Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

:joy::joy: recon recon

It’s like I’m working out and the song is pumping me up then the next day the same song is like okay and not very fun to listen to aha. I don’t think it’s overload however could be recon. Interesting but not so pleasant effect :joy:

P.S: The reason why I don’t it’s overload is because I use the sub 3 times a week so I know I’m not overloading myself.

i need to get rid of this effect, its really shitty

im running 3 subs 5:2 a week so :sweat_smile: duno if its overload but today wasnt the best day

i honestly want the minimum recon possible ill see for next week if it aint no good then ill cut the loop of RM which is my 3rd sub to this kinda of routine : 1 on 1 off

any got an idea if thats forever when im listening to subs? will recon be always with me? thats disgusting i hate the music thing

but maybe its not recon its probably me, since ive always been this guy before running subs too

i listen to a song, next week i cant listen no more its not the same

soooo duno,

any of you know any other symptoms of overload? im not facing body fatigue which is the most obvious thing to see and to know that youre overloading if it appears

can overload act like the music thing?

I have it on the lowest possible volume already. I can barely hear it


With a simplistic program such as Renaissance Man; considering it is excluded from name-embedding, I notice slight reconciliation approaching by the end of the loop, and after the loop, I feel considerably numb and lethargic which usually fades after 10 to 30 minutes.

I’m completely extracted from any subliminal processing, and still, such phenomena occur which totally proves the absolute overpowering technology Qv2 is, with or without anti-reconciliation scripting it is unnatural.

Lately, the main key subject on this forum has been reconciliation LOL.

Q was already pretty much the cap in my opinion – that is for our current evolutionary development. We are not capable of staying in a balanced and harmonious state ingesting the number of suggestions these newer technologies consist of.

A metaphor – would one eat one meal a week, filling oneself completely to exaggeration, even excessively till a person becomes ridiculously lethargic from all the food which has to be processed with the main purpose of not anything for the entirety of the week moving forward?

Welcome to Q+ LOL

As with everything in life, a balanced, gradual incremental approach of momentum has always been key.

It is a principle reflecting surrounding all of life and if not honored destruction occurs, destruction which is prevalent with ALL of the technology that is incongruent to the principles of God (Life).

Unfortunately, the newer titles are solely produced in Qv2 technology. I call it the wash-yourself-once-a-week-approach; let’s eat once, and wash once because we have outgrown leisure and repetition of habitual necessities!

You can’t brush your teeth once a week using even the most potent whitening extract with the expectancy of nothing having to brush your teeth for the rest of the week, LOL! Wake up, folks this is real life, not a fairy tale.

Science in our present-day and age calls it the subconscious, but clearly, they have no clue whatever they are referring to.

Alphabets are symbol systems, sentences form ideas (symbolic interpretations of intentions)… subliminal affirmation is a technology to invoke spiritual archetypes within our own psyche – this is far beyond merely our psychology, it is a way of provoking Spirits in the higher realms to conform to our will.

Ahhh well, I guess Hermit’s time with subliminal’s has come to pass. Take care, my dear friends.

LOL, Qv2 is literally on the barrier of exerting the human limits… the subliminal program of the matrix is no mere delusion, if done correctly it is a feat subliminal programming may reach, but ONLY when humanity finally grows up Spiritually do understand our nature.

Mind you, the programming in the Matrix movies is done in a coma-dic state, haa haa something to ponder upon.

The age of Spiritual awakening is finally upon us… patience is one hell of a virtue!

Peace out.


Hey, what’s different from Q+ then QV2 and QV1?

To add to that @Hermit

QV2 feels as if it doesn’t stop processing for days on end. I’m on 10days off and can still feel strong processing.


Same here and I tend to agree with @Hermit

At this pace I don’t even want Q+

Qv2 fucks me up already. A little bit of overuse and I’m out for a week or two.

EDIT: Of course I want Q+…

Then again it also has its benefits of making you directly into the person you want to be. No extra routes. Straight to the goal.


Q+ will be on a crazy level where you might need to only listen once a week or once every 2 weeks to some people or once a month by how some people are processing Qv2

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Hope this is just a goodbye for now…but if not it’s been a pleasure having you here on the forums @Hermit. Your posts always serve as a beacon of light in these confusing times. Best of luck on your journey


Will it give better results then QV2?

I just found out MPMD did talking about subs go check it out:

And I do want it! :heart_eyes:

People have to understand that to decrease the probability of recon they need to do a solid healing (DR, the Elixir etc) and limit destroying (LD, Khan and EoG Stage 1 etc.) before proceeding and they should take action in accordance with their sub goals. To increase their capacity and don’t fall into overload too much they should develop their energy levels (using Alchemist or related modules).

I absolutely disagree with Hermit on comparing mind programming to the regularity of eating or brushing our teeth. Our mind has proven many times to be above physiological processes and their principles and mind programming is the best example of it.


Hot take.

Like it. It seems like, indeed, with Q+ and going forward you definitely need the foundation first. Be it ascension or Alchemist, or any sort of healing/limit destroying first sub before you dive into heavier ones.

That will, however, be tough to tell newcomers.

Then again, maybe Q+ will have EVEN BETTER scripting to reduce recon.
I mean, recon isn’t really an issue for me on QV2. It happens for a day, where I have neck pain and a bit of a headache. But nothing crazy. Results still fire massively.

The real issue is overload when I listen to too much and too many different subs, and this is really my own fault. Then again, it takes me (personally) WEEKS to undo this.

This might be since I never ran Alchemist. Balancing the Chakras definitely helps with the energy levels I can say that!


That’s even tough for some old members like @pacman.


These points are so spot-on. You wrote this about 3 weeks before I started playing my own customs in mid-May. Now it’s the end of June and I am experiencing some of what you described. Thanks for putting them into such clear words.


We all should be praying for it. :blush:

If we want to reduce our inclination towards recon we need to do more healing/limit destroying and act upon the directives our sub is instilling in our minds. To facilitate the process we could build some foundations (both internally and externally) too.

To increase our subliminal capacity to avoid overload we need to increase our energy level by running Alchemist (or related modules) or/and working on it consciously by meditating, eating healthier, exercising, sleeping well enough etc.

But of course the amount of exposure and processing time is key when it comes to integration, reducing recon and overload.


Stay away from DBol bruv

why not stay out of it all @Invictus, try subs first the power of the mind is incredible you can get some huge natural results without even taking any PEDS try that if it doesnt work you can do some peds