Regeneration + Elixir | Woman's Journey ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

2-3 days may do it. My longest break so far was 10 days.

Hopelessness is an energy thing. It’s sort of automatic. Energy goes low; hopeless thoughts arise.

It’s not that the thoughts are true. You can think of them like the warning beep on a gas tank gauge. Or, a low balance warning on the bank account. ‘Hey. We’re getting empty over here.’

In this case though, your bank account is low because you’re investing the money into growth projects; rather than just wasting and blowing it off. In the short term, it’s like ‘so what? Still feels terrible.’ and that’s true. In the short term, A low balance is a low balance.

In the long term, though, the things you’re doing now are going to bring that energy level higher and higher. Tank’s getting bigger and fuller. Balance is rising.

In the meantime, when those levels dip too much, take a step back from the long term healing and growth; and give yourself some short term healing and care.

Couple days’ll do it a lot of the time.


@COWolfe @RVconsultant @Malkuth - Thank you so much for your feedback. It is so nice to know that I can come here and share my journey and receive the answers and support I so very much need.

No one really knows I’m on this journey (family & friends) and as a result, there’s literally nothing they can do or say to help me recuperate given how 1) they have no idea 2) don’t get the concept of subliminal programming.

I took a longer break from Feb 3 onwards up until today (end of Sunday). So it’ll be a total of 6 days break/rest period.

I’m already beginning to feel so much better and grounded. The hopelessness/energy dip as @Malkuth so beautifully described (and this is literally the only explanation that resonated with me in such a practical yet profound way) has stopped and my energy levels are slowly rising back up.

I felt inspired to track my progress so far (made notes in my physical calendar to count the total number of hours in terms of exposure) and also come out here and express my gratitude for all the support I’m receiving.

I will go back to listening tomorrow and also look into a sub that pairs well with the Regeneration & Elixir combo which addresses depleting energy levels. @Sub.Zero - I suppose you had mentioned using Love Bomb (or Sanguine) to your healing journey. Would you recommend adding this to my routine? Feb 8, Monday would be Day 22 post an exposure of about 40 hours combined.

Either the above or… I finish listening to Regeneration + Elixir combo for 30 days as I had initially planned and then switch to Seductress starting Day 31.


You are welcome.

@Lisa would you please read the above post? Perhaps there is something in there that might be of help to you.


Love Bomb is a great tool for cultivating self-love (and love in general), increases the level of positive energy and creates an aura which aims at people liking (loving) you more. Here’s how Love Bomb contributed to my healing journey:


Feb 8, 2021 - Day 22

Regeneration 1 loop
Regeneration 1 loop
Elixir 1 loop
Elixir 1 loop
Regeneration 1 loop

I felt fresh to start the morning and get on with work. Soon work stress and unexpected and unrealistic deadlines fell into my lap and I started to feel the pressure.

I shut my laptop past 6 (emotionally drained at this point). Headed to treat myself to a nice bubble bath amidst scented candles and calming music.

As I started to slip into my bedtime routine, I broke down and started weeping. My beloved came to mind and everything that went against us was brought up. My heart/chest hurt physically. I soon developed a headache. I calmed myself and slipped into bed.


None that I can recall but I did not wake up feeling refreshed (today Day 23)

The right side of my head, neck, year and back of my eye were sore and throbbing (still is as I’m writing this). I woke up at around 5 and couldn’t go back to bed. I constantly kept visualizing a scene where my beloved and I have reunited already. This brought up more resistance and attachment and then I found myself looking for YouTube videos on how to detach since I felt so caught up in it at that moment.

I tried going back to sleep but couldn’t. I broke down again at around 8am and then worked up the courage to push past it all and brush my teeth. I feel okay as I am writing this.

I can’t help but wonder:

  • am I just telling myself it is the recon from the subs and not dealing with something I’ve pushed away subconsciously?
  • is this truly recon which is why I’m feeling this way and it’s a sign, a good one that things are going to get better
  • is it the subs giving me headache and draining me of energy or just work stress compounding the effects of the sub
  • why does my beloved keep coming up so often with there being an undercurrent of melancholy, nostalgia, longing and a bit of attachment? Are the subs bringing these up?
  • what kind of action is advisable and recommended while listening to the combination that I am?
  • How can I assess the positive impact from the subs at present?

Honestly, at this point (now), I feel like my emotional state has regressed back to where it was 5 months ago. The calm, peace and groundedness that I had started to feel at the start of this year seems to have slipped away and I’m wondering if this combination was the right choice for me.

