely working on resolving issues from my past which I was hoping for. Although it sometimes feels like reliving issues or multiple issues at the same time


No better sub at SC than DR:LD

All my old and deepest fears/blockages have either got neutralized utterly or temporarily, or they are kept at bay and have no way to mess with me anymore. This sub is a true monster slayer - a witcher.

On top of that, my 30y.o. porn addiction is no more.


i have the exact same experience as you. this is personally the best sub I have ever tried in years second only to lbfh (SC’s subs are quickly filling up the top spot anyway, nothing from the competitors is as good).
and I have only been listening to DR:LD for a short amount of time, I can’t imagine how much it will give me after a few cycles.

DR:LD is decreasing how frequently i use porn too. is this a hidden scripting too like the BJ aura in BDLM? probably not but if it is, I won’t be surprised


I have noticed the same thing. I feel my mindset shifting. I think that’s why I am having so many dreams lately about the past. Feels like my mind just wants to be done with all the unnecessary shit


Dont let him cross your path @James :smiley:

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Sounds like classical recon.

@AnswerGroup could u expand on this? what principles did u take from DR that u used on DRLD? how is DR and DRLD related?


I’m actually curious about this myself

Been running this with great results thus far. My mind opening up to what is possible and realizing it’s limitless


If someone is not getting desired results from a subliminal they have been running for awhile, would this be a good sub to add in order to accelerate results?


Except if the reason is lack of action, in which case no sub would help.


Short answer yes.

In my case, DRLD elevated my productivity even more than what mogul has done. it helped me with my self-imposed limitations that I wasn’t even aware of. i bet this will work with other subs too.


@Zara Just use it. Theirs no down side unless you actually don’t want to face your limitations and get better results from subs.

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I’m getting a lack of motivation from this sub. Altough I also dropped caffeine to zero which could be it.

Wondering if anyone had similar recon?


Yes, I actually just logged onto forum to write in my journal about this.

This morning I ran Ascension chamber and DR:LD for 3 mins and I’ve lost my drive. I feel kinda down and disinterested. It just zaps you of all your reasons to go “do”.

Last cycle was no different too, makes you just feel dull. At least for me. While I know this is a great sub to run, I dislike running it as I feel like shit when I do.