Sage - Willborn

Mind sharing your results with Invincible Presence?

I’ve talked about this custom before but I’ll pop on here with any further realizations :slight_smile:

Just that module not the Custom, if you are able to I’d appreciate it :slight_smile:

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For sure.

I’ll have to come back to this after a scan of my old journal entries lol.


Today is Spartan, running that now.

Edit: 7 minutes.


The Road So Far


• I’m peeing a lot. Like, more then the water intake I’ve been taking in. I’ve seen a similar report from @Sub.Zero so this wasn’t surprising but, it’s rather inconvenient.

• my regimen of pushups while working my truck has increased my pushups to 20-25 each stop, from 10. And, I could increase this if I wished but I’m increasing as I feel like it; I’m working my way up efficiently.

• my desire to exert myself physically has never felt this way, except on Emperor Q(v2) and Primal Seduction Q(v2)

• my willpower is becoming indomitable. This is, of course, due to my stack history that has prepared my Will to be what it is.

• in relation to the last point, as I shared with @Palpatine the other night, I had the strength of will to quite literally fight my ex off of me. It wasn’t actually as fun as one might think, especially as I saw the pain of rejection in her eyes which made me truly exert my strength and throw her off and away from me. But she managed to get most of my clothes off beforehand and though I nearly fell into the temptation of easy sex, the larger part of me, the ‘true’ me, knew that that was going backwards.

• my physique has improved to such a degree that I’ll consider posting before and after photos.

• my physical movements coupled with my intuitive capacity, that has been rapidly increasing day by day due to my alchemical schtuff has me being able to move out of danger with no previous forethought, know where someone is moving and move before they do accordingly, and in my job, handle my dolly masterfully. Day by day, I pick up on new little tricks that show the ‘Smooth Operator’ aspect of my conscious self, on a non-thinking about it level.

I’ll have more later.


This could be what I like to call ‘presults’ from everyone running EB and my own intentions to run it soon, but I’m one level below telling people that waste my energy/time/presence with small talk, inane bull and other similar garbage to please fuck off. I’ve been called an asshole soo often because I don’t respond to certain things people say except silence that I’m embracing the fact that hey, that’s their way of seeing me. I have no need to change them.

My Driver Manager pissed me off Saturday after i called complaining about a route. At the end, I very clearly (and passionately) told him okay so basically this call was a waste of time, I’ve said what I have to say to you.

I haven’t spoken to him or his little buddies at work since then. My lead just told me this morning that our DM pulled him to the side saying, “Hey, your boy Sage still isn’t talking to me.”

My only response was, “Wow, he noticed pretty quickly. Good for him.”


I’m at like 100-115 pushups today and we’re not even done with our 16 stop route.

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I used Sagittarium (Emp/Primal) and True Sell, 3 minutes each yesterday.

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It may last even up to 3-4 weeks and then just come back one day. I’m just experiencing it again because I started running EB:ToG. No need to be worried about that at all.


I woke up just a bit sore due to the extra mmph I put into yesterday’s physical exertions from work, but I’m perfectly fine at this point.

I’m becoming more mindful of the amount of hydration and nutrition I’m taking in on a daily, as well as the effect that it has on my bodily energy.

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Noting this for myself later. Since beginning working with the Mother, I’ve seen more sun halos in the past couple of weeks then I’ve seen in my entire live combined.


8 minutes - True Sell

Full time - Sagittarium and Ascension Chamber.

The new module pack came out just in time :smiley: I purchased this one today to arrive around the time I am going to change my stack around. I played around with some fun ideas with the other modules, but ultimately, stuck with this.

One of the cheapest I’ve ever created lol, I’ve licensed the majority of these before.

Lustrocity III

Wanted Core
Sex Mastery Core

APS: Hair

Chosen of Venus

Earthshaker - Sexuality

Focused Arousal

Long-range Seduction

Ethereal Presence

Dance Mastery

Iron Frame

Moment Immortalized

Perfect Style & Smell

Lifeblood Fable

Inner Voice


Voice Master


Inner Gasoline

Transcendental Connection

Sexual Manifestation



I decided to block the girl I’ve referred to as the ‘Utah’ girl today. Multiple reasons and maybe I’ll go into later at some point, but I’m simply noting it on my journal for future reference.

When someone is going through something personal, don’t do them or your self the disservice of taking it personal.

I won’t allow my attachments to become connections, and I will not allow my connections to become attachments.

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If you approach someone and ask them if they need help, and they say no, but you insist upon doing it anyway, who are you really helping?
