Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

First I dont have all the facts, having said that I dont believe this “calm” guy is suffering nearly as much as he claims, dont get me wrong I do believe he is mentally ill.

What Im saying is that his illness makes him attack you guys and live in a strong delusion and that of course needs to be addressed using all the strenght of the law.
I think he uses the suffering as a defense mechanism to try to appeal to the more compassionate individuals in the forum and get some empathy. But that seems to be just a cover up for his more obscure intentions.


Oh, btw everyone –

Hermit’s new “reasoning” for why the titles are made incorrectly is he gave his girlfriend Seductress and she broke up with him. He claims that because of the FREE WILL scripting, she chose to embody the Seductress script which “made her arrogant” and she left him.

Oh – and his brother running Inner Circle started manifesting powerful people who was telling him “secrets” that Hermit deemed those people shouldn’t tell. Because of that, he deemed that the subs are “casting spells” on people.

Did it ever occur to you that your girlfriend left you because of your hypererratic ways and pushiness? How many individuals here have given their spouses subliminals and they haven’t left their partner? Is it the title, or is it you?

Did it ever occur to you, that perhaps your brother is just trustworthy and what’s happening here is you’re just jealous of the attention he began receiving? Apparently, his brother also began running Stark and is becoming well known and successful. And now, he is “living the Stark life” (his words) and can’t be convinced not to live the Stark life.

Perhaps because he wants to live the fucking Stark life, Hermit? Did it ever occur to you that the reason he was drawn to Stark in the first place was because it’s something he wanted, and now that he’s living out his dreams, he doesn’t want to conform to whatever identity you want to put on him? Is that not a MUCH more realistic scenario than “zomg mind control???”

Even “Calm” said on Wanted, he went from jerking off in his bedroom all day, not taking showers and peeing in bottles to having sex with five women with THREE OF THEM SAYING THEY ARE IN LOVE WITH HIM.

All of this nonsense is the result of individuals trying to run from their own failings and shadows and projecting their crap onto us. I firmly, 100% believe that the reason they are obsessed with such things is because this is what THEY would do to you if they were in our position. They can only see through the lens of their own mind – and this is why all of this makes no sense to most of you. It’s because you have no desire to do such a thing to people, but since they would, they make the claims.

This company is a good, moral company. The only thing we think about is how we can make our products safer, easier to use and more effective. We are the only company with transparency statements on titles, who are as open about such issues. Every other company would simply bury these claims and ban anyone who talked about them.

And guess what? They would still stay in business, as I think many people underestimate how bad people want money and want to get laid. But here we are, wasting precious time having to discuss such things.

But, I’ve had enough. We’re going to go all out to stop this crap. We are open to everyone’s concerns, but there’s a limit. We are not going to be your fixation.


:wink: Agreed!!

He will never admit to a flaw or a mistake.


I concur. The thing is, in the United States (not sure if you’re from there), court cases are public. You can go to the website of the courthouse in an individual’s area and perform a public search to see if they have any pending cases, closed cases, jail sentences, etc.

Our lawyer found the case regarding his guardianship and showed us. There is indeed a pending case.


Nop, Im not from the US.

Interesting! Why am I not surprised…

Anyways… I hope this whole matter reaches a healthy closure for you guys.


This kind of brought something up for me I’ve been thinking about a lot. You guys here at subclub are good people. People with emotional damage and who are unwell typically have trouble in healthy and supportive relationships. There’s always some ulterior motive around the corner or fear because “surely it can’t be this good”. But since you’re getting such a polarized reaction that’s just a testament to how much you guys care. Like two ends of the spectrum here.


I can understand the frustration of how a couple of bad apples can leave a sour taste. I hope you know you have valued members who have significantly benefited and continue to support your endeavors.


If this guy has so many complains with the subs why even use it? Just don’t use it or make others around him use it, problem solved. Also maybe use his time doing something productive as he has too much free time.

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just out of curiosity,if I stop running subs for couple months ,how much those effects/results will be left…I have been using subs almost fours years now…from time to time ,I might washout one or two weeks,never more than that…so I am curious….

I didn’t read the post you tagged me in. I will later. I glossed over it so I got the jist

It depends on the nature of the result. There are different types of results.

One type of result is dynamic growth and improvement: to be actively moving in a particular direction. Examples of this: Raising your physical metabolism, quickly learning words, phrases, and elements of new languages; actively seeing new business opportunities; being in a creative flow of artistic expression or real-world projects.

Another type of result is a specific fixed accomplishment: to have attained a specific status or location. Examples: You built a house (not ‘are building’, but ‘built’). You acquired a company. You bought a car. You graduated high school or university.

