Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

You mean results wise, right? Are your results really better now? I’m getting very good results on 2-3 hours a day (5:2) but it’s been only eleven days.

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Yes, the results appear to have gone up a notch.


It may be that you’re still experiencing the results of the previous exposure too since as Saint said the integration may take 30+ days. You’re going to see how it goes later on, so within around 3 weeks I believe.

I remember @Lion ran only two loops of Q (v1) (one loop of Emperor and one loop of PCC) for one month and he was getting excellent results so with the new tech one loop a day should be more than enough.

I’m running more since I have 3 subs in my stack and it works very good for me so far. But again. it’s an individual matter and all we can report is what’s possible on the new tech.

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So what you’re saying is EF st3, wanted and EQv2 won’t be as dense as EF st4 with those 2?

Ef st3 is only one stage while ef st4 is st1-3 so yes.If you can manage it without overload,st4 is better as an all rounder but if you dont need st1 healing or st2 cardio/fat loss.Then st3 will be more focused than st4 for muscle gain

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oh i see, i actually decided to get EF, I’m gonna update it in my journal, haven’t listened to it or my wanted loop yet, so a question, can I run EF st3 as my base (5 days that I train) while keeping wanted to 3?
then after a month I’ll add emperor since it seems to indirectly “bulk up” people, and I will be starting work around august as well, and would keep that around 2 times.

but I wanna know another thing, since the general recommendation is 5 on 2 off, 1 loop a day, would it matter if my rest days aren’t consecutive? like my rest days from gym are Tuesdays and Fridays and I prefer processing those days instead of doing 2 consecutive days, does that matter?

Would depend on your processing limit so you might need to do a bit of experimenting with your listening routine.Would have to keep an eye out for overload.Rest days dont have to be consecutive.Im running it pretty little at the moment though.Im only running subs 3 days a week.

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I see, I’m thinking about keeping EF st3 strictly every workout days post workout, while wanted is the one that will have its listening days altered to my liking and processing limit.

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Sounds good.Im not sure which has stronger physical shifting though since wanted is newer.Emperor fitness is good for muscle though from when i tried it

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Build a foundation with just wanted since that’s what you’re on, when you’ve done intense work on that then you can diversify, remember that reconciliation can make you feel like you want something else/more and waiting it out is good.

Titles like wanted and emperor and khan are intense subs that take a good time to make a solid foundation on, best not to dilute


Oh hi, I guess this is the first you probably see me here, but I’ve been on wanted ever since it was released and I guess it’s been 6 weeks since then (1 month and 13 days), furthermore, I’ve done a lot of experiments as well in regards to how wanted does what it does and don’t get me wrong, wanted is already doing a good job in terms of physical shifting, something happened last night which I’ll be updating in my journal, but basically I was at a mall and some girl wanted to take a pic with me then asked for my snap while I was with my girlfriend, so I know from all the things happening here and there that wanted is at full effect at 3 loops a week, but my goal with the physical shifting is to push it even further to attain a better physique, to a point where I can look somewhat unnatural to the average lifter, which is why I decided that now it’s a good time to stack something.

What would your opinion be now :sweat_smile:?

This is a good idea, ef stage 3 and wanted and that’s all you need, get some good work on your wanted script while shifting with the help of ef and spend a good three months there minimum

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Alright so just these 2 for the next 3 months, then once I’m settled in my job, let’s say by October-ish, I start introduce emperor slowly with maybe 1 loop a week to start with?

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Bro I’ve been on emperor fitness for over a year and I’d say ef stage 3 is all you need, you look thin. Get emperor stage 4 if you wanna be shredded faster

Mate I’m already making excuses to why I’m natural I tell a few people it’s subs but they think I’m lying


Lying as in they don’t believe subs can change your body, and that I’m just really good at making excuses

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Oh the thing is, I’m not really skinny, but with me, I have a very weird muscle atrophy issue, basically if I don’t go gym consistently (whether due to getting sick or something like lockdown closure) my bodyweight shoots down, it has to do something with my glycogen storages as well, as there have been times where I lost 10kgs in one week, and I have been actually told by my doctor that he thinks it’s ideal to get me on trt but I’m only 23 and he said it’s best to wait to 25, and till then I should try my best to maintain and bulk up, even with junk food.

Mate trust me emperor fitness stage 3 will fix every single test issue you ever got, as for the consistency issue, I think all emperor fitness stages help with that since I’ve been in the gym one year two months and I usually don’t do that


Alright, also I recall you doing it with khan for a year right? Did you keep a 1:1 ratio for listening or did u listen to one more than the other?
Cause I’m thinking about keeping EF st 3 at 5 loops a week (after every workout) and wanted 3 times as it is, since I haven’t gotten any recon from it (only do when I listen to solace version)

I’m good with consistency now, it’s just when I get sick or when lockdown happened, there was nothing I could do cause body weight workouts don’t help with my issue :sweat_smile:

I did complete 1:1 from start to now and

The time of when you listen to emperor fitness doesn’t matter at all, even if you listen on off days, it does it’s work 24/7