Regeneration + Elixir | Woman's Journey ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

Jan 27, 2021 - Day 10

Regeneration 1 loop (early AM)
Regeneration 1 loop (noon)
Elixir 1 loop (late noon)
Elixir 1 loop (early evening)
Regeneration 1 loop (evening)

Audio issues persisted, switched to using my iPad to continue my sessions.

I felt really low, sad, agitated with periods of anxiety. I found myself watching a lot of YouTube videos obsessively and listening to some heartbreaking music and cried. I found myself missing my beloved a lot (this hasn’t happened in 2-3 months) and weeping for am extended period in the evening.

I was doing pretty well and grounded last week. The only thing that is different this week in terms of external circumstances is

  • my ex/co-worker (that I mentioned two days ago) abruptly cutting off our friendship and making me feel like I was the one dying for his attention.
  • loops on the sub has increased. I’m trying to hit between 4-6 hours per day now.

Could this be reconciliation? Maybe? Or a natural emotional response to the external circumstances which in turn triggered a set of more responses aligned with my internal state (feelings of sadness, loss, lack of control, pain, hopelessness).

Prior to this week, I can say confidently that my default baseline had shifted to framing internal and external events in a more positive and favourable way without the feeling of chest tightness and heaviness.

Maybe this is reconciliation. I hope it is and passes (if this is the root cause) because I’d very much like to return to my improved default state.


Nothing concrete, a mix and mash of all sorts of unrelated scenes from different timelines.

That concludes Day 10.



We all experience it. It means your subconscious is facing the things that you’ve repressed and it’s trying to reconcile what the script is saying with your inner thoughts and feelings. That’s why our subliminals are different than those from other producers – we don’t have “instructions.” We have a unique scripting method that works with your beliefs, which guides you to being the best you could possibly be rather than how we think you should be.

Reconciliation is a tricky animal and it’s really hard to define. It manifests in many ways, but the core is usually the same: A sense of frustration, sadness and other intense emotions. You may feel “bored” on the sub, like it’s doing nothing (even though it is). You may have this intense urge to quit, or switch up your stack (don’t).

When you think you’re going through reconciliation, look for patterns that’ll confirm it for you. For me, without fail, I’ll always wonder when I’ll “ever be back to my old self.” That lets me know that I’m reconciling and I can proceed to take efforts to alleviate it.

If the reconciliation doesn’t let up, take a rest day. Rest days are good. I’m on Rest Day #3 from R.I.C.H. because it’s that intense for me.


@SaintSovereign - Thank you for your feedback. I woke up with a headache yesterday and my eyes were immensely strained. I used to get such headaches when I used to feel a lot of stress and worry so to feel it yesterday in the absence of any palatable external trigger made me feel like this has be reconciliation and I was intuitively guided to take a break and I felt significantly calmer and grounded towards the end of the day. I’ve started back again today and currently on my second loop of Regeneration.

How long would you suggest I run this combo (Regeneration + Elixir) before I also add on Seductress (self confidence and love) and Emperor Fitness (weight loss) to my listening routine?

Also, is a min of 4-6 hours per day good exposure (either my current combo or future combo as stated above) or do I need to add on a few more hours. I don’t want to overdo it but at the same time meet the minimum recommended hours/day.

Jan 28, 2021 - Day 11


After reading @SaintSovereign feedback and intuitively feeling the need to take a break, I did just that and went on. The intensity I felt from the previous day (Wednesday) was simmering down and I felt more grounded towards the evening.


  • I faintly recall seeing my beloved. Can’t remember the context much but I sensed hope and joy so must not have been a nightmare.
  • Few other randoms scenes, nothing too meaningful at the conscious level.
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Have you read the support articles at the main shop website regarding number of loops?

Or maybe post a link to the updated instruction manual

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Thanks for the link man!

Thank you @RVconsultant & @James. I will take a look at it

Jan 29, 2021 - Day 12

Regeneration 1 loop (early AM)
Regeneration 1 loop (Mid morning)
Elixir 1 loop (noon)
Elixir 1 loop (late noon)
Regeneration 1 loop (before bed)

Felt so much better post rest day. Everything else is pretty much the same. Still find myself looking for observable changes. I find myself feeling really parched and always looking to drink more water.

Can’t remember much tbh. Must not have been very memorable.

This concludes Day 11.

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Feb 1, 2021 - Day 15

Regeneration 1 loop
Regeneration 1 loop
Elixir 1 loop

Had a rough discussion with ex/co-worker which set off a chain reaction of anxiety, lack of confidence in handling the project alone, sadness and a feeling of, “what’s the point”.

