QZP - Wanted+Primal Seduction+C̶h̶o̶s̶e̶n̶ - WhiteTiger Pounce back into action

Think I’ll run mogul and Emperor tomorrow morning see if I can kickstart something :wink:

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Oh my, when I listened to Emperor this morning, I got tiredness, maybe a little bit of dizziness… It’s been since early december I haven’t had any symptoms of anything while listening. Maybe my mind is working extra hard to do it, I have a lot to get done today anyway :wink:

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It’s been one week I tryed to get my carbs to 0. This time I can do it I think, I will go to the grocery today and buy some meat for my keto diet!

We are now Jan 5, I will listen up to Jan 16. I don’t know what is doing what, but I am feeling like I have a lot to do, and I’m thinking about it. Maybe I’ll only be able to watch 1 episode of suits this morning before going to the grocery!

So, I didn’t do much today, even if I had the drive (have, I’m thinking about moving), I just picked up my bad habits and watched suits because I really want to finish it.

I want to at least clean my appartment today, it’s not so bad, but I told myself I would do it so I need to do it!

Edit : I’m also thinking about money in the back of my mind. It’s like my hamster is spinning to find money avenue. The only way I made money last year was with a little bit of swing trading, but I got to have certain time of my day free. I still remember doing 2K in 2 weeks :smiley: it’s just hard on the emotions!

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Yesterday I ate a small amount of calories, like 1.5K, and like 10 grams of net carbs!

Today, I’ll try and do something similar, it’s good because I’m not eating and I’m not hungry. I’ll see up to when I can push back my first meal!

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I’m also running Wanted and have noticed a decreased appetite over the past few days.

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It’s crazy, my discipline for nutrition is surprisingly good. My energy is stabilizing even if my carbs are super low.

It’s been 2 days I haven’t taken my Prozac pills, I want to know if Keto diet + the mindset ZP are implementing in me can help with my depression! Yesterday night I was tired when it was my bedtime, which never happens in winter!

It’s like Emperor guided me toward the Keto diet because if knew my body needed to relearn to use fat as fuel. I think @friday is also on a diet which promote using fat for fuel. I don’t intend to go super strict keto, I still want to eat regularly when I am out with friends, but having my body used to burn fat as primary source of energy is very good for my mental and physical health!


I can see I am stopping my antidepressant, I am more irritable toward my roommate :joy: She’s pain in the ass and negative person.

Every time she speaks to me it’s negative shit so my answers are cold.

I will just act like an asshole toward her until she stops being negative.

I am against keto for various reasons. However, it is a step in the right direction.

Drop all sweets, all bread, vegetables, but continue to eat some raw high-quality honey, and fruit in small quantities.

If you are truly interested in nutrition, read the book “We want to live” by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

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Maybe if you f**k her she would stop :slight_smile:


This. ^ :rofl:

No, I already did that last summer, her attitude turns me off to the highest point. She is a child, and now I can only see a child when I see her.

Basically the only thing I dropped are carbs. For now I’m just forcing my body to use fat as fuel because I want my body to adapt, but fruits are definitly on the table. I’ll check if I can find the audiobook!


One of the title I haven’t experimented with is Regeneration. I was never a big fan of healing… I feel like the time I’m listening to healing script I could listen to some scripting that push me to change in a direction like “making more money”, “be more charming”, “have more confidence”.

Yesterday night, while going to sleep, I’ve had an intuition about trying out Regeneration today. I’ve been listening to Emperor recently, and Wanted for a long time before that. Seems there are some stuff that was getting in the was of me being the Emperor or being the Wanted man.

Proof of that is that I’ve had results the exact same day I listened to my first loop of rebirth, and the next day. Rebirth, in a single loop, removed some blockage. I’m wondering if regeneration could do the same (while working in a different zone than rebirth).

Rebirth is more focused on accepting the change, while regeneration is really working on removing bad shit. If I can combine Regeneration and Rebirth, while running Emperor, I should be able to get healing touching a large spectrum of stuff in my life (work, self confidence, sex, attraction, physical shaping… Everything that’s in Emperor).

Will see how it goes, right now I can’t really go out or do some social stuff as everything is shut down… But I hope that I’ll be able to remove some blockage with regeneration :wink:


It’s 3h30 PM and I’m still fasting. No drugs or anything.

I don’t think I’m feeling Regeneration. It seems pretty smooth, I’ve just finished my fast at 6h30PM, ate my meal. I don’t have a lot of hunger

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So, two loops of Stark ZP this morning, will see how it goes.

Having recon after my two loops of stark, I feel anxious and frankly a littlebit overwhelmed.

Probably the price to pay for me mixing so much subs in the past two weeks. I’ve tryed regeneration, mogul, ran emperor, Rebirth, Wanted and now Stark.

Planning to see how I feel on love bomb!

I feel like right now I’m piloting my plane and trying to pull different levers see how my mind react. Will love bomb change my mind about life? Maybe I’ll jump back on Chosen as I am still looking to change my inside.

My subconscious is trying to tell me something, and I can’t listen, I don’t know how. I’m stuck in fear, fear of failure, fear of living maybe? Fear of changing country, fear of lacking money, fear of dying, fear of rejection… Yesterday I realised that life is scary as fuck because there are no right anwsers and I got to figure some anwser all by myself!

Stark, and probably emperor until now, pushed me to think about it : What do I want to build? What do I want to do?

Last listening day today.

I will take 6 days off since I ran more different subs. This morning I ran Stark and Wanted (1 loop each). For now I think I’ll run chosen from within, Wanted and Stark, I like how stark is making me, I also like how Wanted is making me, and chosen from within is making me grow on the inside (in terms of love, hope and regeneration!).

While waiting for Khan, this will, be my stack, when Khan comes back in ZP, I’ll probably switch it with chosen from within since St1 has strong healing.

So, today I ran 1 loop of Wanted and 1 loop of Stark. Taking 6 days from now on.

This morning I did photography, I was comfortable in front of the camera don’t know if I was hotter that usual from the external side of things, but I got invictus feedback on the pics and they definitly are good :grin:

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My friend is texting me a lot. That’s stark for you.

Currently in my second day of break. I’m starting back to listen this week end (saturday). For now I’m still pretty relax.

Also, I lost 1% BF since starting OMAD/Keto

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