Sage - Where There Is A Will

You might (and should) laugh at this, but I’ve played a grand total of 2 loops of Sage Immortal since it was first released. (I actually thought it was 1, but I just went back and checked.)

The first one was on 15 August 2021 and the second was on 6 September 2021. After that, the ZP trial started and then it was just straight Dragon Reborn + (whatever) all the way until now. I now have 9 weeks left with Dragon Reborn.

After that, I may take a month of emptiness. Or I may dive right into my new customs.

One of those planned customs, a rebuild of NAISSANCE (my foundation custom), has Alchemist and Sage Immortal as the two cores. So, come August/September, I’ll be starting to get very familiar with it.

But so far, nada nunca.

Quantum Limitless…

Okay, I ran 11 months of QL from July 2020 to May 2021. Then I included it in the original build of NAISSANCE Qv2. Ran Naissance for 4 months. May 2021 to September 2021. Then I played it again from March 2022 to April 2022. So technically, I’ve had about 17 months of exposure to QL. And about 8 of those months were with QL 4. (And actually, I ran Alchemist and Quantum Limitless concurrently. So everything that describes QL above also describes Alchemist.)

Okay, so now that you know I can count with numbers, what the hell do I actually have to say?



(got any more numbers for me to count?..)

okay, let’s see…



i got nothin’

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okay, i’m back.

My own clear bias is to QL 4. But that’s mostly because I always considered that as my ultimate destination. The whole time I was playing Alchemist and Quantum Limitless, I was focused towards building a custom that had The Alchemist (st4), QL (st4), and Mind’s Eye as its cores. So, I spent a year, and then did that.

But no sooner had I listened to it for 2 months, than that exact custom popped out at me in the bathroom mirror and said, ‘You wanted me to give you some wisdom, Malkuth? Well here it is…Sorry, man. You’ve got to run Dragon Reborn.’

And after grumbling a bit, I went ahead and did just that. And then a couple of short months after that, what else happens? ZP customs. And then it’s like, ‘uhh…hey, man. That Naissance custom you built? Yeah. It’s kind of a dinosaur, bro. And also, it’s got one too many cores, bro. Sorry, bro. Bro-bro, bro (bro bro).’


Is there a point in this?

I love Quantum Limitless. (and Alchemist).

My experience has been somewhat heavily colored by this big-ass Dragon that I’m walking around with. But, I still can’t deny their effects.

Those two programs (Alch and QL) are the ones most closely aligned with my nature. They’re the ones that represent things I’ve been doing the whole time anyway. So, I feel a very natural connection with them.

As for Sage Immortal, I get the sense that it is extremely adaptable and can be played with almost anything AS LONG AS you don’t mind it popping up dropping wisdom gems all over the place as you go about your life.

It’s funny, I’d kind of felt like you were playing it this whole time. The Sage vibes are strong in you.


Quantum Limitless be HITTIN’


Not gonna lie, I second guessed my memory for a second there and sat there scrambling in my memory box but yeah that makes sense. I remember you were looking forward to DR over everything. I laughed at myself for sure.

As one who swims in the waters of musing before I come to my point, you have my sympathy :rofl:

Your posts just about always have value to me just watching your thought process.

Okaaaay, interesting. I was going to comment on this on one of my posts yesterday or the day before something similar. I don’t feel like I stopped running Sage at all. One of my fears starting up with Emperor… Two months ago? Whenever ZP customs became a thing. My fear was that I’d become overly aggressive with people that for whatever reason in my perception are impeding my desires or progress.

But no!

Since alpha is the term normalized for what I’m saying I’ll use it. Sage Immortal seems to have linked down to my very core in the time that I played it even down to so called alpha traits. I suppose I vibe more with the sigma male which… Makes sense for Sage Immortal.

My sense of status has risen with Emperor and did with Stark but never at the detriment of others.

Imma have to muse on that one :thinking: cuz my time with Sage wasn’t the longest and that was months ago.

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My Sage Immortal custom draft updated from back in March, before I got to run Quantum Limitless.

