Rise to Stardom

I felt scared before running CFW but it was the first time that was the most impactful. Since the incident below, it’s been fairly gentle in its effects.


Thank you for posting this. I ran CFW when it first came out for a cycle or less. I couldn’t handle it. That’s why I’m scared of it, but I’ve been mulling over the objectives of Love Bomb, Regeneration and Chosen and it’s what I want/need right now. I’m not sure I’m prepared for it but I need it.

I also consider any manifestation, good or bad, a sign that the subliminal is working. I had a ‘bad’ manifestation that made me stronger (in hind-sight but felt like it destroyed me at the time) ultimately when using CFW last time which was what put me off using it.

With that said……I decided to run CFW now. Listened to my first loop and finished about 10 minutes ago….

Lets see how this goes.

I’m hoping LBfH, Heartsong and CFW will build my self concept to a strong level where I believe in myself, my worth and accept nothing less than the standards I accept for myself from myself and other people. That is what I truly want.

I no longer want to be a people pleaser, someone who bends backwards for someone, helps everyone else. I can say no, but I’m hesitant with it, I also want to build my manifestation abilities (which I believe Love Bomb & LBfH will do) along with the positivity from Chosen whilst eliminating negative beliefs regarding myself & relationships (Heartsong/LBfH).

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@Billions Was it you that made a CHOSEN multi-stage line up of subs? I remember seeing the posts but cannot for the life of me find them. If it was you, can you share it with me please? Interested in re-reading.

Yeah haha I did. Try looking through my post history!

I think running CFW once a week would be a good way to start.

As for being a people pleaser, on this forum I think you present more as someone who tactfully presents their ideas and opinions, which some times disagree or calls out someone on their BS.

In sum, I don’t see you as someone who is obsequious.

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Yeah, I’m definitely only running this once a week for sure!

I very much appreciate this. I try to. I really do try and be neutral and understand from both sides of any situation.

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I’ve been having the best time recently. Seemingly no recon, unless it’s the thing affecting my sleep, but other than that I’ve been feeling great and stronger, mentally, than ever.

I’m really enjoying my stack and have no plans of leaving it just yet. I feel like it’s just what I need right now.

Currently running CFW once a week with Heartsong/LBfH twice a week just before bed.

However, may have to run Heartsong/LBfH during the day time because this is the second time this week I’ve had super wacked out sleep. May have been because I was nervous for my tattoo (my first ever two) but I ran these two on Friday morning (like 3/4amish) and was awake most of the day before my tattoo. I’ve ran it again today and again I’m awake literally two hours after I’ve slept. I’m tired again so I’ll probably end up going to bed soon but honestly may have to run these two in the day and if they knock me out during the day that’s okay.

Anywho…back to my point, I’ve been feeling great. Been doing self concept work (affirmations) to build myself up mentally and affirm my reality, as I should, and I feel like the world is mine for the taking. I’ve been doing well, had positive thoughts and all that. Last week was probably one of my favourite weeks, I just felt so good, besides sleep.

Truly loving this stack right now. Feels like home.

This stack mixed with my self concept affirmations is truly making me a better person.

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After a couple weeks on CFW I’ve decided to go for the big boy and hit up Dragon Reborn for one loop per week and see how I feel. I truly feel LBfH has helped with recon and I really would like the healing from DR. I was scared af about using CFW but I’ve had nothing but a good time really.

Time to use DR.
The objectives and my intuition, not recon since I’ve had a wash out for 5/6ish days, had told me to use it.

It’s time.


:dragon: :+1: Which stage?

Back to Stage 1 for me. Wish me luck!


You don’t need luck. You have skill. :sunglasses:




DR has been bringing up things I was scared of looking at and facing. Maybe not necessarily scared, but things I didn’t want to look at but I guess I gotta look at them to be able to say no, I’m not dealing with that and it doesn’t exist in my reality.

As we all know, I had a few issues with certain people this year and this week they’ve been on forefront of my mind which I don’t necessarily want but I feel like DR is giving me the strength to work with this and these people and is healing the wounds they/I created. I say I because I definitely manifested that stuff. I take responsibility for that.

Let’s talk about that quickly - after researching the Law of Assumption I truly do believe that whatever I assume I manifest. For years I had an assumption of what was going to happen and it happened in a way. The good thing in this case? If I can manifest that, I can manifest the opposite. That’s why it doesn’t exist in my reality. I’m not putting it to the back of mind but I’m choosing that those people are blocked from my reality.

No longer will they take so much of my mental space and peace. They are removed from my reality and are far away from me. They do not belong and they are no-where near me.

I just have to remember that I have the power to be rid of them, and they are gone. They’re gone to other places, they’re removed from my reality and my space.

No longer will I be affected by such stupidity, no longer will I be scared of them or what they’ll say. No longer will I be in my head, which I was earlier today.

Anyway, I’m glad DR bought these up for me because I really did need to remember my power in this. I’m better than this.



Just maybe…

DR is a mistake. For me to use. :man_facepalming:t2:

What happened?

I’m just unsure if that kind of healing is what I want. Where I want to break myself down and be introspective. I don’t think that is what I want. Whilst I think it’ll be beneficial, truly, I feel as if I need, or mainly want, to stick with the positivity and my internal frame being built upon rather than knocked down to be built up.



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Deciding to go on a wash out.

Spoke to @Invictus in regards to my stack. He must hate me as I always ask and find a way to go against what he suggests :sob:. However…I’m going to give his stack idea a try. Seems to fit what I’m looking for at the moment.

Stark (possibly my custom), WANTED & maybe LBfH (love this sub so don’t want to change) or Rebirth to help with the push of WANTED due to recon in the past. However…I feel like WANTED will help with the masculinity push I want.

Heartsong has been working.

I know I’ve said I’m not a hook up kind of guy, and I’m not, but I’ve met a guy a couple times. We’ve done stuff and want to keep it as FWB. I don’t want to just hook up with a random guy once and that be the end of the connection so having FWB is a great thing.

I’ve also met another guy on an app and we’ve been speaking properly today, I’m pretty interested in him and he seems nice so lets see where that goes. We’re both pretty open so we’re going with the flow.

Also…suddenly…like magic I’m finding people who are down to do my kink. Out of no where. Normally people would be like ‘nah, that’s too much for me’ and reject the idea/me…now? Nope, they’re like it’s all good lets do it. I’m even getting guys that are willing to take it slow with me, like the first one I mentioned, who are willing just to do my kink and leave it there without anything else…like bro, I’ve been wanting this for a while.

Heartsong has been great…I’d assume it’s Heartsong doing the magic. I’m going to come back to it after my WANTED/Stark/LBfH or Rebirth cycle in a couple months to let it execute in the background.

Bare in mind, just because I’m interested in these guys doesn’t mean I’m not manifesting the one from before. I still 100% believe it’s possible, I just haven’t persisted with it yet.

Working on some conscious guidance stuff too.

But yeah, if anyone needs Heartsong results then there you go, it helps with hooking up, finding people for kinks that may be deemed weird or out there and finding people in general.

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Some times we realize what to do by seeing what we don’t want.