QZP Preview Title Plans

Wondering what would actually be the best stack of QZP subliminals that will allow me to get a sales job, excel and earn lots of money from it.

Maybe Chosen, Wanted and Limitless (or R.I.C.H).

But I guess I will know what suits me and what I should focus on only when I start running the QZP subliminals.


Thank you for sharing. I was thinking of running Chosen ZP and Sage Immortal Ultima later today


Silly me, I was waiting for the preview to try that combo. I forgot that I already had them :rofl:

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I’ll run wanted/chosen to catch up a bit in phisycal form, lose some weight.
Debating between Spartan and Stark: long term it’s definitely going to be Stark, but I could go 1 month for top physical form in Dec…


Hey @lovage did you lost some weight on the latest 15 min Wanted sub?

This is what I found


I wasn’t part of the test unfortunately…


Thank you, @StateOfBeing


Chosen probably has to wait.
As a fan of alchemy, I will run Sage ZP plus my „What is Love“ custom as soon as the preview is available.

Wanting to run „Chosen“ seems to me to have been a bit egotistical motivated. Like if I wanted to be admired. Yes it’s true haha, I want to be admired. I probably don’t understand the title fully without using it. But I imagine that being admired would be a side effect of what I read about chosen.

I have to admit I probably want to be admired for my great personality. That’s what I would say if lucifer Morningstar asks me: What do you truly desire?

But I still want to use Sage ZP because spiritually was a major part of my life story. And I need to find some more answers.


Wanted ZP
Diamond ZP
Spartan ZP

45 days later January 15th

Wanted ZP
Chosen ZP

45 days later March 1st

Khan ZP
Chosen ZP

135 days later July 14th

Hopefully customs


If I have it right, ‘Seductress’ is the female analog to Chosen. Noticed really big, unexpected positive changes with that title. I found myself more generous with my listening to people, more patient and having greater equanimity with thoughts and actions. All stemming from a much enhanced of being secure in the foundation of who I truly am. Could wax on and on about this sub. Noticed physical changes - my skin, hair and nails more pleasing. But then decided to hide it all beneath glasses and a nerdy hat because it’s all for me. Quit caring about male attention, I mean REALLY quit giving a shit. So if that’s any help, CHOSEN might be a very healing sub for where you’re at. And if you’re concerned at all about being ‘egotistical’ it will probably never happen for you. True narcissists have a heavy quotient of oblivion mingled in that clearly is not there, from what I’m reading in your posts.


I thought Seductress is the female analog to Wanted :thinking:


Actually Wanted is a male analog of Seductress because that one was earlier.


Ah! Gotcha. Nonetheless . . .

Yes, I wasn’t quite on with that. I read too fast in this thread because I’ :star_struck:M SO EXCITED FOR THE ZP DROP!!


Sorry yes, it was partly my bad because the „being admired“ effect probably comes more with „wanted“ - the male equivalent of seductress.

I just thought that some one who has the qualities of the „chosen / alpha leadership” title would be admired by people.

And yes it was probably a wrong assumption of mine that being admired is something bad or egotistical and that the subliminal could enhance that.

Since using my love custom I just feel truly loved by some people and that feeling is nice to swim in and also fuelling for creative expression (the muse effect?)

Thanks for your kind reply and sorry for the inconvenience of writing about chosen like it would be “wanted” :blush:

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Chosen may very well be one of their most successful titles yet.


It was all me; I got the sub wrong (but at least I didn’t post in the wrong thread, LOL). That’s awesome that you got a love custom. Sending lots of good vibes :slight_smile: - not to get off topic, but I wonder sometimes if sometimes in this era of wokety-woke psyops, ‘time’s up’ etc. etc. that ya’ll men get such a hard time that maybe it’s harder than ever to just be. I feel for my brothers and no apologies are necessary there Matt. :green_heart: :slightly_smiling_face:


It sounds like you’re the kind of guy to be Chosen because from my reading it’s designed to bring out the leader that helps lift others up. So you’ll need to be uplifted in yourself first and that’s why people look up to the Chosen, at least one of many reasons I’m sure.


If it kills my indecisiveness I am all in.

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