Sage Immortal Core
Quantum Limitless ST4 Core

Arcane Mastery


Depths of Love


Faith Unyielding

Immortal’s Blade

Immortal’s Courage

Inner Gasoline

Path of Forgiveness

Spiritual Reality Alignment

The Flow

Wisdom Personified

Carpe Diem Ascended

Imma sit with it a bit before deciding. I’ll also have to do a bit of research into ST3 vs 4 in a custom.

Edits: Changed out ST4 to ST3. This custom is more progressive anyway so this is by no means the custom that I’ll be running in 8 months from now, but it is a step on this leg of my journey.

I also added Attachment Destroyer. Which puts me up to 16 modules. I’ll consider what to replace with result enhancers in a bit but I don’t see myself adding any other modules beyond those.

Edit: staring at my draft for a minute, I realized that I don’t have Awakened Perception in there, which is a travesty. Imma trade that with Spiritual Reality.


Sage Immortal Core
Quantum Limitless ST3 Core

Arcane Mastery


Attachment Destroyer

Depths of Love


Faith Unyielding

Immortal’s Blade

Immortal’s Courage

Inner Gasoline

Path of Forgiveness

Awakened Perception

The Flow

Wisdom Personified

Carpe Diem Ascended

Pbbt but that being said, I’ve run nearly a full cycle of ST3 and I’ve been wanting to run 4 for awhile now. Damn the cannons, full speed ahead!

Changing ST3 back to ST4 after reminding myself of what changes between those stages.

Edit: the more final version.

Sage Immortal Core
Quantum Limitless ST4 Core

The Flow



Depths of Love


Faith Unyielding

Immortal’s Blade

Immortal’s Courage

Inner Gasoline

Path of Forgiveness

Awakened Perception

Divine Will

Wisdom Personified

Carpe Diem Ascended

I’m eternally amazed by my mind’s ability to rationalize why I can’t do something right in front of me :joy:


Before I found out the power of the heart, surpassing the wisdom of even King Solomon of old was one of my all time burning purposes. I’m sort of glad that train found a new track. Athena is my favorite goddess as the olden mythological goddess of truth and wisdom. I don’t really care for Minerva…

Nothing would gladden me more than having wisdom bedazzle my path :heart_eyes:

I’ve been thinking about it and I think it has to do with core resonance. That’s a term that just popped in my head so before I lose the thought, the concept I’m seeing is that subliminals like any form of alchemy require something to start with. Some baseline.

It was only reading your journal where I noticed you mentioning The Alchemist and Quantum Limitless being your… Brain fart, but you said something about it :joy:

Anyways, that led me to the realization that I didn’t actually start Sage Immortal from ground level (so to speak). I’ve actually done a crap ton of inner work since around 20 and - another thing that clicked reading your journal - I don’t actually ever stop.

If I’m idle, I almost immediately zone out and study my thoughts or feelings or both in relation to each other.

If I’m talking to someone, I’m constantly checking my energy for any number of reasons (manipulation, deceit, a potential opportunity to say something that’ll help the person, etc).

If I have a ‘bad’ experience, I rarely immediately internalize it but seek to understand what caused my reaction to the event that even makes it ‘bad’.

If I feel the energy in a room is heavy in a depressing way, I at times without thinking about it lift it.

If someone is going through it, if I’m able to be conscious enough not to flinch and ‘close myself off’, I tend to maintain whatever neutral state I am able in order to relieve their internal pressure. I’ve got to look that one up though 'cause I do it naturally and I’d like to multiply the talent.

All of that to say, I think I just had a core resonancy (imma make that a term, I fuggin’ love it) with Sage Immortal. Which makes sense given the serendipitous nature of its release, for me.

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Plus, there’s the factor of past lives :man_shrugging:t4:

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I was looking at your proposed build. In 100 words or less, what do you want it to do for you?


I have a few changes I have to update into that.

My intention is to continue my use of Sage Immortal and I want to heal traumas that I have around religion, and free myself from the anger and resentment I hold against some family members and others. And I want it to come from a place of authenticity. I also plan to use this custom to recalibrate somewhat; focus more on what matters (what I can control) and striving to unidentify with that which has nothing to do with me.


