Reset: a journal by Invictus

Why am I so enticing…even to myself?

You’ll get used to it man :wink: I thought that just naturally when I was a kid, then I forgot, now I remember again. I think we’re all a bit schizophrenic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


WANTED has a tendency to give me a calmer demeanor, not in an emotionless sense but more of a calculated sense. Like Bond James Bond

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I still can’t shake the feeling that WANTED core + Void of Creation is too damn close to the private ZP testing 30 mins variant.

So I used it today to pinpoint wtf is it that is so similar :stuck_out_tongue:


Turns out it’s the sexual animal that awakens inside.

That’s what I keep feeling from the custom and had on the private testing version :joy:


Always wondered what that version was like :face_with_monocle: lol anyways nice custom hope it serves you well

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It’s like
Honestly the custom is strong in the same way with the addition of Void of Creation.

That module alone bumps up the power level of a custom it seems.

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So about yesterday:

I wanted to post some of my results, but was too busy with everything and already got back home at like 1-2am, so I wanted to rest up before I write.

Here are some results:

  • not only got called up by the smoke sesh friends really early on (11am), but when I went there at 1, only 2 of the guys were, they smoked a joint with me before everyone else arrived. Why is this a result? The rule is to only start the session when everyone arrives, yet these two called me a bit earlier because they wanted smoke and play some Dragon Ball Fighterz with me :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t4:

  • went out in the evening with my girl, and not only was I a bit too animalistic with her, she also told me something that was pretty interesting that I never heard from her (or anyone else) before: “you know, whenever I go home after being out with you, I start craving the feeling of your dick inside my mouth, like I don’t care if I’m happy, sad, tired or working, I just want it always there in my mouth.”… so yeah, I think Ethereal Presence is doing a good job :rofl:

  • I’m suddenly finding new love for bright colors again, and this is what I did to my iPhone yesterday:

The orange leather with the silver 14 pro and a blue wallet = OG Dragon Ball Z vibes :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t4:.

Now, there was something else I wanted to talk about, which specifically revolves around the topic of individuality vs masculinity, as I’ve recently started expanding my understanding and the parallels between the two, and how developing them can be confusing, as even though many people realize that they’re different, they try to develop both in the same way, which isn’t how one should approach their development (in my humble opinion).

Many guys who join this forum often do so in order to get laid, or make more money, and I’ve said this time and time again, that while those goals are fine, there isn’t much depth behind them, and if those two are your only main focus, then having the reasoning alone, for why you have those goals, can add some depth to them, making them have more value than being so “shallow”, but how about goals about the development?

You see, one thing I noticed is that many men here try to be so masculine with their stacks, subs, words and actions, yet, somehow they all end up coming off the same, there’s something there that’s missing, but then you see a post by someone like @Tobyone @Yazooneh or @Malkuth, and while they are masculine, something about them doesn’t fit the standard masculinity seen around the forum, so why?

That’s where individuality comes into play.

Every one of us is born with a spark of individuality that truly defines as true individuals, yet the aftermath of the “growing up” we do with what’s around us heavily impacts how much of that spark is gonna grow or die down, and that’s where guys often go wrong.

Some guys find that spark and keep focusing on it so much, that they lose touch with their masculine core, making them act in ways that makes them come off as “strange”, while others end up fearing judgement and repressing such individuality, this leads to both types not having any kind of balance.

And that’s the key thing here, which is to try to maintain that balance and grow the two simultaneously but separately.

Your individuality, passions, uniqueness and likes don’t have to be masculine in any sense of the definition, however, when you present yourself as an individual, add your masculinity to the expression of individuality.

Oh and stop trying to be masculine “aLpHa MaLe” behind a keyboard, it’s not gonna do much except creating s fake sense of superiority within you, which will convert into deeper inferiority issues when you put that keyboard down :stuck_out_tongue:


Letting my creativity out today :stuck_out_tongue:

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I said fuck it.
And ordered the one custom I’ve been thinking about trying for a while now, but always second guessed it.

Let’s see if anyone can guess the 2 cores :eyes:


The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.”- Robert Henri


Diamond + Paragon?

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Nah man :rofl:
I’m good with my size :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sage + Chosen?

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Nah man, that’s a bit too inner focused for my liking.

Lemme tag some more people to see who can guess from the hint above :stuck_out_tongue:

@AlexanderGraves @Tobyone @GoldenTiger @Ingress @Malkuth @bombayduck @Brandon @Joa23 @Sub.Zero

another hint 😉

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”― Aristotle


The Alchemist and Renaissance Man?

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RM + GLM (5 Char)


@Malkuth @Ingress

Good close guesses :wink:
But you’re thinking too inwardly :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s the final hint:


Sexual artist.

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Hahahaha nah
Think harder :stuck_out_tongue:

Question :

Anwser :