Recommendation/Request: Affirmations to pair with Major Programs

I’ve been thinking about how nice it would be to have a list of SubClub-Approved affirmations to pair with each major program, so that we could consciously focus on and accelerate the results that we’re gaining subconsciously.

The affirmations could be made to directly pair with the scripting of SubClub products, could serve as summaries of the types of benefits you’ll expect to receive from that title and could be given out for free as a marketing material the same way that subclub is giving out lifechargers for free as marketing material/funnel content.

So in the morning, or at night right, maybe even WHILE listening to a loop of your major program, you could read out your major program’s associated affirmations so that you’re consciously looking for ways that you’re becoming more rich, more sexy, more social, and then reinforcing those beliefs that you’re now looking for through repeatedly hammering it in AKA listening to the subliminals.

Any thoughts on this @RVconsultant, @DarkPhilosopher?

I know that you once commented that getting an unapproved list of affirmations and then flashing them for 10ms each (subconscious perception) would be contradictory to SubClub products because it would mess with the subconscious in different ways, but what about SubCLub Approved consciously stated affirmations?

But of course, nothing in this post is meant to be contradictory to the most important part of getting results…

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Affirmations? I wouldn’t condone this. But, we are looking at how to include a list of “objectives” for each title that should help.


As stated by @Fire, repeating affirmations has been useless since New Dawn.

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I would suggest applying your imagination as a substitute to affirmations. Your Mind’s Eye beats words without any contest, just like how a picture is worth more than a thousand words, now Imagine a fully immersive experience affirming your goals. This worked for me much better than affirmations.

That being said, if you were to still go ahead with your plan of flashing affirmations, I would suggest adding visual effects along the affirmations, its much more effective that way.

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I did not ever intend on doing flashing visuals in any way. That was someone else that I was referring to.

Really good idea

we affirm things automatically. some say the mind is only creative but for most people it’s not a conscious process, it’s just running on default. That’s why I enjoy effective products such as available here. Or you could just journal to get a clearer look at the programs already running your life.

Just think about taking action, any action towards your goals. Then just free write whatever comes up don’t judge it good or bad. write a list. draw a line down a sheet of paper at the top of one side write advantages and on the other side write disadvantages. Then write whatever comes up switching back and forth. what’s an advantage to taking action towards my goal? then what’s a disadvantage. whatever helps you to make the decision to act. and get yourself to feel good about taking action with the suggestion above of using your minds eye.


and …


I love the fact that we all re-read the sales pages even though we’ve bought the Sub, I probably do it on a daily basis.