I forgot, and I blame this on not being one hundred percent and out of it a bit this morning, that I have three title slots and that since I dropped Wanted and am using LD on a temporary, experimental basis that I actually do have that second (or first or third, depending how you look at it) slot open. So, that actually gives me more options.

I’m probably going to finish out Quantum Limitless purely through ST4 and build a Sage custom with the core couplingI’ve wanted since November of last year, Sage Immortal and Chosen.

Which honestly feels like a pretty good choice.

How I feel every day on Dragon Reborn ZP lol

On another note, great journal. Had a blast reading your experiences!


This line caught my attention and not because of the play on a well known saying.

It’s a less well known fact that if you don’t run your own mind then someone else will happily run it for you.

If you don’t work towards your own dreams, you’ll inevitably end up working to fulfill someone else’s.

If we spent our energy focused on what we can do rather than agonizing on what we haven’t done for whatever reason our carnal mind can conjure - and the limitations are potentially limitless… - I think most of us would come to a dawning, progressive realization that the further we go, the less substantial the ‘reality’ of those limits will seem.

I can’t claim to be at a level of consciousness to claim the mantle of a Christ, let alone a Buddha, but something tells me that once one starts approaching the threshold of some measure of Christ/Buddhahood, the limitations that seem real onto a man just seem like… Like…hm.

Back when I was a kid, YouTube was not a thing. And even when it became one, gaming channels didn’t really gain popularity until years later. So when I was playing games as a kid, cheat codes were about the extent of my search history for games like GTA.

Nowadays, they’ve got walkthroughs, reviews, Easter eggs, secret levels and on and on.

So, in this on the spot example certain levels of consciousness can be compared loosely to my perspective as a kid. I got good at games because I went through the trials of failure and success, celebrations and trying to throw my controller through dry wall. That’s sort of like life is for the majority of us. The school of hard knocks. For better or for worse, until death do we part.

But, those that reach higher levels of consciousness than I have. Those are the ones who ‘get it’.

Quotations because I mean… If you’re on Earth that means you’re still here to learn something. Until I hit that Oogway imma assume I still ain’t shit.


They see from a higher perspective and don’t get caught up in the rigamarole of human blah blah blahs. They have that sense of when something is not right for them even if they don’t consciously understand it at the time. And just the fact that they have that intuition and obey it without question sets them apart. So, to tie this together with the picture I’m building here, I see the mystics and saints on a loosely similar level to those who get tired of running into a stone wall over and over and decide to see how others accomplished this. (Edit: and decide to look for a different way of doing the level or stage, sometimes for direction and sometimes just to try things in a different way)

Having a perspective outside of one’s own personal mental box, in other words.


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You know, I was watching Bad Girl’s Club last night with my lady. As I was laying there a bit stoned, I started to realize something is weird about the fact that young people are eager to go onto a show in order to become potentially famous off of… Toxicity.

And that’s entertainment.

This particular season the chicks seem to find a reason to hate on another female for the most innocuous reasons.

“Oooo, her name ain’t even ‘Whateva’ this chick is fake as hell let’s gang up on her and bully her.”

5 minutes later.

“Whaaaat, she talks with no sense around the house but if you listen to this voicemail this chick has a proper ass voice, she fake as hell, let’s bully this chick.”

And I started to scratch my head because I realized that one, I don’t see the point of any of that or the entertainment value in that kind of show anymore. Two… What’s the fucking point??

Anyways, my point in this is as I was watching I zoned out and went back to early childhood in foster care. I was a violent sunnava gun. I stole a lot. I lied even more. But i changed by choice somewhere in my middling teens. And I realized. I don’t actually give myself any credit for where I am at 28, compared to where I was just over a decade ago.

When I first started driving, road rage was just a part of my commute. If you cut me off, I got pissed. If you stared at me too long passing by, I would think there were problems to be had here.