I suspect listening to the subs might have either put me in that mental spot or perhaps added fuel to the circumstance.

I felt my energy tanking but somewhat bearable.

Feb 2 & 3 - Days 16 and 17

I took a break. Feb 2 was mixed with panic, anxiety about work assignments, extreme lethargy. I found myself physically worn out and curled up in my bed during the breaks I took every hour or so since I mentally couldn’t focus.

Dreams: I saw my beloved. I felt his energy and I knew it was him, yet, physically, he appeared as my first boyfriend that I had a long term relationship with. In this dream, I ask my beloved if he was going to text me (we are not in touch since last October). He said yes, Jan 18/19. I then say I couldn’t wait for him to reach out so I did before mid Feb (which is his birthday). Well, we’re in the month of Feb now and I’m yet to hear from him. This dream could have been triggered by the fact that I found myself watching lots of “Pick a card” readings on YouTube where almost all the readings tell the story of our love and inevitable reunion.

Feb 3 (today) was when I hit a low point physically. I found my entire body aching, still reeling from the dream and longing to hear from my love. I felt myself fearing forgetting his face, hearing him say my name and smiling at me with such love filled eyes. I found myself curled up on the bed for an extended period of time in between work. I set my laptop on my bed and moved the mouse each time Skype went dormant just waiting for nightfall so I wouldn’t have to answer to anyone at work.

I spent some time with my family watching a feel good movie. Then I headed to take a shower and almost crashed to the ground. My arms went numb. My chest got tight. I changed into something comfortable and slipped into my bed and skipped my entire night routine (something I picked up a month ago almost involuntarily where I pamper myself).

It has been 3 days since I journalled here and despite feeling an undercurrent of, “What’s the point. Good times and peace don’t last too long anyways”, I decided to push past and write this down. I don’t know if this is an even worse reconciliation phase than I hit last week (lasted about 2 days). This phase, it’s already been 3 days and I still feel so hopeless and unable to detach from the worries of the future and desires of the heart.

A random scenario popped into my head, what if I had some disease and was given only 6 months - 1 year to live, what would I do? How would people (excluding my extremely loving and supportive family) treat me? Will my beloved then reach out to me and make up? Will everyone that hurt me feel regretful and apologize? Maybe this is a form of escapeisim or my soul hurting.

There’s also an extremely subtle yet strong undercurrent of guilt and hopelessness when it comes to my diet. My joints have started aching, perhaps unable to support such a weight on a not so very tall frame. Clothes getting tighter, back arching into a limp. I seem to be binging without being able to stop. For a second, just a second, I had a thought. Either waking up in a reality where I have everything I want or not waking up in this reality at all. Falling into a slumber and waking up when everything is okay.

This has gotten too long without it being my intent. I don’t know if I should continue listening or take a longer break until I feel better to go back to listening.


It sounds to me like you might be really pushing the “wall” of very entrenched negative beliefs. The mind doesn’t like to change and has all kinds of clever ways of trying to fight it, including causing all kinds of discomfort. It can be really rough until that wall starts moving. Once it does it gets easier.
As to break days, I take two consecutive days off a week and usually feel that the recon symptoms are gone and I’m executing the script at a higher level on day two.


Reconciliation perhaps.

and what @COWolfe said

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2-3 days may do it. My longest break so far was 10 days.

Hopelessness is an energy thing. It’s sort of automatic. Energy goes low; hopeless thoughts arise.

It’s not that the thoughts are true. You can think of them like the warning beep on a gas tank gauge. Or, a low balance warning on the bank account. ‘Hey. We’re getting empty over here.’

In this case though, your bank account is low because you’re investing the money into growth projects; rather than just wasting and blowing it off. In the short term, it’s like ‘so what? Still feels terrible.’ and that’s true. In the short term, A low balance is a low balance.

In the long term, though, the things you’re doing now are going to bring that energy level higher and higher. Tank’s getting bigger and fuller. Balance is rising.

In the meantime, when those levels dip too much, take a step back from the long term healing and growth; and give yourself some short term healing and care.

Couple days’ll do it a lot of the time.


@COWolfe @RVconsultant @Malkuth - Thank you so much for your feedback. It is so nice to know that I can come here and share my journey and receive the answers and support I so very much need.

No one really knows I’m on this journey (family & friends) and as a result, there’s literally nothing they can do or say to help me recuperate given how 1) they have no idea 2) don’t get the concept of subliminal programming.

I took a longer break from Feb 3 onwards up until today (end of Sunday). So it’ll be a total of 6 days break/rest period.

