Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

In other news, HERO + KB St. 4 has me feeling so nostalgic. It’s kinda crazy how strong the sensation is.


Mood music:

So say we all.


So say we all!

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On Hero zp, can’t get the last samurai tune out of my mind

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Weeeeealth and abundance :sunglasses::sunglasses:

From Support:

"This is Fire.

If you desire general development of your cognitive abilities as well, then no. Furthermore, adding Limitless would strengthen the cognitive abilities part of the stack and add new aspects to it.

If you desire only programming related improvement, then there is no need for Limitless.

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any further questions by opening a new ticket – we are happy to assist."


You rang?



I absolutely love this stack. Had some pretty incredible results on it last week that I’m not going to talk about, but I think I’m going to make a QTKS out of it. Extreme control over emotions, ability to perform deep inner work and healing, minimal recon. KB’s focus on keeping energy moving seems to help prevent and / or dissipate recon, which I’ve always perceived as energetic / mental blockages.

Only issue is periodic fatigue and days where I just want to sleep. Guessing that’s from all the deep emotional healing. Everyone is starting to tell me that I don’t seem like the same person anyway – in a good way.


Is it the subs doing the emotional healing in the background, like Sanguine and DRLD is supposed to do?

Or are you actively engaging in emotional healing practices? And if so, can you share what you do?


How much of a boost did adding in HERO give to KB4 compared to when you were running KB pre-hero?


@Salchichon Any time line for the wealth title that is coming soon?

@James! I guess you were asking to @SaintSovereign. However, according to @SaintSovereign’s announcement it will be something like this…


I was. I appreciate that. Jeez I have to pay better attention. I am working on being a developer.


It may be yet another discovery that will further the whole technology development. KB stimulates and helps us rechannel the life force in us to a high degree and it looks like HBS helps us tap into it even better (compared to the “old” tech) when it comes to manifesting.


This is a very strange stack. I feel like the golden child, like I can do no wrong in the eyes of others.


Beware in that case. It’s a perilous notion, however extatic it may be making you.


Let little children come unto you

LOL this phrasing is so weird


I know this is kind of a dead topic, but I thought it was interesting seeing Brackeys, one of the primordial Unity tutorial creators who recently made the decision to stop making videos for a while, saying basically the same thing as I said about FOSS for the Gamedev community. His statement and the responses to it shows this sentiment is echoed in a lot of the gamedev community.

@SaintSovereign can Paragon help with heat rashes and energy issues?