Nowadays, I can think of several occasions just in recent times driving the family car with my kid in the back that people have cut me off and I may get tight lipped, question their intelligence briefly and then immediately recover and go right back to whatever I was thinking about as if it didn’t happen. I’ve been cut off on my bike more times than I care to think of. Had people start floating into my lane as I’m passing them without a glance in their mirror, pull out onto the road to jump in front of me moving pretty quick towards them and so on and I barely feel a twinge of fear or anger anymore.

I’ve only given one person a middle finger since I’ve been riding and that was actually accidental. I meant to sarcastically princess wave at them after I overtook them, avoiding hitting their bumper and falling with style but I was as surprised as they probably were not when my hand pointed at the driver, passenger and back seat people respectively and flipped them all off. I really had no plan to do that :joy: it was kind of awkward at the next stop light.

But yeah I don’t give myself enough credit. I don’t get jealous of my girl telling me without telling me a guy coworker seems to have a crush on her (even though I deduced that months previously and she denied it :face_with_monocle:) or that a guy hit on her at the supermarket or that a couple asked her to be their third. I just don’t. Huge change from just 6 years ago.

I don’t rise to bait from men, nonverbal or otherwise.

I managed to go the last 6 months or so in a school that I was attending more as a last ditch effort to get employment without obeying the vaccine mandate with Sunday being the only day I had off between work and school.

I don’t usually complain about things.

And I could go on and on and that’s the point. Until I acknowledge how far I’ve come, where I’ve been and what has gotten me to where I am now, I don’t think I’m actually appreciating my journey for what is truly is.

I might have another ramble coming on soon. This happens when I don’t journal I notice :joy:


Oh. Just so it’s clear. She’s been inconsistently running the Seductress custom I bought when ZP customs were released. So I actually expected these things. Just in case that wasn’t clear.

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Bruh, Games a a kid were SUPERHARD. No tutorial, nothing. Right into action, figure shit out yourself.

Those were the real gamers, sorry kids :wink:

Jokes aside, this is precisely the issue with current society. Too much comfort.

As it is said, people don’t want a cure, they want a relief, because a cure would require effort.

This is the reality in our sanitised world. No real threat. As nice as that is, one must learn to create his own adversity by facing his pains or doing whatever. But merely existing in the luxury of comfort kills the raging fire in any man’s soul.

I highly recommend the TV Show “Touch” with Kiefer Sutherland. You might be one of the few who actually likes what it’s about :wink:

Most of us don’t. Anyone who is on this forum is on a glorious path. Despite the recon and sometimes tough discussions, we’re already succeeding.


You ain’t lying my guy. Throw kids born after the turn of the millennium a game of Tetris with no explanation :joy:

Soft times create soft men, soft men create hard times, hard times create hard men, hard men create soft times.

You had me at Young Guns, I mean Jack Bauer I mean, yeah.

Yeah, most of us on here are harder on ourselves than necessary now that you mention it :clap:t2:

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Women are back to mildly interesting to me right now (going through recon, gonna skip tomorrow for another rest day) but this makes it onto my “That Boy WANTED” playlist.

If the n or p-word offends, don’t inquire within.


So, after posting that, I realized that this recon has been going for about a week. Limit Destroyer is about the only thing that’s different in my stack besides the single loop of Paragon. Telling… But not really enough of a factor in isolation.

What else? I’ve felt the need to make tremendous changes in my life. My relationship, my family dynamic, my self-image, my material circumstances, reuniting with Sage Immortal, etc.

The last one is just a joke, calmate.

But yeah. I actually didn’t realize it at the time due to battling the energy requirements of Wanted so my recon-dar was not properly calibrated.

All of the things I mentioned though, except maybe the self image part, I give to Emperor.


And I’m okay with it! Especially now that I ate and the majority of the Looming I didn’t realize I was going through dematerialized.

It’s not that I want more. I want better. I can live off of very, very little. The life of an monk in every way except celibacy is something I could pick up at any time. One of the happiest moments in my young life was living out of my Jeep in San Bernardino, running the schreets with the bois with a 40 of OE in one hand.


I’d have to reason with my God about those vows, though :eyes:

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