Reclaiming my power - A Journal by MatAlexander305

Yes I feel the same, itā€™s weird to me. Iā€™ve always been a fast speaker, but I think itā€™s because Iā€™m afraid that if I take a pause, Iā€™ll lose their attention or their interest.

I guess Iā€™ll have to practise this more!

Great idea, Iā€™m going to implement this!

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The funny thing and as youā€™ll learn is that it is often the exact opposite :wink:

You can practice in all conversations to just make small pauses here and there, and youā€™ll start notice how you are more present with them and not only with yourself and what to say next.

Also there are many things you can do with your voice to be more interesting. Look into rapport speaking, thereā€™s three levels; seeking rapport, neutral rapport, and breaking rapport. High status people reside in their speaking in last two mostly.

Or you could just make a custom with Emperorā€™s Voice, Dragonā€™s Tongue, and Voice Master :joy:

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I need to run Rebirth, I think this sub is going to be a game changer for me.

I need to become a new person, itā€™s so obvious now. Everything Iā€™m trying to do with subs revolves around this one thing. Letting go of my past life, and starting to live the life I want, not how everyone wants me to be.

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All I do is worry about what others think of me and Iā€™m sick of it.

PCC might be on deck too, I think this sub would annihilate my inferiority complex into a million pieces.

If I begin to act in a way that increases my power, status, sex appeal etc, all on a subconscious level then my inferiority complex simply could not exist.

Today is the last day of my current rotation.
Stark, Primal, Sanguine.

I donā€™t want to drop any of these titles, and Iā€™m thinking of making a custom. Just not sure what direction I want to go. I could do a Rebirth + Sanguine with some healing modules and some other specific modules to address some weak points of mine. Iā€™d run this with Primal and Stark.

But, I also feel like my romantic life is about to get spicy. Something fresh is in the air and Iā€™m sensing something new coming. If so, Sex mastery and Diamond could make a debut in my stack. Might even make a Stark, Wanted custom that Iā€™ve planned multiple times but never made. But I also need to continue with Primal so maybe Iā€™ll hold back on Diamond and just do SM.

Hell I might even revamp my old custom and swap TS core for PCC, and maybe change a few modules.

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Idk how to say this.

I feel feminine. The energy I radiate is feminine, and Iā€™m disgusted by it. Wanted made me realize that Iā€™m an attractive man, and now that Iā€™ve gotten so many compliments on my looks, I donā€™t care about it anymore.

But one thing that irritates me is my energy. Iā€™m a pretty boy, and I hate it. I donā€™t feel like a man; I feel like Iā€™m on some weird androgynous type of shit. Iā€™m very masculine but also very feminineā€¦ and this feminine energy is starting to annoy me.

When Iā€™m in a group of men, I hardly feel like one. I feel like an imposter, itā€™s like theyā€™re all men, and Iā€™m still a boy. Does that make sense? I donā€™t know what Iā€™m trying to get at with this post, but this is something thatā€™s been on my mind a lot since I began running Primal.


Did you tried GLM?

Not yet, though Iā€™m tempted to run it

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Or Emperor.

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Maybe worth a shot. Its the only title with pure masculinity. This is different from all alpha titles.

Or u can add the Lion IV module into your custom.

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Yes emperor is a good alpha title but its too dense and there is all the sexual scripting and more. GLM is pure masculinity.

Embrace your masculine side and heal yourself from any traumas that might be holding you back from expressing your masculinity.


Primal is supposed to heal your primal masculinity.

Iā€™m sure with time, and certainly after this assessment their will be a breakthrough around the corner and youā€™ll start become that Man you always aspired to be.

I notice with Zero Point it tackles specific issues and by overcoming them, more and more of the program finds a path of execution, it takes a little bit of time. Be patient and youā€™ll get there ā€” make sure to enjoy the process and not to burden yourself :slight_smile:


Also @Matalexander305, I noticed Stark has some deep scripting regarding empathy, and gentleness.

