Reclaiming my power - A Journal by MatAlexander305

Why am I so fucking shy??

99% of my problems would dissipate INSTANTLY if I could just drop that shyness and be comfortable in my own skin.

Like wtf even causes me to be shy? Why do I so highly value other people’s opinions of me?

Do I not value my own opinion? Do I not trust my eyes and ears?

Is my own perspective that flawed that I need other people’s input to complete my thoughts and opinions?

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I won’t lie, I’m super arrogant and I hate it. I can’t drop this stupid attitude and I don’t understand why.

This arrogant attitude that I’ve had for so long… distances my self from everyone. It places a barrier between me and other people.

Yeah… I can connect with ppl on a surface level, but when I start getting deeply connected, when I get personal with ppl ITS ALWAYS EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE.

I LITERALLY want to run away. Like the anxiety and adrenaline I get is insane. Sometimes I actually feel like I’m going to pass out.

I actually think being open, being honest, being vulnerable… is my biggest fear.

It’s a total mindfuck, how am I so afraid of the one thing I so desperately want and need???

And how the fuck did this even come to be?


I’m guessing it has a lot to do with self love and self acceptance.

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I don’t even know wtf I’m writing for anymore. I’m extremely hungover from my family’s Christmas dinner last night…

My uncle looked at me last night and said “how are you single?” “You’re so handsome, girls must hit on you all the time.”

I’m genuinely so grateful for my looks. I sometimes think I forget how attractive I am. Cause I’ve always gotten these types of comments from ppl. And it always blows my mind. Like the way people compliment me makes me think they’re lying to me. And they always seem surprised at my lack of awareness.

I know I’m good looking. But when ppl compliment me it’s like I think they’re exaggerating.

The one that’s always stuck in my head was from a HOT girl. She actually got mad and yelled at me: “You could have any girl you want, why don’t you try?”

And even 6 years later, I still don’t know the answer.


Yeah, no doubt. But even then I question why?

Why don’t I love myself? I love certain parts of myself and hate others?

How is that possible?

Especially when some parts that I hate, can never be changed.

I cannot learn to love my inferior attributes.

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Actually fuck that, I do know the answer. It’s cause I’m shy. I don’t talk to girls.


I’ll go to the gym and be SEEN by hot girls, and yeah I’ll get IOI’s. Even from girls “out of my league”. But I’ll never act on it. I’ll never walk up and talk to any of them.

I just exist in this never ending state of awkward tension between me hot girls and it’s SUPER WEIRD.

It’s a normal occurrence. I see a hot girl, and I know she’s attracted to me. But then I don’t do anything about it…

It’s like I’m afraid to open my mouth, because I scared I’ll make her not attracted to me. So it’s better to be quiet and maintain that mysterious attraction. Then to open my mouth and potentially kill it… (I know this is an unhealthy attitude. )

But why? Am I too nervous to be a smooth talker? Sometimes…

Am I too nervous about coming across as nervous, Insecure?



I feel like I’m running ROM, but I’m not…

For those running it, is this the kind of internal dialogue you have with yourself?

Questioning your beliefs, finding the answers within your self?

Look up attachment theory if you haven’t.

Long story short, a lot of these behaviors just stem from early childhood. It really sucks how sideways everything can go based on some treatment you had as a child, but when parents validate certain behaviors and feelings vs shun others it leads to a lot of problems.

“Good” vs “bad” parts is a common strategy when we haven’t been made to feel it’s ok to have certain emotions.

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Try CBD or Ashwagandha to beat anxiety out of your system.

I’ve tried both, ashwagadha makes me super depressed and careless about everything.

I’ve actually concluded that the anxiety I constantly feel isn’t so much a neurochemistry problem, but rather it’s a belief problem.

I feel anxiety because of the way I think, because of my belief system, because of my traumas etc.

Supplements can chill me out a bit, but the anxiety still remains.

Hell even alcohol can’t destroy my anxiety. I’m the most hyper conscious drunk I’ve ever met. Unless I’m blackout wasted, I’ll still feel self conscious.

I forgot to mention. I have another RICH result.

To make a long story short, I’ve been struggling financially, so I decided to add RICH into my stack.

After 2 loops, I remembered that I haven’t done my taxes for the last 3 years. So I went though the process and now I’m getting like $10,000 in tax returns :rofl:


Can’t wait to file my taxes for 2022, gonna be another 5-6k probably LOL LFGGGGGGGGG :fire:


Uhmm…this is about to be pretty long.

But in my defense, my paragraphs are typically one sentence long. :joy:

You’re on the right track.

For example, the fact that you’re confident enough to talk about feeling nervous or insecure paradoxically puts you AHEAD of lots of people.

You take care of yourself at the gym. That’s cool too.

What are needed are some internal things.

I’ll be making two general points here.

First point:

The main difference between living things and non-living things.

It’s not Growth. Icicles grow. So do stalactites and rivers. (haha Debt and bank accounts grow.)

It’s not needs. In order to keep existing, a rock needs to not get hit by a hammer.

The primary characteristic that separates living from non-living?

Desire. (and impulse).

Living things are just full of desires. That’s one of our primary characteristics. But here’s the kicker.

You don’t see a person’s desires when you look at them.

The primary feature. And you don’t even see it!

You see their legs. Their face. Their nose. Their outfits. Their make-up.

Those things that you notice are related to YOUR desires.

“Wow. So hot!”

But when you so-called “GET” the girl? Guess what you won?

You won all of hers. All of the things she wants.

In other words, just like you, she’s a big basket full of desires. Wow. Sexy, huh? Nope. Most of those desires have nothing to do with how sexy you are. (Some of them do, thankfully).

