Reset: a journal by Invictus

@Invictus Is CWON one of the core you added to your custom?

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I’m not at the moment actually :stuck_out_tongue:
Don’t seem to crave it as much with Euphoria around :wink:

Nah, it’s unnecessary when I already have Euphoria :stuck_out_tongue:

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Obviously it’s a Seductress-based custom, man’s looking for those leg gains.


Also, increase chest size.

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Y’all need help.

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You are right, we need :frowning:
Therefore we are here trying to find that help.

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Y’all weak at this guessing thing :eyes:

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Seems like its something with RM, maybe RM+Wanted :thinking:

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Do not be so harsh on us, we are trying our best. :frowning:

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UA + RM (Question Mark)

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Well said my man :wink:.


So apparently I have a talent for editing pics, regardless if it’s art or an actual photograph, my editing skills seem to enhance pictures in ways that even astonishes me, here are 2 examples:



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@DarkPhilosopher @RVconsultant can you notify staff about an express custom order #2024303?

Thank you

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I do hope you get it in time, since it literally says “Guaranteed.”

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The edits looked better on my phone, but not on my computer.

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I wonder why you still use ZP when you have T and T^2 at your disposal. What’s the secret behind it? If you can reveal it to us. :sunglasses: Is it about the number of subs you’re running that would be too challenging when run on the higher power levels?


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It’s mainly due to the fact that T and T2 feel so unnecessary that there’s no point in using them until I settle on one custom, cause at the end of the day, my sensitivity to the subs don’t change, but T2’s power feels like it’s giving me more results than I actually want, so it feels a bit too out of control, while as ZPT is perfect, but I want to settle on a custom first, and so far, I enjoyed my last 2 Stark customs the most (Stark + EF and stark + WANTED), so if the next one is good enough, then I’ll do a comparison runs for all 3, and then turn them higher power.

Another reason: I use intuitive listening with ZP, but with ZPT I only run them every other day, or else I feel a bit disoriented like private testing times with certain WANTED variants (along with the deep revelations type of recon that makes me introverted at times).


Butterfly ZP
  • RM core

  • WANTED core

  • Heracles

  • Serum X

  • Physicality shifter Sexiness

  • Entranced

  • Ethereal Presence

  • Gloryseeker

  • Lifeblood fable

  • Song of joy

  • Fenrir

  • Victory’s Call

  • Carpe diem ascended

  • Extreme exercise motivation

  • Joie de vivre

  • SPS: Endocrine system

  • Chosen of Venus

  • Deep sleep

  • Dominion

  • Void of creation

Why Butterfly?

To me, a butterfly signifies 2 very important things that I would consider to be the main 2 things I wanna get out of this custom:

  • Butterflies are considered the most symmetrical, aesthetic and beautifully unique of all the insects, and I would even go as far as saying it sits at the top of all animal species as well, and that is the exact expression I want; to be the most symmetrical, aesthetic and beautifully unique version of myself, sculpting my body + face in the most aesthetically pleasing way possible, as if I was carved by a Renaissance man :wink:.

  • a butterfly’s life cycle makes for one of the most wonderful metaphors for self growth, as just like a caterpillar, we all have to be patient with the growth before we can show the world our true potential.

Initial results & thoughts:

  • So far, I worked out and was being social in the gym, and what I noticed is that I was much more random with the selection of my exercises, doing certain exercises I don’t usually do, while my form was very much “fluid”.

  • My high right now, also feels much more “lively” (I haven’t listened to Euphoria since Saturday, so I know it’s RM core doing it), in the sense that effects of the high feel more uplifting than normal, as well as me not being clumsy as opposed to on Stark while high, as the hyperactivity of Stark made me ramble a lot and a bit clumsier.


Butterflies also signify transformation and positive change.

Wanted and Renaissance Man is such a unique combination. Renaissance Man is a special program too, it’s good for man who like to be connected to their creative, emotional, Spiritual, soulful side. I saw women being attracted to me on Renaissance Man, not from sexual desire persé but from the Heart, falling in love with that connection you will experience on it, not just with yourself but with life and your emotions.

Your emotions will become unfettered and you will be able to fully express them in your art and creative endeavours.

I liked that a lot of Renaissance Man.

It reminds me of Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh, even San German.

San German was truly a renaissance man his knowledge and understanding of science exceeded far beyond his time, he mastered many instruments and played them by Heart, he even wrote the infamous shakespearian literature.

Most interestingly, while San German also had a very influential, charismatic, and magnetic character — with the Fame of “Stark”, he was absolutely shrouded in Mystery.

His intelligence was extraordinary and spoke numerous languages.

I admire this man a lot for without him the America constitution would of never been born.

This is an amazing Custom @Invictus

San German was not necessarily an Alpha as in the modern understanding of that word, but he was certainly an “Alpha” as in being the most evolved individuals of the human species who has ever walked this planet.

Scriptures often mention how he was very hypnotic and magnetic. His dominance was very selective and mental, not like primal energy at all, more like cosmic consciousness embodied. A lot of Heart, a lot of intelligence, and a magnificently powerful mind that easily influenced circumstances around him.

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What do you mean by this exactly?

Also where do you keep getting that art work from it’s stunning!

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