Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Absolutely. That’s pretty sad. The allure of a comfort zone where only our thoughts are validated might seem tempting, but it hampers our growth and intelligence. Just like a garden needs diverse elements to flourish, our minds thrive when exposed to a variety of perspectives.

As the saying goes, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” Likewise, our minds are meant to sail the open seas of diverse ideas, even if it means weathering some intellectual storms. So let’s embrace the challenges, engage with differing opinions, and remember that true wisdom often blooms from the cross polination of ideas.

I have also recognized that this forum offers a unique space for constructive discussions. Unlike other platforms that often descend into chaos and toxicity, this forum stands out as a haven of thoughtful exchange. We should be genuinely grateful for the efforts of the moderators who maintain a healthy atmosphere here.

Subliminal Club’s dedication to fostering a positive and respectful environment truly sets them apart. They’ve mastered the art of maintaining control while allowing diverse voices to be heard. This is the kind of professionalism and commitment you’d want from a company that’s involved in your subconscious reprogramming journey.



I feel tired just reading this. :man_facepalming:


Leaving Hermit and his crap behind.

What makes me wonder now is that even though the stimulus (the scripting) is the same our mind is not a static system, it’s constantly changing. Naturally, the other stimuli (the environment, action taken etc.) are changing constantly as well and they interact with the subliminal stimulus and create different variations each time we are exposed to the subliminal stimulus. Mind control would be possible only if the only stimulus was subliminal one, or many other stimuli (for example, kind of military drill, brainwashing etc.) would reinforce the attempt at mind control. Another thing that would imperil attempts at mind control is, naturally, our conscious. Being aware of attempts at mind control would most certainly make the whole attempt futile.

Just philosophizing. :blush:


I kinda felt this way with wanted. After a while it sort of leveled out.

Introducing WB!

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Same here on the old tech yet STKS keeps transforming me massively and I don’t think it’s only about the micro cycle strategy I’m using.

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By STKS you mean WB?

All the STKS titles I’m listening to: WB, KB and DR:LD.

Here’s the full list of STKS titles:

I will never go back to pre-STKS titles for sure. STKS is just too good. :blush:

Long live the king!

Till NFTW has come, that is. :grinning:


Oh ok ok thanks for that. Yes plus 1 to STKS!

I’m on two of them right now and had to cut them down to 30 second loops because they were hitting so hard.

Even after almost a year on wanted, WB is a new ballgame altogether :slight_smile:


The individual returned in the middle of the night and attempted to make a post, but the auto moderator caught it and placed it in the review queue. Everyone, I promise you that this is the last time you’ll have to hear about this nonsense on this site. I give you my complete word – there are individuals who have been waiting patiently for things, and we have to spend so much energy battling these things. So, I’m going to respond to some of your “concerns” one last time, and then any future incursions will be deleted and ignored.

I’m separating this into two parts. There’s one part I do one people to see, the second part, you can bail if you’re completely uninterested in this topic. The part I want people to see is here:

A few things:

  1. The titles you purchased from us, Wanted and Emperor Fitness DO NOT contain this scripting. You were never exposed to it.
  2. You – or anyone else could’ve asked about this without accusations, doxxing, digging into our pasts, etc.
  3. And three. This scripting works by suggesting that you DROP any title that doesn’t fit you 100% subconsciously. It does not recommend that you buy anything and relies on conscious guidance if you want to find another. Our name isn’t even mentioned in this scripting, or any scripting. It simply says to drop the title if it doesn’t fit who you are and to respect your own free will in this.
  4. You can see this scripting in play with (and sorry for tagging you in drama) @bombayduck’s experience with Genesis. He wasn’t getting the benefits he wanted, so he dropped it. Notice how adamant he was that he was done with it. This is why I intervened when people began defending Genesis – I already knew why he was done with it.

We long realized that respecting free will and choice in our titles generated better results for everyone. These people are not being “mind controlled.” They can simply FEEL within themselves that they are running titles that respects the free will of themselves and others, and in a world that pushes so much crap on you, in a world divided over mask and vaccine mandates and whether such things should be mandatory, it feels GOOD for something to say: I respect you as a person.

– Important Part Ends –

But you, “Calm,” deep within you is a need to force an agenda, to make people believe you whether they want to or not. If they disagree with you, you’ll keep finding more “evidence” through half-lies, ignoring responses, whatever it takes to push your point. You want to desperately come here and “just talk,” so you can force people to validate you, because then you can avoid that which already exists within you.

You are trying to run from your darkness.

Every time you come here, it’s a new “concern” or new “proof” of the things you’re claiming. There’s so many different claims that I’m completely confused about what we could even “help” you with. The fact of the matter, is what you have done is due to your issues, you’ve spun together a web of incidents to justify your fears. No matter what we say, no matter what this community says, you will find more “proof” to prove your “point” and put those burdens on the people here.

You claim we never helped you, but twice we made threads where I took both your “concerns” of mind control and later, the claim that “the subs left you unable to make decisions.” You can resort to those threads here:

Even if you don’t agree with my recollection of the story, the people responded DIRECTLY to your concerns, and none of them agreed with you. In ALL of your responses, you never acknowledged this.