If you’re not ready for that basket of desires, it gets old really quickly.

Most of what happens in relationships revolves around coordinating what she wants with what you want.

And if you’re not particularly into what she wants. Again, it gets old really fast.

And that brings me to the second and main point of this post:

Second Point

Your personality. Your nature.

Right now, you go to the gym to give your physical muscles, skeleton, lungs, etc., the stimulation and exercise that can help them to thrive.

Well, you’re going to want to add in some different kinds of workouts on top of that one.

You also need to stimulate and exercise your personality, your inner process, and your interpersonal self.

People talk a lot of s**t. “Get the girl”. “Win the game”. “Achieve success.”

These are misleading labels that mostly serve to confuse people.

I mean, they’re true, kind of. But the problem is that they label side-effects instead of what’s really primary. As a result, after growing up with this kind of talk people put their attention onto the wrong parts of the puzzle.

“Classic Misdirection” as the magicians say.

When you go to the gym, you’re not focused on “winning” anything. You’re doing a workout. Every workout is essentially a good one; even though you’re more impressed with some than with others. And the fact that you know this is why you’re so good at working out.

But this same frame also holds true for almost everything else.

You don’t need to “win” the workout.

You also don’t need to “win” the girl or the date.

You also don’t need to “win” the relationship.

That’s how inexperienced or inactive people think.

People who are active and successful or experienced in a particular area tend to have a more balanced and nuanced view. They tend to think more in terms of ‘processes over time’ rather than one fixed ‘make it or break it’ moment.

Once you switch your view over, insecurity won’t really be a problem anymore. Not because it will disappear. It just won’t seem as important. Fear will still be there sometimes; but it just won’t seem to matter as much or in quite the same ways.

Think about it. That’s pretty much how you approach the gym right?

If your goal was to press 10 pounds more than you press now. You might feel some fear (or excitement) at your next workout. But it wouldn’t be a crippling paralysis. You’ll probably just do the appropriate workouts for the next month or so that will enable you to meet the goal. And when you do meet the goal, you probably won’t say, “I won the gym!!!” You’ll probably just think “cool.” and continue with your workouts.

Now think about this:

what would be the equivalents for 1) your personality and 2) your interpersonal interactions?

What would be the right workouts?


Wow @Malkuth
This is very insightful, I may have to read that few more times to really digest everything you said.

That’s not always true, body language never lies :wink: (all jokes aside, I get the point haha)

No doubt, women desire a lot more than just looks. And I feel that’s my issue. I always feel that I have an unrealistic expectation to live up to. Yes, I have good looks. But what about my nervous, anxious nature? I have insecurities, I’m deeply aware of them and I know they’re not attractive. I have flaws, many actually and because I’m hyper aware of these flaws, I don’t feel as though I deserve love. I know they’re not a part of her big basket full of desires so it’s like I’m a waste of space.

“He’s good looking but he’s awkward, insecure, nervous, too emotional (or whatever else)”.

Like if I could zap away all my insecurities, dating would be so easy for me and I’d have so much fun. But I can’t seem to figure it out.

True, but how? I don’t know exactly how to do that…
Talk to more people? Meditate? Practise introspection?

Very true :thinking:

So it’s not about “winning the workout” it’s about showing up and “putting in the proper reps/work to achieve X goal?

Ahh okay :thinking:

Okay I think I understand. But i don’t quite understand working out my personality?

Like interpersonal interactions sure. Maybe smile and acknowledge people more. Then maybe make it a point to speak to 1 new person everyday. Even if it’s as small as “How many sets do you have left?” “Do you have the time?” And build up from there…

But working out my personality? Im not sure what to do. Like would I I just choose an attribute I want to develop? (like leadership, stoicism, optimism) and think of an action or set of daily actions I can take that will slowly move me towards this set goal?

I’m currently in some of the weirdest recon…
Since washout, I’ve played:

Khan st2 - 30 seconds
My custom - 30 seconds (which is zp1)

RICH - 30 seconds
Sanguine -30 seconds

I’ve been super anxious, super tired, anhedonic, stressed, angry, aggressive, full of murderous rage. Basically every negative emotion has been turned up to the extreme lately.

I actually downloaded sanguine in a desperate attempt to help me get out of this dark mental state.

Drinking over the holidays played a big role

I seriously don’t think I can handle drinking alcohol anymore. I always blackout and it’s annoying. Idk if it’s cause I have a predisposition to alcoholism, or if it’s cause of the gabaergic supplements I take during the day… but it’s always hell to recover from and I hate not being in control.

I never get sick and I never throw up. But I’ll be casually drinking and next thing you know I blackout. Sometimes I don’t even act different, but next morning I won’t remember anything. There are other times where I’ll just go crazy and act wild, but I just always seem to black out randomly and I can’t predict when…

So I’m starting to think I should just stop all together. Or severely limit myself when I do decide to drink.

My life is a fucking nightmare, wtf did I do to deserve this sh!t?

I swear my pain tolerance is too high, I don’t think most people could handle having my brain. They’d probably off themselves.

It’s torture. Pure torture.

Imagine being completely aware of all your problems, all your flaws and yet still not knowing how to solve them?

Welcome to my life

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Ok feeling better…

It’s strange that I had such intense recon from 30 second loops.

Last night I played full loops of Khan st2 and Sanguine and today I feel much better.

No recon or anything. It’s almost like my brain needed to hear the entire script. Because after the 30 second loops, I just felt angry and kept asking “What do I do?” “How do I solve these problems?”

It’s like my subconscious mind was craving the commands (or questions) of the full script.

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