Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

No big deal. You know you’re my dude.

But right now we’re in the middle of a conversation about two people who are dysfunctionally over-identifying subliminals with esoteric occult practices as a way of avoiding personal responsibility and agency.


It’s unfortunate that we have to deal with people like this.


The subs sells itself. The upfront investment I’ve made into these subs for my self development has already paid itself back 10 fold in many areas of my life.


I wonder if Hermit reached and mastered 5D already, was one of his quests if I can remember correctly.

Is it just subliminalclub going through issues like this or other subliminal companies too, it’s like some people just have it in for Fire and Saint. :pensive:


All companies, or for that matter, anyone in the public eye with any sort of following has a small percentage of shitty customers. Even in my gym, there’s about 1% of them that I wish would quit.


No Not Again :exploding_head:

Don’t ask. I will delete. Seems whenever I don’t agree with everyone….


I appreciate your input. Let me elaborate on my position regarding this topic. I have no bias for or against morphic fields as I have not researched the topic, nor is it my focus of study. Like you, I meditate and practice basic Taoist practices daily, particularly the standing meditation known as Zhan Zhuang, so I have experienced what many would call the cultivation of subtle energy.

Here’s my issue: the popular “morphic field” site currently allows ANYONE to sell an audio through a section of their marketplace. Though they claim that there’s a verification process, I have to question how exactly that’s performed. And those titles, in my opinion, are questionable. For example: at first glance, the top listed titles are related directly to sorcery.

Do I care about what everyone does in their personal lives? I do not. If that is your calling, go do it. What DOES bother me, is in the history of Subliminal Club we have only had a handful of individuals who have allegedly had “adverse reactions,” that go beyond basic recon, and upon investigating, every single time they were mixing our titles with these products and then inevitably returning here accusing US of sorcery and “occultism.”

Without fail, every single time – and that is not an “insight,” that is a FACT. And what’s even more brow raising is the fact that many of these producers are mixing their “fields” with actual subliminal suggestions.

So, multiple times I have observed that an individual – like Hermit – will mix our titles with these types of “fields” that are blatantly occult and then those individuals will come back and post this to us:

And now, we have “Calm” believing there are “servitors” and “thought-forms” in our products, when I assure you that there is nothing of the sort. Hence, my frustration with Hermit. In his infinite wisdom, it’s Khan that has “servitors,” not the product from this “marketplace” labeled “The Pentacle of Mars” with the Seal of Solomon as the box art.

If you guys are not aware of what that “seal” represents, good. I won’t be pointing you in that direction. It is occult stuff, things that one shouldn’t just play around with. Things that even in my less wiser years that I wouldn’t even read about and to this day, don’t know about outside of a theoretical knowledge of what it is.

And I’m going to make a bold statement: It is my opinion that it is EXTREMELY immoral to place such a product and make it available for the general public to purchase without incredible warnings. We spend MONTHS working on a product and will scrap it if there’s the slightest hint that a single person could get hurt.

Khan Black was conceived in January, and believe it or not – I ALMOST scrapped the entire launch an hour before release, even as the countdown was going because I was nervous about people jumping to Stage 4. We finally came to the conclusion that we would time release KB ST4.

But we’re the ones dealing with stalkers. Having our names dragged through the mud. Fake reviews posted. Our family and friends afraid of posting anything online. Lies being spread, nonsense about “months and months” of processing from individuals lying, knowing they’ve run those things.

So, please excuse me if I have quite a bitter taste about that entire industry. And people, for the last time. Stop mixing shit.

And “Calm,” you are going to destroy your life listening to the “advice” of someone who has exposed himself such things, trying to write your own subs and listening to those fields.

Stop running everything. Eat healthy. Listen to your doctors and exercise even more. Stop harassing us and making absurd claims.


To your point saint.

I mean it’s like a doctor prescribing medications to his patients. He wouldn’t want you to be going to other doctors and mixing medication without him knowing as it can cause adverse reactions, to which he can be liable for.

It should be common sense and sadly it isn’t. Users just don’t want to take accountability on their end. It’s a two way street here.


Don’t worry about those. The creators can’t even explain it to you :thinking:.

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Thanks for always taking the time to thoroughly explain things from your end.


I’ve forgotten them already haha


I assure you, they are also dealing with non-stop attacks, stalkers, and people that just want to absolutely see them fail. People get banned their, too.
It is a very tough position to put yourself out there but you believe in it, and despite the small amounts of garbage, you’ve (Saint/Fire) created a community and line of products to be very proud of.


From what you are relaying I 100% agree that these two (or one person) need to really back off everything they are using. I’ve seen too many young people who think they are spiritual masters burn up in their eternal flame. I think it takes a lifetime to master it all and even though my life is more than half over, I still feel like I’m a basic neophyte.


Yea stage 3 of khan black

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I’m confused

Did you think I was referring to the original khan program in that post?

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What you point out had become a style of thought here some time ago.
People who activated the “mute” function for those who contradicted their way of thinking or “made them uncomfortable with their opinions”.
The use of this tool against people who insult or are trolls is understandable, but there is a risk of overacting in cases of people who think very differently or present a “threat” in the face of a self-created bubble of pure positive thinking.
It’s the culture of the algorithm: please only introduce me to content and people who agree with my way of thinking.
That form of sectarian mentality is very counterproductive for our healthy development of the intellect.
Others frame it within a new age capitalist doctrine: Just surround yourself with successful people, people who “vibrate high”. The rest must be ignored.


Beautiful. Well said!

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So true. I don’t understand people that don’t want to learn