I’m already beginning to feel so much better and grounded. The hopelessness/energy dip as @Malkuth so beautifully described (and this is literally the only explanation that resonated with me in such a practical yet profound way) has stopped and my energy levels are slowly rising back up.

I felt inspired to track my progress so far (made notes in my physical calendar to count the total number of hours in terms of exposure) and also come out here and express my gratitude for all the support I’m receiving.

I will go back to listening tomorrow and also look into a sub that pairs well with the Regeneration & Elixir combo which addresses depleting energy levels. @Sub.Zero - I suppose you had mentioned using Love Bomb (or Sanguine) to your healing journey. Would you recommend adding this to my routine? Feb 8, Monday would be Day 22 post an exposure of about 40 hours combined.

Either the above or… I finish listening to Regeneration + Elixir combo for 30 days as I had initially planned and then switch to Seductress starting Day 31.


You are welcome.

@Lisa would you please read the above post? Perhaps there is something in there that might be of help to you.


Love Bomb is a great tool for cultivating self-love (and love in general), increases the level of positive energy and creates an aura which aims at people liking (loving) you more. Here’s how Love Bomb contributed to my healing journey:


Feb 8, 2021 - Day 22

Regeneration 1 loop
Regeneration 1 loop
Elixir 1 loop
Elixir 1 loop
Regeneration 1 loop

I felt fresh to start the morning and get on with work. Soon work stress and unexpected and unrealistic deadlines fell into my lap and I started to feel the pressure.

I shut my laptop past 6 (emotionally drained at this point). Headed to treat myself to a nice bubble bath amidst scented candles and calming music.

As I started to slip into my bedtime routine, I broke down and started weeping. My beloved came to mind and everything that went against us was brought up. My heart/chest hurt physically. I soon developed a headache. I calmed myself and slipped into bed.


None that I can recall but I did not wake up feeling refreshed (today Day 23)

The right side of my head, neck, year and back of my eye were sore and throbbing (still is as I’m writing this). I woke up at around 5 and couldn’t go back to bed. I constantly kept visualizing a scene where my beloved and I have reunited already. This brought up more resistance and attachment and then I found myself looking for YouTube videos on how to detach since I felt so caught up in it at that moment.

I tried going back to sleep but couldn’t. I broke down again at around 8am and then worked up the courage to push past it all and brush my teeth. I feel okay as I am writing this.

I can’t help but wonder:

  • am I just telling myself it is the recon from the subs and not dealing with something I’ve pushed away subconsciously?
  • is this truly recon which is why I’m feeling this way and it’s a sign, a good one that things are going to get better
  • is it the subs giving me headache and draining me of energy or just work stress compounding the effects of the sub
  • why does my beloved keep coming up so often with there being an undercurrent of melancholy, nostalgia, longing and a bit of attachment? Are the subs bringing these up?
  • what kind of action is advisable and recommended while listening to the combination that I am?
  • How can I assess the positive impact from the subs at present?

Honestly, at this point (now), I feel like my emotional state has regressed back to where it was 5 months ago. The calm, peace and groundedness that I had started to feel at the start of this year seems to have slipped away and I’m wondering if this combination was the right choice for me.

I will still stick to the 30 days as I had initially set up mind. About 8 more days to go. I’ll take it easy and listen to utmost 2-3 loops per day given how I’m feeling and intend to see the positive effects of this sub.

Here is what I do when in doubt:

Fewer loops and/or more rest days.

I found Regeneration to be fatiguing.

Breathe. Repeat.

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That’s often what recon is. One part of your subconscious is trying to execute the script and change and another is trying to maintain the status qoue at all costs by preventing you from dealing with what you need to. These subs make that easier, but it isn’t always a painless process. The only way through it is through it.

I’m not familiar with your crap circumstances with your beloved, but from some of the things you’ve written, it sounds like you haven’t had any contact with him for some time, but you are hoping for a reunion. The subs might be pushing you to let go of that attachment so you can be open to new possibilities, or just do what you need to for yourself. That can be a very painful thought to let in. Your mind may be making you face that possibility.


Thanks for the insight and support @COWolfe and @RVconsultant. I have decided to take a break and return when I feel so. I’m already feeling better today.

Interestingly, I noticed a pattern. When I take a break (yesterday and today), I feel so much better but on listening to a few loops (day before), it felt like I was picking at the scabs of a healing wound and thereby causing irritation and pain. Perhaps in this case, the discomfort is an indication of the purging of old traumas. At least that’s what I will choose to believe.

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