RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

What are you drawn to?

I mean the parts of you that would like to see what is possible with our brains.

What kinds of directions or activities are they drawn to?

I don’t just want to recommend the things that have been meaningful for me.

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I’m still trying to find my direction.

I’m interested in developing my visualisation skills, to see what is possible.

I’m still reading Reality Transurfing, somehow the concepts in it seem to resonate with me. I mean about reality in general. I have noticed something similar with the subs… When you are feeling good, things just seem to click in place.

My problem is with the procrastination… The subs are awesome as I can just play them when I sleep. Nothing else to do then, no distractions.



Have you tried Flatline speakers/ headphones and/or customs.

I’m very sensitive to subs but both those things become more obvious in self effects/effects

I think Alchemist stage 1 to open up to energetic sensitivity is a great idea.

It seems that subs definitely effect you overall in the bigger results so to have sensitivity to smaller results/experiences

in this case sensitivity might sometimes be just a matter of recognizing and acknowledging smaller and subtler changes, so perhaps consciously practicing mindfullness of any little shift, change, and attributing it to subs could be a beneficial practice.

For example I ran DR stage 3 last night and I woke up today feeling incredible relaxed and indifferent about everything in my life, it’s also a beautiful day out and my work load is low. I could say I feel relaxed and indifferent because it’s a beautiful day and my work load is low or because of DR stage 3. I know it’s DR stage 3 because low work load and weather don’t have this strong an impact on my way of being but someone else might immediately attributed those feelings to other circumstance and then be ‘less sensitive’ to subs.

Like training a pathway to recognize shifts in experience mentally/in awareness first then energetically and then in obvious emotional/visceral ways.

Anyway hope some that might offer something, if I think of anything else I’ll let you know.


I have tried flatline headphones. With the amount of loops I need to run, it’s not practical.
I’ve been considering getting studio monitor speakers, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

I definitely get results from the subs.

Regarding mindfullness I do try to pay attention on how I feel. When I’m feeling low, I can usually change my state first to neutral and from there to positive. I do it pretty much automatically nowadays. I should pay more attention to it, not just let it run on “autopilot”.

It’s just how I tend to operate… When I figure out something new, I develop some kind of system for it extremely fast and then just forget about it. I have always been really fast with this. And here it might be causing a problem…

There’s this Finnish saying (might be in use everywhere else too) where lazy people climb across the fence where the fence is the lowest. I jokingly talk about myself that I wait till someone comes and opens the gate for me. No need to climb. Or, I tell someone to open the gate for me…


Monoprice has something called StageRight a very nice pair of Studio monitors I got for about $160. If your using your laptop you’ll need a y adapter, TRS cable, and TRS jack outlet adapter.

that’s a great saying :slight_smile:



You could start from the minimal amount of exposure taking longer breaks between the loops and see how it affects you. For me, the new technology is totally different from Q if it comes to the usage and the way it affects you. I run four programs at one loop each a day. I take 3 hours breaks between and it works nicely for me. Before I used to take 15 minutes-1 hour breaks between the loops and it gave me recon and I got overloaded.

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Breaks really matter that much? I run 2 loops back to back and then 2 at night back to back. 2 different subs.

Could it simply be a matter of you stonewalling considering you play 8 loops at night with no breaks.

How is your sleep anyway, do you wake up feeling rested and energetic with morning wood for example?

How do you actually sleep. If your head is on the side or you sleep on your side then one ear will be getting less input. Where is the speaker in relation to your head and what are the acoustics like?

I think in the end you will have to experiment. So how about a two week washout and then getting something for visualisation skills (as that is one of your interests and you don’t have any at the moment, I assume) and play one loop a day with good headphones whilst awake.

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Thanks for the input!

I don’t know if you have seen my posts earlier.

I am now having the same type of noticeable “results” as I’ve had with pre-Q and Q tech subs.

I haven’t had recon, ever. Or if I did, it was so little that I didn’t pay attention to it.

Now, the long term results I have gotten from the subs are these:

I can walk into any social situation and take control of it. I’m talking about meeting business people, local politicians, whatever. I still don’t enjoy these situations, as I’m highly introverted. But I have done this, consistently.

I can control my state. Reframe bad things into something with positive silver lining and then take advantage of it. I do feel low sometimes, of course. But I’m able to change to neutral and then to positive, if I wish to do so.

Then of course there are the “real world” results of growing my business to 4x to hit a million in yearly sales. When I started with EoG, I was struggling at 250k €.

I did not journal, so many of the changes there have been are not so obvious to me. I know intellectually that I have changed a lot, but I simply don’t remember how I was before. It’s like the past was in a totally different reality. Or someone elses life.

I actually did a little bit over 2 week washout just before Qv2 was announced. After the washout I went with DR stage 4 and Emperor. I started with one loop every other day. As I have never felt anything else on the subs, I use the dreams as an indicator.

I sleep better with the subs on. And I get very vivid dreams. I am well rested when I wake up.

I do think I should be getting better speakers. Most of the time I use just the phone speaker. I also test with high quality flatline headphones every now and then.

I’m happy with my wealth related goals, but now my interests have switched to experimenting on what is possible.

I do have some visualisation skills, and I’m practicing it. Need to work on it a lot more.

Anyway, I agree with you about needing to test different approaches.


Reading your entire description, it sounds like you are not particularly ‘lost’ or in need of guidance. Rather, you are curious, exploring, and receptive to inspiration.

The proposed general directions you are describing (Alchemist, Mind’s Eye, maybe Quantum Limitless) all seem very well-suited to facilitate exactly the kind of changes, experiences, and adventures that you may be considering.

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Hi @Hoppa, if you are looking at improving your visualization skills, this approach could help.

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Yes. I definitely am not lost. And I’d like to think I’m generally quite stable, well grounded guy.

I’ve always been curious about what is reality. And how our mind works.

I’ve been so heavily focused on business that I feel like it would be good for me to have something else on my mind too.

I consider the brain to be the last frontier. The biggest advancement will come from there, at least for me.



I remember that late one night literally 21 years ago, I was in the elevator waiting area in a hotel and the thought just came to my mind: There are three great historical processes at work at this time. Understanding the brain, mapping the genome, and the global unification of societies.

Not to be overly dramatic about it. It’s just one of those very specific memories.


@Gemstone @AlexanderGraves @Azriel

Yo! Over here!

Would you please give what source you use, as well as how you decided to use that source (and shilaijit)? I just don’t know much about it.

Yes this boron thing. I thought there was evidence to suggest that after X number of weeks, yes the testosterone was higher, but estrogen began increasing.

What do you all do to counteract potential aromatization of “excess” testosterone being converted to estrogen?

To our Khan experts:

@pacman @Yazooneh

  1. Did you ever notice men staring at you with that deer in the head lights looks when you’re talking with them?

  2. Women are staring at me from across the room. Has this been happening to you?

@Lion and @Azriel didn’t you run Khan?


Yes all normal on Khan lol
Enjoy it.


Right now, it’s fucking surreal man! Soon I think that I will think that it’s just normal.


I never heard of this happening. Any source on that?

I think this was the video I saw:

And I did read the original article he referenced.

It’s also 1 study and I don’t know if more were done.

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I do notice that men listen to me more when on Khan. They respect my opinion

Women are throwing themselves at me with good regularity. One interesting fact I should mention here is that when I stop paying attention to women who aren’t interested (or women who have lost interest), it isn’t long until another woman who is interested comes along to fill that space. So my advice here is, be detached and have fun