SALES & Marketing Community

Don’t know that one

he sells many subliminals and should not be mentioned here.

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As a copywriter who is still on the learning phase which subliminal will help me with this marketing and sales mindset?

I mean… that’s a lot to unpack.

Do you want to focus on marketing, sales, learning, copywriting, or general wealth attracting?

But tbh it sounds like @Palpatine’s standard suggestion of limitless + ascended mogul would fit you perfectly!

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Glad somebody has been paying attention! I do love that combo

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Random thought:

One thing I’ve noticed time and time again is people looking for how to increase their persuasion skills in order to sell more. If someone approaches sales as coercing people to buy something they’re reluctant to, then it will be an uphill slog every time. If instead someone approaches sales as helping the customer get what they want, ie solving their problem, then it’s not just practically effortless, it’s enjoyable for all parties involved too.


Glauberman’s thing has Hypnotic stuff to help listen for the “real”/“hidden” desires in a prospective customer’s questions and comments.

So if you can find ways to help them with RUDY stuff, to turn it’s like you’re reading their mind.

There’s a marketer (I’m spacing on the name) who has something similar. An exercise they’d learned in journalism training. To always look for a DEEPER story.

As an example: if there was a walkout planned by college students, he might run the story “Incredible opportunity for hotdog vendors!” as a headline.

Since the students will all be outside anyway.

He’d get more eyeballs reading the article out of pure curiosity from the headline, than if he just wrote a headline about the upcoming student walkout.

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What is attracting wealth without learning how to sell your products?
For one to attract wealth on this 21st century one must master sales or copywriting to sell.
So I think that for one to attract
Wealth one must become the Master of Sales.

My business partner doesnt know how to sell water to a desert dweller, but without him, our business would instantly die. Im much more replacable than him as the “sales” person. He is the systems person.

He is getting wealthy by inventing systems, attracting partners and mentors, innovating, managing, and attracting partners (me) to fill in his gaps.

Sales is a great way but not the only way to be wealthy.


Sales has to be a part of your system. Doesn’t mean that you have to be the one selling.
I’m pretty sure Michael Jordan can’t sell shoes but he became a billionaire through shoe sales. Nike was doing the sales, not Jordan.

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@Palpatine I got access to Lloyd’s Sales Mastery program. Are you listening to each of the four modules daily which would be about 100 minutes of listening?

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Sales is probably one of the easier functions of an agency to outsource/or hire someone for besides the actual service itself (paid traffic, email marketing, copywriting, etc) the real hard part is building systems, automations, hiring, and building an actual business rather than a freelancing gig.

Working on the business rather than inside the business.


Yeah. About to do the 3rd track before sleep.

I don’t wait a full 24 hours sometimes. I do 2 per day. One morning before waking up. The other at night before sleep.

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Notice any changes so far?

Not yet. I only got it 3 days ago though.
I also have the “Money Wealth and Prosperity” one.

That one gave me a glimpse to a possible life mission back in 2007.

Which can best be articulated as “being the catalyst people need to make change in their lives” but that still sounds too vague to be useful.

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Does eog help directly related to real estate?



I mostly am interested in the Sales Mastery as that is my direct focus right now.

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Of course.

Real Estate is million dollar deals and 5 figure paychecks, commission only. Good money beliefs help.

Also helps with starting a company.

Also helps for anyone in a capitalist economy because I’m sure we all have some crud beliefs around money, as a result, and could use a bit of healing to realize that capitalism is a value-exchange economy that is mostly good, but can be taken advantage of, instead of a corrupt system where only the elite thrive. EOG will get you excited to make money again and realize that that’s a way to help the world, and have no fears around it, and be really good at it.

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I’ve noticed the constant bombardment of anti capitalism within the USA far left agenda lately. It’s quite disturbing the social programming that is going on

Feels like the entire world could benefit from running EOG to be honest :joy:

So many millennials and generation z who think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter (bUt yOu caN jUsT pRinT mOre MoNeY sO FrEe EVerYthInG)


Yes, THIS.

I frequently want to shout “THAT’S NOT HOW THE ECONOMY WORKS!”, but instead I just ignore almost all media, social or otherwise.

But… back on topic, don’t want to get political here. :upside_down_face:

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