This never occurred. You never had a post talking about returning to Christ and it was removed. These are the last posts you made before you were banned once you admitted to having autism and being on anti-psychosis medication:

I went through your postings under the “Calm” account. No one recommended ANYTHING occult to you. These people were GOOD to you. They gave you extremely good advice. They tried to help you, they tried to motivate you, tell you that you were a good person. And you paid them back by claiming they are all mind controlled and you “found yourself in the wrong community.”

You created a narrative in your mind due to the subliminals you listened to on YouTube, which we have warned against in the past, and projected your fears onto this company, expecting us and the community to continue to “comfort” you when you’re not going to listen to anything that was said.

You have no right to come here and make such allegations, knowing that you have a legitimate mental disorder that has progressed to the point that your caretaker is legally declaring you incompetent, because they believe you are a danger to yourself, incapable of making rational decisions.

But, you never actually disclosed that when coming here. That is why we believe you are a threat to yourself and this company. You are not telling the truth. You are co-mingling facts and changing them, claiming I deleted a post in which you spoke about Christ. In your “Calm” account, there is no such deleted post and I can’t find any other of your many alts in which this occurred. And if it did, your account was closed for ban evasion, not any religious beliefs (or lack thereof), as we allow people to discuss their faith (or lack thereof) in their own journal as long as there are no issues.

Who is “6ixth.Sense,” what is “V2k synthetic telepathy,” how would this “telepathy” be integrated into an audio file and how would “6ixth.sense” even know? And there is nothing in Wanted or Emperor Fitness that goes against “worshipping Jesus.” No deities. No entities. No occult concepts.

Listen closely: You are terrified of being exposed to the occult because you are deeply interested in the occult, and because you can’t admit that, face it and defeat it, you are projecting on to us. You see occult darkness everywhere, including where it does not exist.

Look at how you said you found us. The “darker side of subliminals on YouTube.” What were you doing there in the first place? Guess who has NEVER seen the “darker side of subliminals.” Me. Never cared to look.

All of you who are interested in the occult, you will have to ask someone else for advice about it. My focus is on inner change. Meditation. Devotion. Creativity. Expression. If you want to summon spirits and the such, that is your decision. Subliminal Club however, has no ties to the occult.

And the truth of the matter, kid is that you have a darkness that you don’t want to admit exists. You are
drawn to the mysteries of existence and that which is unseen, but your mind is too fractured to explore such concepts – and that has NOTHING to do with Subliminal Club.

It was fractured before you came here, and since you know nothing but that negative state of being, when running Wanted helped you develop a somewhat normal life, you allowed that shadow to rear it’s ugly head, that part of your psyche that wants to pull you down and destroy you. And that’s exactly what’s happening. Look at where you get your “proof” of us being evil came from. A former Founder’s Club member who was banned for possibly leaking our early technology to the Discord pirates (let it be known that this was never 100% proven, but the individual’s reaction to us simply asking led us to take action), the Discord pirates – and many of you came from those places, you know what’s there, the “dark side of subliminals” on YouTube, random people who claim we’re using “v2k technology,” Hermit, an individual that the forum has begged us to ask.

But all of the wise, powerful, good and strong minded people here, who tried to help you by letting you know you were okay – they’re alllll mind controlled and wrong. But Hermit, who claimed to be Christ and demanded that we make him a free custom so that he could save the world – THAT’S who you listen to.


Yesterday, it was that you were “running one loop” every few weeks and having “processing for months and months,” now in this latest message, you claim you haven’t run it since December. This was never a claim you made until you went through Hermit’s posts.

The “dreams” and alleged “processing” you are having, even if this is true, is because of your incessant chasing of the occult. To “find things on us,” you are exposing yourself to things that your mind CANNOT handle. That is why you are having nightmares. That is why you are feeling down. You are taking on notions and ideas that you are not prepared for. You are going to destroy yourself trying to pin things on us. There is a saying: when you look into the void, the void looks back.

You think I am blocking your posts because we have something to hide. We are preventing you from coming here for you own good. These people are angry. They are angry because they want their titles, their support and they see me helping you instead. And if I allow you to post, you are not going to like what is said. In their eyes, they’re going to say what they think I should’ve, and you will fall deeper into darkness.

There is a place for you out there. Pour your heart into your faith. Pour your skill into your music. But we cannot and will not be able to help you. You are looking for a savior. You will not find one here. We are humans, doing human things. You claim to a Christian – then, you already know where to find one.

Good luck.


You tell ‘em Saint.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


This is the key thing.

Anytime I see Saint writing such a lengthy post, I literally think “what /”&§%&§ is now blocking him AGAIN from doing his work with this nonsense?"

And worse things.

So Saint is actually doing these guys a favor to not feel the full fury of the forum.


How many chances and last messages do you need?

He really be listening to someone who “dove” into LeBron James’ subconscious and heard African drum music.


Saint like patience lol

Wow, that’s quite the list! :hushed:

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From a shaman’s perspective, I could say so much about this. Some questions
What’s right about this that I’m not getting?
How does it get any better than this?
What else is possible here that I’m not seeing?
What’s it going to take to change this?
What am I aware of?
Truth, who does this belong to?
Truth, is this mine, something or someone else’s?

Are you mixing specific questions about the “Calm” case with general philosophical questions?

sorry if i misunderstood you

The questions are tools to open doors to possibilities. Also they are a way to gain greater awareness of what’s really going on and not go into judgment of right and wrong, good and bad.

Let’s stop giving it any more energy and attention.