Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

Another thing I noticed personally with overload is that my jaw muscles tighten up, that feeling if you would chew each bit of your food for 200 reps kinda. But then I do a lot of relaxation practices so it’s easy to spot when tension do arise, but to me a sign for sure to be aware of.

This point would be hard to overstate.

It’s fantasy to think that growth is painless and easy, or that you won’t be challenged along your path.

I needed this reminder today as I’ve been experiencing a similar thought to stop listening to my wealth stack over the last week – and now I know it’s cutting deeply even with my loop count being low.

Definitely looking forward to Q+


Thank you for posting this!


Please take note: Qv2 is a different beast. Please prepare your thinking and habits for Q+.

More rest days.
Fewer loops.
Follow any guidelines.
Please stop justifying running multiple loops of a program per day as “because Subliminal Club encourages experimenting”. This pseudo-experimenting is risking hard core reconciliation or stonewalling, and has been warned against.


Would running a QV2 title once a week be better in your opinion?

Hey would 1 loop a week be good enough?

It’s only pseudo-experimentation if you don’t learn from the data you’ve collected.

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Last Saturday I ran two beyond my protocol and I got overloaded to the point that that’s the second day I’m sleepy and a bit groggy and it looks like I’ll have to take an extra processing day.

Good question, I had a harder time doing less loops per week, because the recon on process/off days was harder- and I feel better when running loops as long as I’m not over-doing it.

It takes 3-5 days to start to feel significantly better for me- so I’d rather do loops daily with more rest days and washouts than 1 loop a week.


Well, that’s the thing – we’re not interested in having a “broader base” … yet. That’s what Q+ and Ultima+ will do. The listening instructions will be quite simple, then. One loop, every two days (in fact, this is what I’m testing now with Qv2). Once we reach that point, then we’ll start working toward going mainstream. For now, we’re deliberately targeting explorers and tinkerers – people who aren’t afraid to get in, play around and see just how powerful the subconscious really is.

Trust us, guys. We have an incredible amount of experience. We have access to top notch product developers, marketers, you name it. We’ve already had crazy offers for people to buy the company and turned them all down, because for us, SubClub is the ultimate form of alchemy. We intend on leaving an amazing legacy.

Our customers would hate this. They want to listen while sleeping, or doing very thought intensive work. Nothing like getting pulled out of the zone because the sub is talking, lol.

We made a rather robust 40+ page instruction manual and we’re adding new support articles to our mobile optimized, super fast loading new support center. There’s only so much we can do to make things easier, and even if we did more, people would STILL ignore the recommendations. I’m not willing to compromise the listening experience for everyone to appease a small minority.


Possibly, but if you want to experiment with this, do 1 loop every other day. This will most likely be the Qv2 protocol. @Fire and I are testing it now.


When you say 1 loop every other day. Do you mean the full stack every other day if you are running 3 programs and an ultima or 1 program every other day?


will this be in addition to taking 2 days straight off every week?


No, it’s just run your stack @ one loop per title every other day. To start, that is.


Do you still recommend we include 2 consecutive rest days in the rotation or try strictly every other day (I.e. one day, one day off, repeat)?

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No. This is the same question Azriel just asked, lol.


does it make a difference (reconciliation) if you run 2 different titles every other day and 1 title twice every other day? (assuming they both got the same script density)

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Saint gave as some pattern to follow and now it’s up to us to experiment on the amount of exposure that is good for us. So I would suggest running one loop even if you’re running one program and then, after some time, decide if you want to run two loops basing on the effects you’re getting.

I’m still running 2-3 loops (my stack) a day five days on and take two days for processing and I find it really beneficial. I might try the new recommended pattern though although it was said it’s under experimentation for the time being.

The current recommendation is not any different from the recommendation given for Terminus that is giving our mind one day to process and it’s an opportunity for us to see how it goes results wise.


I’ve been running 2 titles (custom and an Ultima) at one loop 2 days on, one day off, repeat, 2 days off. I thought the extra rest day would help…this makes me want to the extra day but maybe it helps having this rest day on the Wednesday.

So overall I get 2 loops of each title per week.

This is appealing. I’m going to think about trying this pattern.

it’s basically 7 loops every 2 weeks.

My current arrangement gives me 8 loops every 2 weeks.

But the approach recommended by Saint is more evenly spread out.

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