RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

standing by- curious if you resolved this issue.

Have you noticed any fluctuations with qv2?it was working well last week but not much externally this week.wonder if it was movie trailer effect

What issue?

the sound in your head that I believe you mentioned came when you listened too much to subs.

Yeah… something similar happened to me. I was turned off.

PS me would have have shrugged it off and might have still continued, but right now on ST1 Khan, I didn’t feel like it and I just moved on.

Congrats with the growth my friend and I appreciate the tag.

You are reconciling. :slight_smile:

It is the next step…


Yes you’ll hAve very high standards and you’ll be selective, you instinctively know who the fuck is going to be annoying and who’s going to be valuable to your romantic life, somehow


What ever you are experiencing is normal…Khan’s feel that way.
Now that you are unaffected by her hotness you can play the game your way with out feeling needy.
That’s when ruthlessness comes in…


Thanks for clarifying. Yes rest days do seem to gradually reduce that. Weren’t you having some thing similar in your ear or head?

I think this is a good description of what was happening in my mind during that interaction.

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That’s what I did. It’s not like it just wasn’t worth the effort. It was more as if there was nothing motivating me to continue.

You are welcome man!

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I think that is a good way to put it. Any neediness, or feeling any need to do something, or feeling a need to do anything, all of that was just gone… even if I did like talking with her, it still would be gone. It is a difficult experience to describe unless you can actually experience it.

Would you please describe more about this ruthlessness?

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It’s funny when I first started khan I had this decade long tendency to go for the standard 7/10.

They were “gettable” by a man like me, who was of average maybe below average looks and average game (the average for game is fuxking HORRIBLE)

And into 6 months of khan I couldn’t stand them.

I accept that there’s a personality tied to looks of girls that’s undeniable, I upped my lower roof of standard to 8/10 and found them almost always of a higher quality character wise, they had good senses of reality and enjoyed humor more. They required less validation and appreciated manhood deeper, despite not completely turning into a psychopath when present with it

My upper roof became 9 but I started to understand deeply that those girls require very tight game and o didn’t have it

My next custom is aimed towards making my new lower standard 9/10s

Inner circle
Furious ascent
Natural winner (eyes on the prize fuck the ego protection, sleep with that beauty)
Limit destroyer
Focused arousal

Gorgeous manifestor

Khan core only

Added in lifeblood fable to fix the fact that I realize I like the effect of reputation and how instantaneously and magically gets you lays


Would you please say more about this?

Well I’m starting to realize truly despite reading it thousand of times that reputation is basically a magic pill towards sex and intimacy

It’s literally the god of DHV


Thanks for elaborating mate!

You know you will love to fuck a 10/10 but you are also not attached. If she’s willing to make you dance…you simply tell her ok fuck u I will get another. The best part of it is you feel nothing.

I have also noticed that when men challenge me I can go to any length to get back on top of my game to show them I’m boss here guys.

Basically good bye to Mr Nice Guy.


Thank you for elaborating.

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I think I’m remembering everyone I wanted to include in a thank you for stepping up to contribute with good intention to the well-being and success of someone.


Over here @GoldenTiger

How many loops of each?

How many times per week?

How are you feeling overall?

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