For me, it always had such a soft feminine feel to it.

I do not think this is you but just the Stark archetype.

How are you feeling now on Primal?

Iā€™m using Primal Seduction and am loving it ā€” I like its Primal aspects a lot, itā€™s that kind of alpha title where you do not often get into trouble with other males. Feels masculine, dominant, and carefree but with a playful edge to it.

Living life and enjoying it a lot.

I connect deeper with others, and can still maintain great relationships with other males unlike Godlike Masculinity, Ascension, Emperor, etc

Where it always felt like I was above them, leading them, not a direct relationship from being equals.

Primal feels more like careless regarding the social hierarchy but you will grow into the man you desire, deep within, to be.

A free man who loves himself, and enjoys the company of others.

One who likes adventures, and escapades of all sorts and likes to have fun, without taking life too seriously.

Itā€™s truly an amazing archetype in my opinion.


I think the problem here isnā€™t you being highly feminine, itā€™s you not being masculine enough to your standards. As you said here, you feel like a boy. Thatā€™s someone who doesnā€™t believe theyā€™re a man yet and youā€™re feeling dissatisfaction from not yet living up to your standards of masculinity. There are plenty of men that I know of that are very masculine and quite feminine, yet are incredibly attractive and happy with their lives.

In fact, I consider myself to be quite feminine as well but what causes me dissatisfaction is my lack of masculinity, not my high feminine traits - which have been quite attractive to women, people and it gives me pleasure in my own life. I feel the same way you do sometimes, so Iā€™m running Emperor to help alleviate that. My experiences may or may not be relevant to what youā€™re feeling right now but hope that helps.

For others, they find themselves becoming far more masculine. Itā€™s best not to extrapolate your experiences to be something that everyone else will experience since it may cause confusion.


:point_up_2: What @Beowulf said. I am or rather used to be in the same position, and I always have been. But the more Iā€™ve embraced my masculinity and allow it to grow the more I feel that I ā€œbelongā€ with the (masculine) men. I used to feel really insecure and ā€˜secondaryā€™ when being around men that I looked up to - which led me to depend on others to take charge in basically everything. And being around men younger than me would totally cripple my frame.
A feminine shadow trait? I also started from a very feminine ā€œstarting pointā€ so I can really relate.

Can you describe how the female energy expresses itself for you - and the things about it that you dislike and would like to change?

Running Emperor really helped me embracing my (divine) masculinity. I have no experience of GLM but it sounds like a solid choice too.


Hard to describe right now. Yesterday I decided to swap Sanguine for CWON and my first loop sent me into some of the most intense recon Iā€™ve ever experienced. (Iā€™m still feeling it right now).

Because of this, my judgment is kind of clouded right now. So itā€™s hard to explain what Iā€™m feeling.

I would agree with this, this is how I feel. But Iā€™m experiencing a lot of stress right now and I donā€™t know why. I feel almost borderline, all my emotions have been ramped up 100x. (Especially anger)

Yesterday there were times I was ecstatically happy, laughing my @$$ off, there were times I felt sad and depressed, their were times I felt extremely angry, like violent thoughts and everything. Itā€™s was such a strange experience.

Sounds a lot like me :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve been feeling really anxious lately. Like I donā€™t want to talk to anyone at work, I donā€™t feel like going out, hell I barley want to go to the gym.

Speaking about the gym, I didnā€™t want to go the gym at all yesterday. But I forced myself to go anyways. When I walked in, their were a lot of hot girls and it made me nervous. I knew I looked good and I was getting their attention, but it made me nervous. I didnā€™t want them to talk to me, I didnā€™t want them to look at me, I just wanted to be left alone.

I felt like I was on crack, I could hardly sit sill let alone breathe. When I hit the weights I was getting angry, like ANGRY. I even noticed a few people giving me weird looks, almost like they were intimidated by me.

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