I will still stick to the 30 days as I had initially set up mind. About 8 more days to go. I’ll take it easy and listen to utmost 2-3 loops per day given how I’m feeling and intend to see the positive effects of this sub.

Here is what I do when in doubt:

Fewer loops and/or more rest days.

I found Regeneration to be fatiguing.

Breathe. Repeat.

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That’s often what recon is. One part of your subconscious is trying to execute the script and change and another is trying to maintain the status qoue at all costs by preventing you from dealing with what you need to. These subs make that easier, but it isn’t always a painless process. The only way through it is through it.

I’m not familiar with your crap circumstances with your beloved, but from some of the things you’ve written, it sounds like you haven’t had any contact with him for some time, but you are hoping for a reunion. The subs might be pushing you to let go of that attachment so you can be open to new possibilities, or just do what you need to for yourself. That can be a very painful thought to let in. Your mind may be making you face that possibility.


Thanks for the insight and support @COWolfe and @RVconsultant. I have decided to take a break and return when I feel so. I’m already feeling better today.

Interestingly, I noticed a pattern. When I take a break (yesterday and today), I feel so much better but on listening to a few loops (day before), it felt like I was picking at the scabs of a healing wound and thereby causing irritation and pain. Perhaps in this case, the discomfort is an indication of the purging of old traumas. At least that’s what I will choose to believe.

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By the way, I did not mean to say crap circumstances there. Must have been an autocorrect fail. Sorry that must have come off as very rude.

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There was a short relationship I had a log time ago that the first sub I tried from SC began to work with me on right away. I never wanted to see him again, so I began to have dreams about him, to my surprise. The dreams were actually very positive. There was even a manifestation a few days later of someone who looked so much like him that I thought it was the same guy at first. An uncomfortable situation for me that I can see when I look back now was a positive one, just like in the dreams. Maybe these feelings you’re having about your ex are something that you need to face to go forward. These subs produce the kind of growth that will likely cause you to see him in a new light a few months from now.

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Sounds like Regeneration is doing it’s thing.

You meant to say crab circumstances because you were going to get sea food…:grin:

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I’m not sure what I was trying to say there. It was a day or more before I caught it. I hate it when my phone thinks it knows what I mean.

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@COWolfe - I read that sentence but chalked it up to a typo or auto correct, no worries. I know you didn’t mean it that way.

@lrw - That’s interesting.

I’ve done all the focus work I think was needed to set forth my intention and now actively workings ok detachment. I tend to get attached to pretty much everything really fast and intensely so this is something I’m actively working on - Emotional detachment from all outcomes in life.

The sub you used, was that Seductress? At this point I’m getting a feeling that I’ve had all the healing I think was needed through Regen and Elixir and ready to switch to Seductress and perhaps add Love Bomb too.

I intend it helps me and aids the manifestation process and my beloved and I do reunite indeed.

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If you’re wanting to get an ex back, there are also some items in the Q store that might help. Including Long Range Seduction, and Chosen of Venus. You’ll have to look through the store to find what you think would help because there are a lot of them. A fast way would be just click the Romance and Sex.

I think there are 2 modules for magic, I think Arcane Mastery, and Avatar. Although you might want to look around. However @Hermit might be using them and could tell you his thoughts on them if he’s using them.

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@RVconsultant - Q store as in I’d have to get a custom, right? I have been debating on getting a custom for a while now and would like to start by exploring modules now

That’s great that you feel that you’re ready to move on to other subs. Seductress sounds like a really fun sub. I was actually thinking this morning about how I used to form these attachments, and the subs have liberated me from doing that. I have no doubt that you will find your balance in this area. The sub I was on was Stark. I didn’t realize it at the time that this ex was just something that the sub was helping me to deal with. It’s a great sub, but I just wasn’t ready for it back then.

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I would encourage you to read about EVERYTHING at the Q store and take notes and then think about it. Then look at your notes and think again.

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I know you may not want to hear this, but I’m speaking from too many years of very painful experience here. Trying to manifest an old relationship with a specific person back, and fixating on it in general is one of the most cruel ways we can torture ourselves. Plus the manifestation part may get you back into a relationship with that person, but it’s rarely the relationship you want it to be.
I successfully got ex #1 back that way, and more than once, but all it really did was prolong my suffering, keep me emotionally attached to someone who was far from the best person for me, and cause me to miss opportunities to be with girls who might have been.
I can only speak for myself here, but I think a much better path is to at least place that focus aside and work on yourself. Make yourself worthy and desirable for yourself. That gives you a much better chance at happiness. And if you do reconnect with him, theres a better chance of him wanting to get back together for the right reasons. If you still want to after all that.