The first type of result is a dynamic, ongoing process.

That second type of result is established and is, essentially, in the past.

Process-results need to be constantly maintained, and will gradually fall off if they are not maintained.

Fixed, past-based results do not need to be maintained. Once you have graduated high school, you have forever graduated high school. (On the other hand, if you want to return to university and get an additional degree, for example; you’re going to have to do more work again.)

I think that process-based results will gradually fade if they are not maintained. This is not just true for subliminally-facilitated process results. It’s true for all process results.

I think that your fixed, past-based results will generally remain. Again, not just true for subliminals, true for all fixed results. If you purchased the house, you now own that house. If you want to buy another one, then you may need to do more additional work. But the first one, for now, is yours.

So, when thinking about your results and how long they’ll be maintained, consider the type of results in question.


To me, subs are basically no different than reading a good book and something in the book jumps out at you and changes you.

“One Small Step Can Change Your Life” was one of those books for me. The ideas in there still bounce around in my head years later. So yeah results can happen for a long time after.

I know that isn’t the point of what Saint is reporting with this guy, though. That’s a whole different narrative completely.


There’s a difference between your results and the processing of the subliminal. That’s what he (and others) aren’t understanding.

If you read a good book or watch a good movie or even hear a song that REALLY moves you, the changes from being inspired will last quite awhile, since you consciously chose to take action.

But eventually, over time, you’ll become desensitized to that stimulus. It won’t have the same effect on you anymore because you’ve already mentally dissected everything and moved on. In other words, the “processing” of the title doesn’t actually last that long.

The conscious changes you made will last much longer. But, as other stimulus starts affecting you, the processing from THAT may alter results.

It’s why “mind control” in a title is useless. Anti-piracy scripting is useless. Regardless of what these other vendors are claiming, it is only through the synthesis of subconscious and conscious action does transformation take place.

So, to “wash a subliminal out” completely, you simply have to consciously decide NOT to do the action.

In the case of this individual, he’d simply have to delete the files so that he can’t run it and keep reaffirming his same beliefs. But what he’s done is created convenient excuses to keep going, because he got laid on Wanted and he wants to KEEP running them.

“I’m being mind controlled into listening. If I stop listening, these deep urges to run them will drive me crazy, so I have to keep running loops.”

Once I brought that concern to the community, and multiple individuals talked about how they came off subs for upwards of half a year with no issue, the narrative pivoted to “I’m processing scripting for months and months,” which was nonsense that Hermit posted.

What Hermit and Calm didn’t tell you is that they also were running morphic fields (@Fire has the proof of Hermit admitting to this), writing their own subliminal scripting and Hermit was engaging in multiple mental practices he took from sacred mystery texts. He was “trying to awaken his kundalini” and kept asking me if I wanted to do so also.

NO. We do not mess with higher principles like that. Our titles stay firmly our wheelhouse of expertise. Persuasion through engaging arguments, which respects your free will.

They mixed all this stuff together and are trying to blame us.

And Calm can claim that he didn’t do so all he wants. I know the truth because I have a particular talent when it comes to remembering things — it’s damn near photographic and much doesn’t get past me.

In the last time he came, he posted this “anti-mind control” script that he allegedly says when feeling the urge to listen.

That script ended with the statement “and so it is.”

Ending a subliminal suggestion with that line is not some kind of hard rule, it’s a convention that would only work with that particular producer’s scripts.

Calm took that from the formerly publicized and very outdated script library from another producer’s website. That producer rightfully took that down to prevent people from doing exactly what Calm did — mixing a bunch of shit and then blaming him.

But he was quite motivated to find it, because you still can on these piracy Discord servers, where Calm claims he first heard of us (among other places — I know what you did, kid).

So what we have here is two individuals who have warped their minds by subjecting themselves to multiple things (which we said not to do and the other producers also say not to do) and are putting the entire blame on us because everyone thinks they can outsmart us.


His whole saga is a wild ride to read.

I honestly feel pity for the opportunities that he is throwing away, possibilities of what he can be, if only he doesn’t keep going down this path.

They caused a ruckus there too? That’s sad

@SaintSovereign Do you have any experience with Thelema?

Humility is basic armor on the path of transformation.

Grandiosity and excessive attachment really f**k people up.

There are 8 billion people here right now. And an estimated 117 billion people who have ever lived (limiting ourselves to just modern homo sapiens sapiens). Bottom line: If you need to feel like you’re ‘the one’, well…you’re corny.


What is Thelema?

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In this case? It’s a non sequitur that does not take the conversation to a very useful place.


My apologies

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Me coming in great mood to read this thread and see upheaval events.